Forget it thanks

Still looking for Tanks and DPS.

Hi there.

I am a Prot/Holy Pala 213 as Prot 211 as Holy, currently looking for a guild, also have 10/10Hc CN.
Can message me on Jénova or Bnet Xeno#2270

Heyo Jenova! thanks for reaching out, the guild leader will be adding you shortly to talk further!

DPS spots are filling up fast, currently very few left, open to discussion on class.

Tank spot still required


I have AOTC Denathrius and would be interested in joining your guild on this druid or my UHDK, although UHDK is pretty undergeared.

I have healed on this druid since TBC as well and would be willing to switch to healer if you need.

Can add me for a chat at Rain#25595 if interested. :slight_smile:

We are now only currently seeking the following roles;

Feral Druid
Balance Druid
Ret Pala
Enhancement Shaman
(Other roles may apply however spots are not guaranteed)

Heyo! added you battlenet

No longer seeking a balance. Currently roster is 26 players however we’re still searching for these specific roles;

Feral Druid.
Ret Pala.
Enhancement Shaman.

Positions are competitive and performance is monitored

Updated to 9/10H

We are currently looking for a healer for our core raid team, we are pushing for curve on sunday, 9/10h currently, looking to progress into mythic for wednesday reset;

We are searching for any healer currently however we would prefer;

Shammy, Monk, Pala

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