For those who enjoys Dragonflight

Please go into details as to what exactly do you find it to be enjoyable.

What feature, what content …what new content do you enjoy in DF?

…because from my point of view, there is zero ( 0 ) new content in DF. All one can do is M+ and this time, once a week, World Quests. That’s … basically it.

If you say that this is enough, then … you could do exactly this in Shadowlands too, or BfA which are literally the worst expansions ever.



It’s not really our job to persuade you. Only you can decide what you enjoy.

I love the removal of chores allowing me to play the game and do things I find fun. The things people enjoy will vary.

It’s more like the game used to be pre Legion. We’ve lost a lot of the make you play metrics.


You could do fun things before DF too. You were the one chasing “not fun features” then. So … again, explain the fun in DF. All I hear is “is fun”. What exactly is fun in DF?

I’m trying to realize the difference between DF and BfA or Shadowlands. Yes, all 3 sucks. But what makes this one, DF, fun from you point of view?

If I am asking too much, is fine, you can ignore my … question.


well, personally I like the zones, music, quests, dialogue, cinematics and cut scenes, WQs and weekly Qs, dragon riding, storyline, characters, cosmetics and mogs, dailies and exploration…

probably more but cant think of anything else off the top of my head!


From what I understand from those who complains that there is a lack of content they only play for a dopamine rush where Blizzard makes them a carrot as a reward of what they do.

Might I ask what your expectations of what to do when you bought the game?

This is why blizzard gives us boring daily’s and we have to farm before we do what’s fun for us.

Sometimes I wonder if the game really is fun for the majority of the player base since they need a reward to do what’s supposed to be fun for them.


Exactly. It’s also called “Video game addiction on severe level”.

Without something to do, they feel the “pain” of their addiction. Content just “helps to cover the addiction up”.


The fun is doing dungeons, raids and PvP. In previous expansions, you had to unlock a bunch of systems and progress them before you were ‘viable’ in that type of content. No such systems exist in Dragonflight. If you don’t enjoy in-game activities, then the game is not for you. That’s okay too.


I would even go so far and extend that sentence.

“The fun is doing dungeons, raids and PvP with friends or your guild


I’ve enjoyed the more indepth view of each of the Dragon Flights. I quite enjoy the Black Dragon flight trying to rebuild but disputing between two potential leaders who are both equally deserving of the “crown”.

I enjoy the new talent trees more than the one they had in Shadowlands. I enjoy the lack of borrowed power aspects, and the lack of endless grinding - the fact the reps award MOSTLY cosmetics and only sparse gear pieces.


i find M+ more fun, since now i won’t be bored after season 1 about this content, i find going to the open world and get new treasures exiting, something new to do.
i find being able to just jump into the content immediatly fun, since i won’t need to Grind some powers (Didn’t have this problem in legion since i didn’t do alts, but now i do and it felt stressing keeping a few characters to max level well equiped. it was a Second job :-1: )

Dragonriding is fun, something refreshing from the old Air Swimming. tho i can understand people who don’t like it or have motion sickness.

it just… Feels like a game.


you forget the 25 fps hub in 2023?

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Then you have made your mind up (which is fine) … I am having a blast to be honest… There is so much to do and not enough time to do it all…


It is not up to me or us to “convince you” it is good, as far as I’m concerned you can quit and leave, I’m not even would notice; I don’t know who you are
I have my freedom, I have my fun - the fun part is relative , so what I consider fun and relaxing , RP, story, events, fishing, etc, maybe it is not for you
I like the zone, music, visual, quests, the freedom I do whenever and whatever I like; dragon riding, lunker hunting, dailies, craft even and gather, dipped my toes in to M+ something I never really did before
The Lore, the new race, the Drake costumization hunt
All of the Expedition quest, rafting, pohto, climbing ,the whole enchilada, fantastic
There are heartwarming, heartwrenching and simply cute and cool stories and Taivan is the goodest boi
If you not managed to find anything to do… your loss. Just don’t forget to mail your golds, pets, crafting mats to me!
And the Name… maybe it worth something on the market too :thinking:


Yes, after you grinded gold, materials, renowned and legendaries JUST to play your character how it’s meant to be played…


M+ is what keeps me around.
So yeah i’m quite okay with Dragonflight.

I don’t have to farm azerite, i don’t have to worry about legendaries.
Or renown. I don’t have to do weekly stuff to keep up.
I have a beef with RNG tier sets and some aspects of the new crafting system, but that’s about it.

I enjoy the zone, i enjoy going around farming stuff, hunting for rares.
It’s a decent enough expansion so far for me.


DF is the best expansion since Legion, and you guys keep complaning bc you cant enjoy a game that is not for you.

If you are not having fun playing DF just uninstall wow and play other thing i cant understand the point of coming to the forums to cry obout it.


i enjoy the high end pve content that is m+. no other mmo has that type of competitive never ending scaling of 5 man dungeons.


I tried PvP, There is nothing bad with MM hunter :confused:

But, are you doing PvE with raids and dungeons, or Just PvP?

My opinion, they reversed game design almost to lich king expansion and nothing new except dragon gliding in new zones. So we have all the same ingame with arguably less to do then in WOLTK expansion. And all that we had how many years ago?
Gold has no value, so that driving force is taken out of the game, token,bots and boosters.
So Im back to gliding my dragon and enjoying redecorated room with different wallpaper.

removal of chores

beaautiful land that feels like Azeroth and not a gothy metal outer space hell

ducks and otters :duck:

white transmogs being transmogable soon