Forcing players to log in everyday is unhealthy!

Read the full sentence.
It is required for what I said.


It’s people making those silly requirements. Players. They are at fault.

Break the circle.

Yes, players like you shilling for bad design because of semmantics and not caring that these are the reason players quit the game and returning players stop playing, when they see, they cannot start doing content they like, because they have to first grind arbitrary systems for a month to acquire stuff that even gives you a chance to compete as without it you’re at a severe disadvantage.


So you are saying that we should only login last month on expansion cause we should be able to catch up with things that people have done during the last 2 years.

So tell me, why should we, wow players, be dumb and play for 2 years?

yes because it shouldn’t matter when you completed it, it means nothing to a player that achieved it .
and it shouldn’t stop new player coming into the game and jumping into the action

  • there is no reasoning to timegate it, not 1 person is proud that they did a grind for their player power
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There is no reason to play the game either if not on the last month, by that logic.

thats a YOU problem there, i enjoy the game for being a game not for grinding power

Rewarding people for the time and skill is part of the core a RPG.

Players like you blaming players like me. Whilst you yourself and people like you are the ACTUAL problem.

not when it isolates new players from playing the game, a core of achievement for spending time playing the game should be titles / mounts etc. not player power and creating a division amongst the playerbase

player power grinds is a new Legion /bfa/SL system. it doesnt work well

if you dont understand that , then i cant make it any more clear

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Because you consider it “playing a game”.
But players don’t have same enjoyment from playing the content they like (M+, PvP…) AND from arbitrarily solo grinding reputation.

For them playing the content they like is something good, and they may run out of content they like (not enough PvP variety, dungeons…).

But that isn’t solved by forcing them to do 30 days of a content they dislike before you allow them to play the content they do like.

Do you understand that?

You view it very badly, you don’t understand why other people enjoy the game, nor are you willing to distinquish activities in game.
The issue isn’t that you get more power over time, the issue is that you get it by doing first solo content in MMO that you dislike for very long before you can play content you do like with other players.

I’m just afraid the slackers in my guild will take months to get the double legendary slowing down our already very slow progress lol.

Play one main character and it’s mostly fine. It starts getting fishy especially after the 2nd alt. When I hear of people maintaining 12 characters at raiding level I don’t get it at all.

If they don’t pretend to play M+, PvP or Raid why do they need the gear to start?

Don’t tell me you need a mythic set to farm world quests?

Exactly. I HATE M+, PvP… and I LOVE solo grinding reputation.

Exactly what you’re doing mate. Only in reverse. :sweat_smile:

You don’t. But you need world quests, month of them, to gain competetive player power in order to join content and reasonably compete against players who will already have advantage over you (gear wise) but at least not two legendaries.

This is literally why new players quit game.

gone are the days where you could get dungeon gear and go to raiding.
now you gotta do legendarys, covenants, conduits, ilvl,

thats not RPG, thats just a hamster wheel of pain

but just like the rest of WoW players we “must” do it to stay optimal to play the game
bit silly really


I never did any kind of rep farm on wow and I can play raids, M+ and PvP when I want.

The only thing I did was Torghast and was with a group who like, was faceroll and it took 10 minutes.

You never even won ranked arena match, so you literally have zero clue what you talk about.
Yes you can step into PvP and be absolutely horrible as you’d be at severe disadvantage.
One that you can overcome by NOT playing the content you’d want to play for month and instead playing content you dislike.

Tell me exactly what’s so hard to understand about that and why are your replies so incoherent?

We are talking about PvP or overall gameplay chose one.

I had no problems on do some RBGS with my guardian druid with PVE on 9.0