Forsaken Frustration: A Call for Change!

Greetings, fellow champions of Azeroth! Today, I raise my bony fist (or what’s left of it) in frustration at the plight of the Forsaken. We, the risen and the resolute, deserve better!

  1. Forsaken Fashion Woes:

For far too long, our customization options have been…well, rotten. We crave variety! Where are the scars that tell the tale of our undeath? Where are the more decays look? Where are the hairstyles beyond the “just crawled out of the grave” look? We are a diverse people, even in our decay, and our appearances should reflect that!

  1. Where’s the Buggy Beauty?

Speaking of diversity, why can’t we ride a loyal cockroach into battle? These resilient creatures embody the Forsaken spirit perfectly. Imagine the tactical advantages! Plus, who wouldn’t want to zoom across the battlefield on a giant insect?

  1. The Warchief’s Absence:

The loss of Sylvanas Windrunner as our Warchief is a wound that still festers. Her leadership, however controversial, galvanized the Forsaken. We need a strong voice to advocate for our place in Azeroth, a leader who understands the struggles of the undead.

Let our voices be heard! The Forsaken deserve better customization options, a unique mount that reflects our nature, and a leader who will fight for our future!

Together, we shall rise!

#ForsakenFashion #BuggyMounts #WarchiefSylvanas #MyQueenForever

P.S. Feel free to add your own specific customization desires or frustrations in the comments below. Let’s show Blizzard we won’t stay silent!

P.S. #2 Delete this heritage armor and give us another.


I remember prior to the new 3 stages of rot (bones, rot, no rot) making it into the game, the dressing room on Wowhead let us mix and match them; i.e. you could have bone arms but regular legs. I was expecting and hoping we’d get that. I also still want the non-hunched option; it exists, and the orcs got theirs.


It should clearly go beyond fashion. If you truly want to look like you’ve crawled out of the grave you should have friends crawling all over and inside you… worms, beetles, maybe a rat or two living in your skull.

You should be oozing more too, I mean you can’t all be at the same stage of decomposition so maybe some embalming fluid dripping out of your eye sockets for those not yet fully skeletal.

I’d even welcome some tree roots or lovely flowers growing out of some of your crevices! Being underground for a time is bound to let the local flora move in.

Frankly I don’t think you guys look dead enough. It’s time that changed.


yes, to all of the above.
I would love to see hunched option for females and upright for males too, please!

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Your body parts should be tagged with: Made in alliance.

Agreed, more customization is always welcome.

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You cant rise, you re dead.

Forsaken must be purged like the scourge

Oh wait you re the scourge

Ten years have passed since mortal races received character models update.
Though Azeroth was saved, the fidelity gap between mortal races and NPCs is becoming ever greater.
The drums of update (should to) thunder once again.

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Great, my lunch is talking to me again. :neutral_face:

I would like for undead to be able to look like regular humans.

I dont mean their models, or for them to look like theyre alive or anything like that.
But i want them to look like once upon a time, they were normal people.
I refuse to believe that when they were alive they had their hair styles like that and didnt have normal hair colours.

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They should give a lightforged kind of option to players but not as a new race, just a customisation option.

If they insist on thrusting Calia onto the Horde and the undead then we should at least get some benefit from it.

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Yea more lore destruction… then we’ll see Lightforged forsaken deathknight and warlocks -_-

After all seeing paladin and priest elves with dark ranger option is not enough…

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Indeed, Horde as well as Allied races in general severely lack customization options. The pain is real for undead with their limited hairstyles, no facial hair and no standing straight option; ditto for the trolls, BTW.

I wish we vould make more humanlike undead characters: without claws, with straight backs, beard and regular hair, or non-disfigured chins. Or straight-standing trolls capable of wearing boots, or hiding ears along with hair. Or blood elves with shaved eyebrows!

On the Alliance side, Kul Tirans have it bad with similarly limited facial hair and hairstyles. Not to mention iron dwarves with ever-flaming beards clipping through all the new plate armor pieces, or mechagnomes who cannot even use most of the gear without it dissappearing from sight.

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That I like. I hope to see some changes with Undead options.

100%. We sure need more custom options.

In other words you want to play humans, but not humans.

Can the raciel get a buff it heals and hit for almost nothing