For those who don't get why the lvl boost is bad

Except even without watching it I know what he will say.

I mean, I’ll be buying a boost myself :slight_smile:
Then I also see it’s a 1 hour video, so I’ve decided not to watch it.

Ok I’ll bite. I’m in the “sure, why not”- camp when it comes to the ONE- time per account boost. I will watch the video since I’m very familiar with Madseason and will report back with my findings. Don’t think I’ll change my mind like this crazy dude:

edit: And stop making these threads in the wrong forum section! Also: another one of these “bOoSt bAd!!” post. Snowflake much? Post in the 5000 already- existing threads.

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If anti-boosts are so, let’s say, persistent on this matter, it’s because wow got ruined once partly because of practices similar to the boost. History is now repeating itself (it’s even happening earlier this time since there were no boosts in TBC) and the majority is acting as if it’s fine.

The boost on its own is not the problem. The boosts is the first of many potential problems that will arrive sooner or later since now Blizzard can see that people don’t care about convenience and microtransactions being added into the game, which is ultimately what made Retail what it is today.

I’ll still play TBC since the boost is a “harbinger of doom” and not doom itself, but I wish that at least people would acknowledge how practices like the boost ruin the game in the long run.

TBC will be great with or without boosts, that’s a given.


You don’t know that. If that would be true than yes it’s bad. But since it’s a (repeat) ONE-TIME thing to let friends catch up mainly or get one of your 50th alts get to Outland faster it’s not a big deal. I choose to look at this as a singular item, and not like the scenario of potential doom you spelled out.

At Blizzconline they said they wanted to stay true to the core of TBC, and a cash shop for gold, items, etc is obv. not part of their view. Yeah the argument exists that 1-58 is very much part of the TBC- experience but to me (and many others) it’s not a big deal. An insta 70 boost would be a whole different story.

But as I said I will report back when I completed the video.

Cheers to that! :slight_smile:

You watch films dont you?

Complaining a youtube video is too long is kinda absurd

Wouldn’t say so tbh, it’s understandable to not watch a video because it’s too long.

Going on a thread that is talking about that video to comment that it’s too long, however, is indeed absurd, and could be called being an AW.

He didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know, and mainly just reiterated all the things I’ve been banging on about for the last few weeks. But nonetheless I like MDS, I find his voice very soothing to listen to, and he’s still one of the tiny handful of WoW Youtubers I have any time for.

In my case he was just preaching to the choir, but I like to think that maybe one or two people out there who were considering using pay-to-win might now think twice after watching his video.


Watched it. Opinion not changed, maybe because I’m still a bit too positive in my thinking? I like to look at things with a ‘glass half full’- eye so that might be it.

I get what he’s saying in the video, and I fully respect and understand his view. Most of the video though is kinda: “the one-time boost is in so xx or yy cash shop must be coming too”.

I get this fear of that but I’m optimistic in the sense that besides maybe a paid transfer or faction change, the WoW- Token or an unlimited level boost won’t be coming to TBC-C.

If this would be implemented I’d be angry too and more than willing to admit I was wrong. But saying this will be included 100% is too far.


That’s okay. I’m on the other side simply because of how greedy Blizzard is, that they’ve already gone down this road before and that they are taking it again.

It’s reasonable to assume that the negatives are going to happen though.


You guys remember OSRS? Out since 2013 and still probably twice as many players as runescape 3.
Do you know HOW MANY qol changes they added to OSRS? Did the game die every single time? Nah. Stop panicking jeez.


I do, but it’s not one person droning on about the same thing for an hour, and to be honest, the comparison is absurd. At least a film is entertaining.


This isn’t a film, it’s a lecture.


The kinds of people who are pro-pay-to win are the same kinds of people who have super-short attention spans, which is one of the primary reasons they want to pay to skip a huge section of the game in the first place.

You can’t expect these kinds of people to take in a hour-long documentary-opinion video, they will be bored and switch off after five minutes.

If it was a big, dumb, mindless Michael Bay movie full of huge explosions and car chases then maybe they’d be able to endure it, but it’s asking far too much of these people to take in any kind of content that actually requires them to think.


No it’s an opinion video

I don’t think anybody needs to watch a video to have an opinion on the subject. Here is mine:

I personally don’t like this kind of services in games. It seems a bit contradictory: first you pay to get access to the game and then you pay again to not play the game. Yes, yes, I know, some people don’t like leveling and grinding and this and that, fair enough, but remember this is a MMORPG. It can be very fun an rewarding achieving some things in the game but getting there usually requires time and preparation. If you don’t like to level up then do it the MMORPG way: make some friends and ask them to help you get through it. If you can’t do that then this is not the game for you. It is as simple as that.

We all saw how these “little” services ended up shaping the community of this game and some of us ended up quitting because of it at some point. Before all of those “little” services the game filtered out those go go go gimme gimme gimme NOW players mainly because they could not endure the leveling, grinding and preparation processes that this game required. The more of these tedious and seemingly pointless mechanics of the game were removed the more they opened the doors for those go go go gimme gimme gimme NOW kind of player. That is what ruined this game for me in the past and I would not like to see it happen again.

If you are thinking well, it’s only one character per account, it’s not such a big deal, remember it is 2021 Blizzard we are talking about. If we do not voice our concerns with this thing then the 1 char per account restriction will be lifted in some months, the boost will go up to 70 some months after that, the wow token will be introduced later because it is impossible to fight all of those bots (thanks to the level boost) and so on. It happened before, those services currently available in retail were not added to the game over night because players would have mostly quit the game had they done so. They were added little by little to the cash shop so that there were always a bunch of people saying, “oh, well, it’s only this or that, not a big deal”. It will happen again if we let them do so.

If you think it is not a big deal then ask Blizzard for something in return at the very least. Ask them to publicly promise they will never lift the 1 char per account restriction, ask them to publicly promise they will never raise the boost to level 70. ask them to publicly promise they will not add a wow token later, etc, but don’t let them get away with it with the “oh, it’s only this or that, no biggie” mantra.


The kinds of people seeing a one time 58 boost as ‘pay to win’ and skipping ‘a huge part’ of the game are scrubs who in their mind think lvl 58 is endgame and/or winning and are more than likely not going to stick around anyway.


All of you saying its fine with the level boost all share the logic of wanting a game which allready exist for you, retail.

Stop ruining Classic because you cant realize that


All of you saying a lvl 58 one time boost is comparable to retail, a solution already exists for you:
Quit and stop showing support for a game you don’t like.


It’s not a ONE time thing, just create a new account and you can boost again! You don’t have to pay for the game, so it’s just the boost and your sub. Once your first account gets banned from boting just get another one.