For those who enjoys Dragonflight

gold has no value? hello?

you are not playing the game thats fore sure.

enchants costs upwards 100k gold for quality 3, there are currently 3 sparks available where each craft to 418 ilvl can be anywhere from 50-100k each. flasks, runes, potions.

there has never been this much to spend gold on in wow.

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yeeee, but just buy token. You can farm gold if you feel so :smiley:

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so because someone buys a token with irl money it renders gold in the game obsolete or ? i have and will never spend real life money on gold in wow.

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I use to farm gold . That was my main ingame activity.
I just feel like its not worth anymore, I farm hard, others just swipe hard. I never bought any token and just reduced my ingame activities to minimum.
Some like as it is, to me main driving force has been taken out of the game.


i have bought alot of tokens for gold. free game time and other things.

that renown 7 Valdrakken accord, unlocks dragon riding WQs that you get 500+ golds, but doing 4 of them in 1 alt is total 2k, and can do with the alts with lvl 60 if you unlocked renown 7

40 alts with 60+ lvl = 80k total

and spending time for each 10 mins

Farm gold to play the game? For some its works, not for me.


but how would making it like wotlk change anything? wotlk is super boring nothing to do after 1-2 weeks of playing at level 80.

Im not saying its fun, Im saying we are back to same level as WOLTK, difference is that was maaaany years ago and then that was fun.

why are you playing it then.

Im not, will do some solo shuffle a bit later to kill off my last nerves :stuck_out_tongue:

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I Enjoy MM hunter and got almost 1k rating :grin:

so you are playing it. okay.

Im healing that madness. Im actually thinking maybe to level up MM also :slight_smile:

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I do a lil bit, I did buy expansion to check it out. I have done some solo shuffles, but its not delivered properly, so Im slowly giving up on it also.

Too busy having fun to waste time explaining it to anyone else. Fun is subjective and individual so its irrelevant what other find fun.


I won’t even read the comments as they are no doubt vapid. You know what the problem is, I know what the problem is. Many people know what the problem is.

We cannot change that, convincing others that it’s a problem is pointless because they aren’t looking for Warcraft, like we are. They just enjoy World of Fortnite and it’s good enough.

The only way to get to the crux of this writing problem is in a massive debate, or a youtube video, where every writing failure can be touched upon and discussed in depth.

Here is not the place for it - I tried - you’re not only unable to have that in depth discussion without typing walls of text like I have and make yourself into a clown. But you also can’t do it without being shouted at by people who disagree or don’t understand.

Peace, my brother in the light. For it has forsaken us.

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New talent and proffesion systems and world pvp wich i enjoyed so much that it got me into other forms of pvp wich oppened a new part of the game for me

Okay, I will bite
Whats that suposed to mean? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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the fact that i am done with “chores” (that is, getting my weekly vault and capping some conquest) in under an hour. The rest of the week I am free to do and enjoy the game however I want, such as by doing world pvp, rping or doing random BG’s

the fact that i have to do 0 pve to enjoy pvp. Also the fact that in PVP gear is like in WoD, equal.

the fact that i can have several alts at max level and play them competitively without worrying of burnout because, as said, i have no chores to do

the fact that reputations dont give you an edge but are just a nice thing to look forward to

the fact that dragonriding exists and professions are an actual endgame content on their own now

but most importantly

the number 1 thing

the thing that nearly killed WoW between Legion and SL:

Borrowed. Power. Systems.

Are gone.

That is the best part about the game. A feature that isn’t in it.

No more corruption. No more azerite armor, covenants, legendaries, etc

Its all GONE. Thank god