Forced Name Chance on classic realms HC / Era

In preperation for Classic Fresh, I was going through my old chars on HC and Era, to make some room.

There I noticed something very strange, three of my chars that I did create on release of said realms, were flagged for name change. I did not yet level them far, as they were for future days, but the names were important to me.

I read in the forum, that it is possible that mass reports can lead to that and now I am out of words, how exploitable that system is. So if I have a name someone else wants, that person can just mass report me and I lose it and he just takes my name then?

I only use real names for my chars, no offensive or political ones, no movie stars etc. and it only has happened on classic so far, not on retail.

Trying to rename the three chars with their original name is not possible, as someone on the realm has the name ofc. offline, so I can not ask why he did what he did.

My sub was never paused, so did some dude with his guild mass report one of my chars to force a name change and how can I be protected from this happening again, especially now that Fresh goes live.

I don´t want to level a char to 60 and then some guy mass reports me again and I lose it and what if this happens on retail? Some of my chars are 20 years old.

Hi there Márcus,

I’m sorry to hear you lost your character names, though rather than any player reports, this is more likely to be the name reclamation system described here:

While I can appreciate wanting to hold on to some names for future use, we also don’t want to leave them perpetually unavailable on accounts that are no longer active.

I hope you can still pick up the names you wanted at some point in the future, or use some variation or other name you have already.

Thank you,

this explains why I lost the name on Living Flame. Not a fan of the system though, as I was active, just not on SOD. :frowning: We can not play all versions of WOW at the same time. :wink:

But since I also lost a name on Mirage Raceway Classic Era and Stitches Classic HC, I assume the same new policy also applies to those versions of Classic and not just SOD?

I actually have to correct myself here,

the chars that are up for a forced rename are on Stitches HC, Bloodfang Classic Era, Mirage Raceway Classic Era.

Does this mean, that the SOD system is now also active on Classic Era? And what does this mean, do I need to log into each of my chars now weekly, monthly… to protect them? Having an active sub, should protect the names tbh. but I know that is not a decision you make, so I just want to have some clarification.

Thank you!