Forcing players to log in everyday is unhealthy!

Blizzard (Ion) no longer trusts their own players to play the game the way they wish to.
During MOP Ion (in an interview) wondered aloud why we (the players) were clicking the same seven cannons and killing the same twelve mobs every day. They were also puzzled by the players farming frogs on the Timeless Isle for coins.
They don’t understand their players and why they do certain activities. I assume at the time Ion was little more than Raid-Logging, I’d love to see what his achievements were at the time, I imagine he had few in any non-raid related achievements.

When Ion took over the Game Director role around WOD the game changed to a daily chore mentality. I guess Ion figured that he knew how to get player to do activities was to basically make everything a daily chore.

In MOP you logged in and had to decide what activities you’d do that day. In WOD you logged in and checked mission table, checked Scouting table (bit like current Callings), checked if Harrison Jones was in your Town Hall with a quest, checked the Inn for any dungeon quests, did your Profession Work Orders for your daily cool down materials, did your Barn trapping for skins, did your Lumberyard wood chopping, cleared your mine, picked all the herbs in your garden (picked some fruit for food buff but this fruit only lasted a day so you had to pick it again the next day). It became a check list of tasks.
In WoD the system told you what to do. Gone was the MOP style find an activity to occupy your time.

I don’t think Ion trusts the players any more now than he did back then and the next expac will have more systems to focus our efforts and steer our gamepley.
We need William Wallace or Neo to break the system for our FREEDOOOOOM!!!

systemi delenda est…


Sure. I got over my 6 max level chars 8 leggo’s. 4 of them are max level and 1 char has (only on the main spec) 252 conduits. But the last thing i am going to do is checking out another spec or leveling another char. I am burned out by the grinds.

I am having a ton of fun on the game that is available after the grinds. The game is fun, getting into the game is not fun. I am almost vomitting just only thinking about 1 time going into for example torghast. And that is on blizzard since they made it a grind.

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How else will blizz get their lovely statistics of so many people playing every single day. It would look bad for the stockholders and what not

As I said Noone forces you to do it, it’s your own desire to have max legendaries, conduits that forces you not blizzard immo thank you

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Currently i can not even stand to get a rank 1 leggo. I wanted to try out prot on my main char (this), noticed i had to get a leggo (r1), removed the thought out of my head. I am so done with the crap… so done.

Since we pay monthly for the subscription. Daily use is not a relevant or an important statistic.
Only on here does it seem to matter. Shareholders care about MAU (Monthly Active Users).

Having dailies is nothing to do with stock price or player retention, it is all about ideology of the current Dev team. A bunch of weeklies would bring just as many MAUs to Blizzard (and create happier players based on this and other threads.)


By creating a good and fun game.

NAH just kidding. They will continue forcing us into content ofc.
Much easier. Much more cost efficient


ye and no playerpower attached to it and you can also grind rep 24/7 if you want.

thats the difference

No, it’s the game, if they require you to do month of parasitic system you don’t enjoy as mandatory before you can play the content you actually DO enjoy.

You absolutely missed the mark.
There is huge difference between stuff having depth and progress, and with stuff having huge barrier to entry.
Barrier to entry isn’t fun. Progress is.

Thanks god, somebody was thinking the same.


TBC had dailies…

i do this. im always behind ilvl, temporary powers, mounts etc

What game you play?
cause there is no chance shadowlands is forcing you to play daily
this is completely opposite this games wants you do log in once a week for raid or m+ or whatever you do :smiley:
Yes during new patch it is true you need to log in almost every day but that is like 2 weeks max so you know

if you play PvP and you think you can be even remotely succesful with ignoring daily grind for double legendary, you’re mistaken…

sure you don’t have to daily grind technically, it’s just that you’ll be at great disadvantage to a point that you won’t be able to compete even with much worse players

You don’t have to. No one is forcing you.

They don’t have to log in every day either. They aren’t forced either.

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That’s why I love Path of Exile. Every 3 months new content, and you can just go on your own pace experiencing and farming it :slight_smile:

Problem is that it is not simple to balance free time and reward.
I can tell a bit about my experience with ff14 and wow who has the two different approaches.

On FF14 if you have a lot of time like me you loging 4 days per month and you are done, that isn’t worth a sub for me, 12€ for 4 days if content no ty. If you don’t have a lot of time it is nice cause you never get behind.

Wow is the opposite, if you have time you get rewarded and always have stuff to do, if you don’t have time you get behind.

If the game requires you to log in every day for a month to do content that has nothing to do with content you DO like in order to be able to reasonably compete with other players then it’s bad design.

Most other people understand my previous wording, but I hope this clarifies it for you.


i agree there needs to be a catch up system in place where if you miss a day you can get that days rewards the following day/week

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It’s not ‘required’.
You WANT it. You think you NEED it. But you don’t.

the problem is that the grind is eqaul to player power, which is making the game a slug.

all grinds should be for tabards / rep or non player power items