Boosts | Raising Awareness

Based Madseason here to save Classic! We can’t let this happen, boost will help bots and kill the meaning of classic, the old world needs new players, as stated in the vid it isn’t the world of outland but the world of warcraft!


For those who don’t want to level and rather pay 60$… Let them do it, why force people into levelling and risk them leaving the game for good?

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If they cba to level then they shouldn’t be playing in the first place


It am legit laughing IRL, because everything you’ve said on this thread is referenced in the video. Every single thing. Even the fact that you don’t care what the other person’s reasons or motivations are.


Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: - I’ll be enjoying my boost :smiley:
I ain’t watching a 1 hour video just for me to verify that I’ll be buying a boost lol.

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I just had to leave this here too, it’s from another thread about this video.


In truth I have thought seriously about quitting. It’s been on my mind, so to speak - not that many people would care if I did.

The problem is that I consider TBC to be one of the best videogames ever made, and I was absolutely burning up to play it once again.

This pay-to-win garbage has tainted that joy, and has replaced anticipation with forboding, and hope with listlessness. I no longer feel the same excitement that I did when rumours of it’s re-release started to circulate; now I am far more indifferent to the whole thing. I KNOW, beyond all doubt that this is just the vanguard of a whole heap of game-destroying pay-to-win nonsense that’s waiting in the pipeline, and that Blizzardvision are simple waiting for us to accept the first stage (as people mostly have). It’s like boiling a frog. You start the water cold, so it doesn’t immediately notice…

The problem is that I love TBC so much that trying to deny it to myself is like holding up a bar of chocolate to someone with the extreme munchies and telling them that it was manufactured by unethical third world labour. Most people will grab it anyway, as we lack the willpower to say no. All power to those who DO have the willpower to refuse this ‘unethical’ version of TBC, but right now it’s hard for me to join them.


What if you could get boosted through this video for 10$ if you don’t want to watch it yourself? xD


The OSRS dev team has had their ‘foot in the door’ since release and have been putting in qol changes on the regular.
But hey it’s only been out for 8 years, they’re going to add dungeoneering, runespan, bonfires and afk skilling methods for every skill I can feel it!!!
Lorran you sound like you smoked too much weed homie, too paranoid my man.

Better put TCG shop if blizzard need more money, instead boosts…

Remember when bonds killed OSRS?

Neither do I. (bonds = wow token equivalent).
Which on a scale from 1 to broken, surely wow tokens rank way higher than a 58 boost?
If OSRS has been fine all these years why would TBC be any different?

Considering I wouldn’t want to watch the video either way, it wouldn’t make a difference lol.

It’s a lost battle, the reason WoW is like this on retail is because Blizz pandered to ppl that need to be spoon fed while being told they are the best. These ppl were also a hidden majority in old WoW but had to deal with learning stuff anyway.

Now the game community is polluted by inflated buffons that would rather troll than play.


Damn blizz racist, i can boost human but cant draenei??? WTF!!! And if you gonna buy boosting service you gonna support racism.


I am truly confounded by this. If you wish to skip the game, use boosts etc - there already is perfect version of WoW that caters to this mindset.

Classic was supposed to be a way to get away from retail game design, back to where journey mattered more than end-game, where conveniences were few, where levelling is the game.

This boost is betrayal of that idea and what people campaigned for.


This boost only benefits people who have already like 20 level 60s and just want one more. It also benefits bots. It does not benefit new players this is just straight up bait because those quit after a week anyways. It for sure benefits blizzards big moneypocked tho and thats the whole point of this boost.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


False. I won’t be playing if they leave the boost. But I might be the only one …
You guys think the botting is bad now? LMAO just wait for release. The Botting Crusade will be next level. And Blizz won’t do crap about it, like usual.
This level boost is tailored specifically to maximize profit off of bots.
99% of level boosts will be bought by bots.
Blizzard is no longer doing this game for players, it’s doing it for bots.
Classic TBC is now officially a bot game.
Meanwhile all you gullible suckers still think the boost is for returning players LMAO


It benefits all those returning players who want to play TBC without painfully boring Classic leveling. Like myself :slight_smile:


No such thing as TBC exclusive returning players. That’s a myth.
I bet you already have a 60 in classic.