Formatting your posts with markdown đź“ť

Hi there,

The new forum is running on a popular open source form-solution called Discourse. Your posts use markdown, a markup language with plain text formatting syntax. The Blizzard-implementation supports all most markdown features. Here are some of the nifty things you can do:

1. Structuring your posts using headers

Headers (like the one above) help you organize your posts. This can be useful for event and guild threads for sorting different bits of information.

Click to show example

How to use:

(normal style)

# Header1
## Header2
### Header3
#### Header4
##### Header5
###### Header6

(underlined style - this one does not seem to display correctly)

Underlined header 1

Underlined header 2

2. Text formatting

Most text formatting which you can access from the shortcuts while writing a post.

Click to show example

How to use:

Italics via *asterisks* or _underscores_.

Bold via **asterisks** or __underscores__.

Italics & bold combined via **asterisks and _underscores_**.

You can also strike text through ~~like this.~~

3. Lists

Click to show example
1. Can be numbered
2. By writing numbers
* Or bullet points
   * By pressing space before the list symbol, you can also create sub-lists

   You can properly indent paragraphs in list items. So if you want to write some longer text that's within a bullet point list, this is what you can do.
  1. Can be numbered
  2. By writing numbers
  • Or bullet points

    • By pressing space before the list symbol, you can also create sub-lists

    You can also properly indent paragraphs in list items. So if you want to write some longer text that’s within a bullet point list, this is what you can do.

4. Links

Links of any kind (images, urls, YouTube embeds) may need a certain trust level to unlock before you’re allowed to use them. Images (.jpg, .png, .gif) need Trust level 3. Here is more information about the Discourse trust system.

Click to show example

How to use:

[Inline link](

[Inline link with a title] "Some title")

5. Code and Syntax

Usually reserved for formatting code, I’m sure that forum users here will make creative use of the code blocks system.

Click to show example

How to use:

Create inline code via `backticks`

Or entire blocks of code via three backticks:

     A large chunk of code
     That can have multiple lines

There’s also syntax highlighting (code won’t be highlighted in the WoW forum :frowning: ).

var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting";

6. Quoting

The forum favourite.

Click to show example

How to use:

> This is a quote from a user
> This is part of the same quote

To end a quote, leave a one line gap

>You can also make longer quotes with blocktext. They can be ```formatted``` and styled for **emphasis**

This is a quote from a user
This is part of the same quote

To end a quote, leave a one line gap

You can also make longer quotes with blocktext. They can be formatted and styled for emphasis

7. Tables

Ever wanted to make a big list for that next RP event? You can make tables to list crucial information on a quick glance.

Click to show example

How to use:

Event title| Starting time | DM
--- | --- | ---
*Group meditation* | `16:00` | **Sindaru**
*Chi and You - How to tap into your inner self* | `09:00` | **Shuang**
*Pandaren cooking recipes for beginners* | `12:00` | **Fenlian**

(You can use to make copy-paste ready tables)
Event title Starting time DM
Group meditation 16:00 Sindaru
Chi and You - How to tap into your inner self 09:00 Shuang
Pandaren cooking recipes for beginners 12:00 Fenlian

8. Horizontal rule

Horizontal rules help to break your forum post into logical sections. Create one by writing three or more underscore, hyphens or asterisks.

Click to show example

9. Collapsible text

This is text you can expand/collapse. Very useful for making certain parts of your post an optional read.

Click to show example
[details="Click me to show more text!"]
More text!
Click me to show more text!

More text!

That’s all! I hope this helps you writing nicely formatted posts :slight_smile:


You are a blessing, and I’m going to casually put this in my bookmarks :heart::heartbeat:

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Oh, brilliant!
Thanks for putting that together.

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Handy as hell to be honest! Thanks!

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On another note, the following links are whitelisted regardless of trust level

Default whitelist

Blizzard domains

(Games,, etc.)








Rather helpful, still trying to wrap my head around the layout and the new features.

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Let me try something













Hmm guess that seems alright…


Thanks for explaining that, the whole forum change seems rather confusing at first so posts like that make transition a bit easier.

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