So when warrior nerf in arena?

Your argument rests on an appeal to an authority, which makes it fallacious and empty once you go deeper into it.

In this you express that you’ve actually done no reflection on this, react emotionally, and have no idea on how human psychology work, you have anecdotal, conscious belief on how your own psychology works. Which is a bias since it’s objectively wrong.

And I know that while happy people never complain I’ve seen far more complaints about Arms than I saw in BfA. And depending on which side of the handle the person is on Ams is either too weak or too strong. And both arguments are correct. Arms is too weak in PvE and too strong in PvP.

The only thing I’ve seen people praise Blizzard for is going back to front-loaded damage. Else it’s a litany of “Arms too weak, please buff,” and, “Arms too strong, please nerf.” Going into the threads all the ones talking about how they’re weak are PvE-related and all those talking about that they’re too strong are PvP-related. This is a pattern.

I’ve literally seen no one praise Blizzard for the reality of Condemn being up to 50% of the damage done in PvE. I’ve seen plenty of threads that asks for this to be changed.

Good spot where? In PvP? Because PvE is dire (Mythic CN DPS rankings)(). That’s the state of Arms DPS once all conditional modifiers are removed. Being good in an AoE situation means nothing when you’re bad at single-target.

And I worry because I know exactly where this is leading. Being too good in PvP is going to come back and bite Arms hard when Blizzard invariably overreacts. And Blizzard has overreacted many times in the past. This is a proven track record as it has happened in the past. The only chance is that the new guy can tell them to hold their horses, though given how Ian Kompetentoss has acted in the past I’ve no high hopes of him actually accepting it.

What I notice is that you attach value to Havoc as a good player while leaving out a similar value judgment of the one playing Arms. This makes this statement both useless and intellectually dishonest. Is it a good Havoc player against a good Arms player? This is the 3v3 leaderboard for EU arena. I had to go to page four to find the first DH, rank 352. I also found the first Warlock at rank 322, just for comparison.

Your anecdotal value assessment means nothing when the objective data shows something else. Unless you mean in the open-world 1v1, in which case, there are so many conditional modifiers that it’s impossibly to think of them all.

What you see is that I’m one of the few who can verbalise exactly what the issue is, and that’s due to my field of education which works specifically in analysing how things that people do work. There are plenty of people expressing that Warriors are bad without being able to verbalise exactly for what reason.

I’ll give you some advice. Stop using hyperbolic arguments when all one need to do to disprove them is to look at the forum beyond a surface level.

And you’re so close to figuring out what makes Arms so good in PvP and at the same time being bad in PvE, and right before the finish line, you stumble. In PvP, you can set up the big MS and improve your performance, in PvE, you lower your performance if you do.