For those who enjoys Dragonflight

Pretty much this. I feel the same way about the game now, too. I love how I no longer feel like I’m lagging behind, or HAVE to do certain content to progress. Instead I’m just chilling around, playing and leveling at my own phase and enjoying the zones and lore that follows.

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He doent want to ve convinced. Hes just passing time. Op never set foot on dragon isles.
Imho is better to convince him to unsub than stay sub.

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I will not share the gold with you!
Well not unless you giver me a /pet

Nothing, it means nothing.


M+ feels Great, nice farmable, no weird borrowed power or over-incentivization to spam it hard.

Open World feels great, Can log on do world quests without any overhwleming amounts to do, can partake in events to get some gear.

Weekly quests return, means nothings rushed. no requirement to be online every day. can take days off, so i aint burning out of content.

Overall enjoyed the levelling experience, crafting feels good

no u couldnt.

in SL and BFA i had to log on, do 3 hours of chores, just to do the content i wanted to play.

DF Doesnt do that.

Wait wait wait. Its since bfa that im following op posts so i have a sort of ius primae noctis on his gold and pet.
But i would like to let you graciously all his pets. Ill take gold. Deal?

The thing is OP, that you have already made your decision that you do not enjoy the game or content on offer, so really, no matter what others tell you they find enjoyable, you will disagree, so is there really any point in this question?

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He is just resentful of the fact we are enjoying it whereas he isn’t, and wants to bring us all down to make himself feel better.


In other expansions you put your character at a disadvantage if you ignore the chores. So that argument doesn’t really work.

Logging in is a choice too but its equally irrelevant when it comes to whether or not the game makes you do chores.

For me the lack of those chores and being able to play the game doing things I want to do makes it a far better expansion. Legion introduced terrible systems to get players to log in daily or fall behind.

Now we have no player power attached to daily chores. Its a sub based game and shouldn’t have those kinds of make you play metrics IMO.


It is a new year
You know:

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I love that i can log into the game without having to do a bunch of weekly chores before starting on the content i do enjoy (M+)

I don’t have to gimp myself in any content because of some BS expansion feauture like covenants.

I love how dragonriding makes getting from point a to b part of the gameplay instead of auto run and go afk.

Classes feel complete already, i dont have to wait till patch 10.2 or 10.3 for it to be “complete”


There lots to enjoy. I think you are missing out some things if you assume these are world quests…e.g

Dragonbane keep invasion
Weekly hunt
Black dragon rep / grind side quests
Soup event
Elemental storms

Those things that are WQs are better too

Rock climbing
Dragon racing
Fishing stuff

Are all superior wq type content.

Not sure what you would want to see in game?
Torgast, islands and garrison are considered failures…

It was a bit of a shock to the system finding they’ve removed daily WQs, but in reality I’d stopped doing them well before the end of SL anyway.

What I like most about DF is the new PvP gearing system - it allows me to be “current” even though I don’t do any rated stuff, meaning Warmode and EBGs are fun again. I see now that the devs have been trying to fix PvP gearing for a while now. BfA gave us gear scaling but there was no division between PvP and non-PvP gear, DF gave us PvP gear but removed the gear scaling. DF has hit the sweet spot of having PvP gear that doesn’t need to scale as casual PvPers can now get decent PvP gear through the content they want to play.

Not in a particular order :

Wait what? You could do M+ and World Quests ( which that’s basically all you do in DF ) , in BfA and Shadowlands too, without the “chores”. The “chores” are on you if you did them in BfA and Shadowlands.

I see where you are coming from. Basically, you liked every other x-pac too so … yea, no worries! :slight_smile:

More lies. You could do dungeons and raids and pvp in previous expansions without the need to unlock a “bunch of systems” too. I mean wtf? Are you guys serious? I mean, I get it that you like DF, but be reasonable please.

Yup … so much. M+ and … quests. Amazing. SO much.

SO much you had to do in Legion for exemple. World Quests, M+ , Legendaries, Class Halls, Artefact Weapons …all NEW content, ready to be done for the very first time. In DF … what exactly are you doing so much? Lol

At this point, you are actually worst than most of the …whiteknight from here.

So more or less, most of you enjoy … nothing. You enjoy M+, which is a feature added in Legion. So, thanks Legion. You enjoy World Quests, which is a feature added by Legion. So again, thanks Legion. And…some flushy handshy other stuffs which you literally doing them since …forever.

Great. So you actually like mediocracy . And here it is people. This is the reason why WoW sucked for the past 3 expansions. Because you are OK with mediocrity and more so, you are defending it. Bravo!


Not fun in Shadowlands for me:

  • The theme and setting.
  • The story (everything basically being ‘robots’)
  • The Aesthetics
  • The severe lack of content updates
  • The Maw and Torghast - places I actively HATED to be

While Dragonflight has themes I like, zones I like, stories I like, aesthetics I like.
It seems like Blizzard are planning plenty of content (seen in the 2023 roadmap).

Don’t get me wrong; it’s not perfect:
For me DF could do with more world content that lets you work towards something worthwhile (elemental storms are NOT it), I prefer having daily content as opposed to twice-a-week content.

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I found …players like you in BfA and Shadowlands forums too. They defended the most pathetic expansions ever…just like you.

This, along with BfA and Shadowlands are the worst expansions. You will see.

Again, seems all you guys want is … mediocre things to do…and that’s what you got in DF. Just your usual stuff which you did since the beginning of Vanilla, but much worst implemented.

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That’s all your opinion. Just accept that not everyone likes the same things as you.
I think they implemented some things very well… The questing in DF has been amazing imo. But yes, that’s just MY opinion.

Nobody here is trying to convince you. If it’s not good enough for you; that’s fine.
But don’t judge others for liking what you don’t like.

Torghast was one of the best PVE content so far.
Lack of creativity, talent or whatever we got here. Mob grinding and leveling up some sytem aint nothing new.

Invent new things.
Just as example - what would spice up a bit wow, examples mostly taken from other games.
Real player court and judges.
Sea combat, ships ect.
Mounts with different skills and maybe mounted combat?
Resource deliveries between cities, gang deliveries or protect them.
Some kind of real time housing or something.
Some new PVP activities, adding arena map each expansion is a bit pity, its takes like a day to create that map.
Dunno maybe some battle royal mode, PVP, PVE.
Mage tower type of activities.
Lets say top 1 fighter gets in the capital city statue for that moment when she/ he is top1.
Motivation to do PVP? Design some cash shop level transmog or mounts ect. Recoloured dragon I seen million times and its not motivating to get yellow or whatever this time it is.
Popularize some proper transmog competitions, fishing tournaments or whatever.
List is never ending ?Im not saying I did give great ideas, it was just as example.
We get kill 10 spiders or some system what get scraped after each expansion as failure. Those systems were main sales points, so expansions were failure?

Is…kinda my right to judge others, much like you judge others too…or me.

I judge because of people like you, WoW is … in his current form. Aka the worst.

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“Chores are on u”. yes Because falling behind the Curve and Not getting direct Power upgrades didnt go against you when trying to join groups.

Imagine trying to do M+ Without legendaries in SL, u’d be booted the moment someone noticed.

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