For those who enjoys Dragonflight

Yes you are a loud minority. Get used to it and leave us to enjoy WoW in peace already.


ignore him with tool. he just seek attention.


This is what I am going to do soon enough… I just like the fact he hoped that his thread will initiate some hate bandwagon but instead it turned into a positivity thread.! :rofl:

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Same as with BfA and Shadowlands? You are literally saying the same things as back then! :slight_smile:

You were against me, called me names because I was a “hater”, yet … I was right. What makes you think this time is any different for DF? The sooner you realize that DF is a weak expansion, much like WOD , but worst, the better you will understand that the current WoW devs needs to go and maybe … you will come and play Classic!

Far better than Retail.

You have been crying since BFA? This is some top tier comedy! :rofl:

A salty Classic :clown_face: then. That explains much! :rofl:

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Neah! See? Only wannabe fanboys things like this.

If it wasn’t for Classic, WoW would of been in a much, much worst state.

yes he’s like the halley’s comet, every exp come and brings the word of world’s end.
I admit he was right for the last 2 exp but i find his obsession a little weird. I dunno how can push ppl to this behaviour.
Edit: 6000 posts!!!

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Obsession? I paid for this pathetic expansion. If they will refund me now, i’ll /quit this forums and go back to Classic forums.

But… I don’t think they will refund me. So instead, I …share my knowledge and feedback, as best as I can.

Congrats. Only with me you shine it seems! :slight_smile:

Edit :

### Sorry, this order is not eligible for refund.

Orders purchased more than 72 hours ago are not eligible for a refund.

See? :frowning:

You can call me a fanboy and I can call you a hater. Look… I can do the same…

“Only wannabe haters say things like this”

See? Easy… Braindead fallacies are easy…

I think you meant to say worse state? How much worse? Because I know for a fact that retail is what keeps WoW going and not Classic… If you really hope that people will stop playing retail to play/revive Classic, then I have some bad news for you. :rofl:


BFA was fine for me… So he wasn’t right about it IMHO.

Thing is that SL and DF are so fundamentally different that he cannot possibly complain for both with a straight face. He has no arguments whatsoever, which is pathetic on many levels.

I mean 95% of the replies have listed like 90% of the things that you can do in DF but he keeps clinging on his failing “tHEre Is nOthInG to dO” narrative…! :rofl:

If you liked BfA …it doesn’t make it a good expansion. Yes…from your…humble opinion, which …it doesn’t matter in the big picture.

Yes, they are different. SL got more content day 1 vs Dragonflight. There is zero new content in DF. Absolutely zero.

That’s the difference between SL and DF.

yeah. this is the thing i never understand. this exp is finally free from chore chains. and still we have ppl screamiong reeeeeeeeeee i dont have anything to doooo.

The interesting thing i hated, HATED SL and the only thing i did were the minigames linked to covenants. Because i played these more than 2 hours (the time i tale to drink 2 pint of beer in a pub) per month i decided to maintain the sub.

BFA… was BFA… i was blasted at first but after the main campaign i gave up for 1 year til the last patch.

But Df is another thing. It has a lot of problems (expecially with professions and bugs) but im having good time doin different things.

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You think your opinion matter in any big picture? :rofl:

Fact is people were having fun with BFA, in multiple ways. It is the expansion which revived wPvP for example and DF is actually copying BFA now that wPvP is alive again (it wasn’t during SL).

But I am not here to talk about the past. So keep telling to yourself that BFA was bad. i don’t care.

No it didn’t. You need play DF first to compare content. You did not. How do I know? You said it yourself… :point_down:t4:

This proves you have no idea of what you are talking about. This is not the case in the slightest. It is blatantly obvious you rushed to 70 so you can pretend you know what you are taking about and get a chance to champion your precious Classic for yet one more time but you failed miserably. :rofl:

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I could explain all the reasons of why BFA was good but Pilav did a good job in this video mentioning why 70% of BFA complaints were invalid.

He also called out the ugliness of SL before everyone else FYI. He pretty much reflects my opinion on this matter.

I guess pilav liked that Pvp tax for raiding :x

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There is solo shuffle? Idk about all the PvE stuff but there is a lot, mainly for casuals, which is what apparently many people asked for.
The only reason I play WoW over FF14 is functioning PvP and M+. But I actually also like WoW raids more than FF14 ones since those feel like like a copy pasta of themselves with a re-skin.
What kind of content do you even want? They tried to implement stuff (like Torghast in SL or corruption stuff in BfA) but people didn’t like it. You either have no meaningful rewards or once you do, it’s considered a chore and not content. So Blizzard can’t even win on this field.
FF14 has no meaningful content to me, which is why I am not playing it. You do the bosses, wait for your reset and that’s it. They couldn’t even make dungeons work as content in the end game, for many years. (not sure if they managed to do something by now tho but with the release of EW those were still dead in the endgame)
And Yoshi P acknowledges the fact the game is lacking content, which is why they suggest people to play something else until they release a new raid. (weird approach but the FF14 fanboys like it somehow)

And classic
And bc
And wrath
And cata
And mists
Claimin WoD’s sin was the fact that it didn’t have Whatever power to invest in the why-isn’t-this-in-my-talent-tree table of extra abilities… what?

To play the devils advocate here, Torghast wasn’t considered a chore because you had to do it to get your legendary forge unlocked, it was considered a chore because you had to keep doing it over and over to also craft the legendaries you unlocked with it.
That also meant that every single playstyle of the game other then petbattles needed it to perform optimally

If Torghast was just something you had to go through once storywise once to give you the legendary forge and then basically just let you turn your base legendary items (which were already ilvl categorized in power) into actual legendaries without the torghast exclusive reagent then honestly it would’ve been fine.

A lot of these systems became chores not because they were implemented but more because of how blizzard decided to implement them. The content wasn’t the issue, Blizzards attempt to use it as a hamster wheel for their engagement metrics was.
Which is something the A-power farms were as well, engagement metric hamster wheels.

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Blizzard considered it as content, which could be done as a group as well but people simply didn’t want to play it. You play raids over and over again, dungeons, everything that is somehow tied to gear, you will be doing for a long time.

To be played over and over again? Which provided significant rewards? That’s exactly what I said:

I mean… you have the proof right here. Once it’s properly rewarded it’s a chore, once everything is optional, like now, it’s considered (like by OP) “there is no content”.

Yeah I guess if you go by the OP’s definition, that gives some extra context I was lacking.

My arguement was more that 10 out of 10 times blizzard leaned into the meaningfull reward side and that thats what made it terrible 10 out of 10 times and that it would’ve been great with just cosmetic (non meaningful) rewards.
The way it was worded made it sound to me as if regardless of wether it would’ve been meaningfull rewards or no meaningful rewards would’ve been equally bad but I didn’t realize that was you meeting OP with his own language.


What did BfA did?! Revived WPvP?? “Dude” … now it makes sense why you liked BfA.

I’m pretty much done with you …

…revived WPvP :)))))))))))))))))