For those who enjoys Dragonflight

Yes he did just rushed main campaign, did not finish loremaster, has ilvl 356, no raid kill, one Mythic +2

Looking at his reputations… If he did 5 sidequests thats too much… Damn not even finished Dragonriding Glyphs :smiley:

  • Unlike any other expansion before there is now tons of actually rewarding world content

  • M+ is in it’s best shape since BFA

  • Raid is fun

  • World PvP is alive

  • Dragonriding is extremely fresh and fun

  • Dragon Isles are beautifully designed

  • The dungeons are far more enjoyable than SL dungeons

  • Cool mounts to grind, tons of new ways of making gold, professions are far more relevant than ever

I can see from your profile you barely did any of this at all. If you just don’t want to do any of the main content then maybe play another game.

Personally i did the raid 2 times on normal. some of it on HC, grinded keystone master, dabbled into professions, did tons of world content, farmed mounts and much more. Yet i never run out of things to do. Literally the best expansion since MoP.

And lets not forget this… it goes both ways, if you don’t like this expansion because only subjective views, doesn’t make it a bad expansion. And since you didn’t present anything objectively and keep telling us that you are playing Classic, why bother with this “crappy” DF expansion when you got all that you want in Classic ?

You will grow up, you will have kids and you will remember how lowkey you’ve been regarding this type of debating when your kids will troll you with “pizza is bad” just because :slight_smile: … but hey … at least you will know who they are resembling with :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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It’s the same since legion. You reach end game and farm the raids and m+ dungeons and arena with friends. Every expansion since. The reason SL sucked more than legion and DF, is the story was garbage, the zones sucked, most of the dungeons sucked, the raids sucked, crafting was useless, and generally just a stale soulless mess. DF is more enjoyable because so far those issues are for the most part , resolved.

When i’m an old lady, i’ll live with each kid,
and bring so much happiness, just as they did.
I want to pay back all the joy they’ve provided,
returning each deed! Oh they’ll be so excited!!

I’ll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues,
and i’ll bounce on the furniture wearing my shoes.
I’ll drink from the carton and then leave it out.
I’ll stuff all the toilet and oh how they’ll shout

When they’re on the phone and just out of reach,
iIll get into things like sugar and bleach.
Oh they’ll snap their fingers and then shake their head,
and when that is done, I’ll hide under the bed!

When they cook dinner and call me to eat,
I’ll not eat my green beans or salad or meat,
I’ll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table,
and when they get angry, I’ll run if i’m able!

I’ll sit close to the tv, through the channels I’ll click,
I’ll cross both eyes, just to see if they stick.
I’ll take off my socks and throw one away,
and play in the mud till the end of the day!

And later in bed, I’ll lay back and sign,
I’ll thank God in prayer and then close my eyes.
My kids will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
and say with a groan, “she’s so sweet when she’s sleeping! ”


Kentarro, good one, you made my day! :slight_smile:

yes the mythic+ system existed in shadowlands, but that doesnt mean it was anywhere near as good as it is in DF. the dungeons are better overall, the class design has improved significantly meaning that the game as a whole is a lot more fun.

Are you telling me that finishing “loremaster” would of change my mind?!?

Are you telling me that finishing Dragonriding Glyphs ( I think I miss 1 or 2 ) would of change my mind?

You see this are game changing?! If yes, then…now I see why some of you like DF.

I can Raid in WoTLK and do dungeons. I came to DF …for something NEW. So if Loremaster and Dragonriding Glyphs is …something New, then …no thanks!

That’s not “ton to do”. M+ was there since Legion. M+ in Shadowlands was actually pretty decent.

So the ones in WoTLK, Legion, Shadowlands, etc.

I keep hearing this…idiocricy. I bet most of you have WPvP off lol. WPvP in WoW is long death.


Yes…I am not really into it but is OKish. This was always Blizzard best point.


Anyway, so … nothing actually. You could do exactly what you’ve said in BfA, Shadowlands too. What do YOU do different in this expansion and did not do in Shadowlands for exemple?

Yes, no! That’s a minor thing to say about a NEW Expansion.

So you wanted something new, while playing replaying the same dungeons and raids that are known eye closed … well tons of logic in that.

When you say you want something NEW, you based that with what, comparing WoW with what ? :slight_smile:

Vanilla, TBC, Wotlk, Cataclysm had nothing new.
MoP - challange dungeons timed, scenarios
WoD - had garrisons … , and was somehow alt friendly due to fast leveling and fast pvp gearing in ashran
Legion - was best in adding new features M+, Mage Tower, Suramar, somehow a world pvp tryout (better then nonthing), legion class hall with great class stories, invasions, beatutiful zones
BFA - beautiful zones, island expeditions, visions
SL - a good start to ALT friendly with the addition of Threads of fate, but actually a bad course to ALT friendliness; torghast
DF - MOST IMPORTANT: SOLO SHUFFLE, ALT friendliness, pvp gearing without the useless honor grind for pvp, the insane multiple ability to gearup near highend, beside the known ones (raid, M+, unrated pvp and rated pvp) now we got world pvp activities and currency, world pve activities and currency, beautiful zones, great ministories, dragon flying.

Dunno what you expect, but DF is not legion, feature wise, but hell, we seen Legion after 6 expansions :). DF it is really appreciated because of choosing the non-chooring and ALT-friendly path, leaving the player to actually play the mode it wants to play and not being forced to do cross paths (pve pvp etc.), all that while offering a good gearing variety and resolving issues with pvp gearing, and ofc pvp solo shuffle resolving the awfull LFG 30mins problem.

Overall, for raiders, I think all expansions were great, doing new dungeons and raids with guild and friends.


So you want people to tell you what they like so you can argue and debunk them? Just quit the game man


why somebody need to provide arguments why they are enjoying the game and prove it somehow?
it’s fun for them - and that’s all what you need to know, it isn’t for you - and it’s enough for us to know


I should add: The Maw doesn’t exist in Dragonflight. What a horrible, horrible zone, that was.

I did the leveling up.

I did Dragonflight. I have almost all Glyphs.

I did Normal Dungeons.

I did Heroic Dungeons.

I did Mythic Dungeons.

I did Mythic + Dungeons.

I level up some Renown levels.

I did some WPvP (…)

I did some World Quests.

Is there something else I missed, beside Raiding? If so, please … do tell me.

Thank you!



Anything else? Let me guess : Picking up flowers? Fishing? Transmog “Hunting”? Doing old content? Right? …

i mean, professions became somewhat of a content of it’s own this xpac, they upgraded the major ones to a whole new level.

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Judging by your progress which is public and your ilvl you didn’t even scratch DF lmao


The ability to raidlog again. The feeling of freedom. Not feeling like I’m forced to grind some trivial crap for marginal power gains just to keep up with the rest of the pack. Running M+ with my friends.

Gathering is also fun with the new dragonriding. And well, dragonriding is fun in itself.
Professions are also a lot better than before. It still has a lot of flaws, and should be iterated on a lot, but it’s already lightyears ahead of the old system.


Probably knowing that I can wait out for things to get more accessible so I can spend more time playing other games.

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Your are free to be done with yourself as well since I see ZERO counterarguments.

You failed again.

Meanwhile, a myriad of people will keep proving you wrong by listing the things they enjoy in DF as long as this thread stays alive. And I love every second of it! :rofl: