Forget warrior

this settles it. warrior tank is not working at all, dying to so much packs in every dungeon its crazy and my DH is rocking all this stuff so easy. im leaving this borken a%/ character where it belongs, in the trash. I know tanks arent anywhere clos to meta but hello, when a ilvl 170DH can do it and a 207 warrior cant, there is some real problem with the fish. Fury is close to decent, HEY!! i said close but there yet. I wanted to tank to easier get into groups but no matter the difficulty this a=)((clown of a charavter is just garbage. is it me?? If yes why can my DH do it as tank, why can my hunter dit or my resto druid do it??? WHY?? warrior is trash, worthless, will play this dump again, thats hopw bad it iss, ive had it, ill play meta classes and forget about this turd crap

idk what are you talking about but Reprisal lego changes look goood plus damage increase by 10% plus another 10% clap should make a shift into tanking meta since dh got nerf a little bit.


the problem with warri tank is that it has 0 rage for anything.

Cannot use ignore pain, cannot use shield block, cannot use condemn (if you are venthyr)
don’t know what is the point of this tank lol

Imagine running a Seismic Reverberations / Anger Management full “DPS” meme build and wondering why you’re dying.

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Yeah, you should be running ravager+ bolster talents. Though after the buffs in the next patch I think you can run anger also.

So…what bothers me is two tings. Like Senjiu is ssying, you never have rage for ip and sb, Who cares about more damage, thats not the problem, second is im dying to everything, Will the Bolster talent help with that? Is there other aspect with my build you would change for purely survival?

Shield Block is the main thing keeping you alive (vs. physical) in M+. Bolster gives you much more Shield Block uptime and also increases your overall rage generation thanks to Unnerving Focus. Anger Management is more situational in M+, but best for raiding.

Seismic Reverberations is a trash-tier legendary before 9.0.5 and it probably won’t be all that good after it’s effect is getting nearly doubled next week. You simply won’t be using enough Revenges to make use of it. Both Thunderlord and The Wall are significantly better choices, Thunderlord being the dedicated M+ lego and The Wall being good in almost every single scenario (including M+), especially vs magic damage.

Reprisal is likely to be the best M+ lego when 9.0.5 drops, but I would recommend saving your Soul Ash until this is properly verified. I’m hearing rumors about Best Served Cold replacing Booming Voice with this lego as well.

The 10% aura damage buff, additional 10% Thunderclap damage buff and Reprisal should put Prot in a real solid place in M+.

Right. I actually gode back to fury and liking it alot, but…tanking as warrior is what i really want to play. But when you crash and burn in a +9 before the first boss then ofc its tedious

Well, a large part of not dying as a tank also comes from your DPS interrupting the right spells, which never happens in +9s. A lot of the time higher keys are easier because of people actually knowing what to do.

Read up guides if you have not for SL link plus Reflectable things that you never known of link

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Rhw problem is not me not knowing the game. As i said above i have no trouble as DH, i feel the tank unbalance is so severe right now. Yes i know +9 is a bad tier with mediocre - players, trust me it was not easier at +13 :wink: interrupting, stunning is in my opinion (and i have been thinking this awhile) is ofte success or failure for a group

People want DH to get carry easily cause they can time it without kicking, slowing, help to kite and any kind of utilities. When I going to DOS dung. I just telling my team no kick= one shot so it is either up to them help me to the time key or just ruining it. On the other, 10+ is much more easier than 9+ and you are kind of late to the game, so they are more bad/boosted players are in 9-13 ranges. Lastly, keys below 14+ tank has 85% control over the timing dung or not after that it is 35% up to tank to time keys above 14+.

if you think tanking with DH is better you are clearly lacking tanking skills on your prot war.

And tjen i click ure link for spell reflect and learned how important that is. Gonna try some more dungeons as tank today and have the spreadsheet infront of me. I realize that i have alot to improve tanking as warrior. And yes my tanking skill as warrior is bad. Im not late in the game. Problem is that i have 6 lvl 60’s because i was unsure what to focus on. Yes DH is alot easier for me now, i tried a fra dungeons earlier, and to practice i tried all suggestions here and its a big difference. Im not getting wrecked like before. Cicle cd, changing talents, using the toolkit. I hope this improves alot more further because we can all agree that prot warrior is the funniest tank on the game. (Need to get another legendary)

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