Let us discuss the Forsaken problem

Putting a chair

open popcorn satchet

He is just got tired and arranged pension for himself

No he left the Orcs in the worst spot possible. That is what happens when a human raised Orc that never been to Draenor starts leading a race of proud warriors who don’t have a word for peace.

If I may add something here… My Grandpa was quite religious.

Now, that alone doesn’t add to the conversation, so let me explain.

My Grandpa, a very devout christian and a teacher was quite “in line” with the old thinking of the church back in 50s. He also published one or two books he wrote himself. In fact, we have tons of books at my Grandparents house, the vast majority being christian books.

And in those books there are quite (by todays standard) controversial opinions expressed. Not just in the books my Grandpa wrote but also in publications of that time. Ranging from excessive homophobic topics up to even denouncing certain sexual-based topics that were quite normal for the 80s later on.

From the perspective of that time in the 50s, some things criticized in those books were (as most call it these days) “woke”. And later in the 80s it was just normal. Today even natural for many people.

What I’m trying to say is with this in context of WoW… Times change. Back then in 2004 it was in many european countries still normal to live by a way most of us call today “political incorrect”.

For example, up until 2017 in my country marriage between same-gender couples was illegal. And we are talking about Germany here, the 6th biggest european country. Not some small country somewhere in an unseen spot on the map.

Thing is, what once was considered normal back then is today not normal anymore by chance. Back then it was ok to hate on certain minorities, today not anymore.

And Blizzard, as a company trying to be “children friendly” and “going with the times” is just doing what social changes always did. Adjusting to the new norm.

I’m not defending Blizzard, by no means. I just want to mention that what many companies are currently doing with “defusing” certain aspects of their games history is both a political agenda, as same as it is just following the “Zeitgeist” (german for “Spirit of the current times”).

Edit: And in context of the Forsaken lore, this just means adjusting to “modern gaming trends” such as allowing players to play how they like. And not creating lore that restricts them at some point from doing something “new”.

Not having a word for peace is quite senseless for any nation no matter how militaristic they are, besides they do have a word for peace, draenor clans did have diplomatic relations and trade between each other.
Also they did trade between draenei before demons jumped in

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There are differences between Joining the Hobby enjoying content for what it is and Changing the hobby the Hobby.
Should there be another WoW movie or WoW classic Wrath of the Lich King. Calling for Arthas Menethil to become a Black Woman, for the sake of “Diversity and Representation” is actively trying to change the hobby. Since being a straight-white-male is NOT what makes Arthas Menethil such an iconic character.

Change is not always a bad thing. But the direction of the change can become a negative.

Not all of WoW is “child friendly” Garrona Halforcen is the product of r4p3. The Orcs that sacrificed Draenai children to get through the Dark Portal saw to her creation. Then after she was trained into a killing machine was a slave with the control words being known by Guldan at the time I believe. Garrona was behind the fall of Stormwind to topple it from within.

This is pulling real world politics and issues into the game. The whole setting is about the WORLD of Warcraft. So there are some that try to push things into WoW but can’t Square the Circle.

Yes Get Woke Go Broke is a thing. But it is optional that often does not bring positives to the game / setting / universe. Since escapism is something that fanbases and paying customers seek out. So constant reminders of real world current year politics and issues
it is like HeelzvsBabyFace (epic) rant about Starfield.
Many people across many fandoms franchises and universes are united against the death of Escapism. They (Tourists/Activists) justify it pursuing their version of “the greater good”. Does not matter if these changes hurt sales - stocks - franchise. “The greater good” must be served.

Thrall done more for the Horde than everyone else. His upbringing does not mean he is not an Orc. Just a well spoken Orc that can most likely read and write.

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Well, as I said. I am not defending Blizzards actions. Just telling you they follow trends as usual.


Never said WoW started as a “children friendly” game. Just that it got turned into one by Activision-Blizzard due to their trend agendas.


Oh, I definitely hope Blizzard games go broke if they push more woke. It’s time to end this nonsense.

It’s not surprising the Alliance didn’t welcome them with open arms.

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On Draenor they had good land. Now they are starving and rely on Mulgore imports. Thrall can go step on a lego.

He ruined it because of his green guilt.

And then they ruined it.

Well if more orcs had some “green guilt” sooner maybe they might still have good land on Draenor.

You never fail to amaze how you keep contradicting yourself within 2 posts.

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Think of it. Survivors of the campaign in Northrend watched their brothers and sisters in arms murdered by the Scourge only to have the same people risen into Undeath minutes after trying to kill them.

Lorthemar Theron fought in defence of Silvermoon when Arthas and the Scourge invaded Quel’Thelas. So when Sylvannas would bring him back as Undead should the Horde group wipe on Galakras boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid he is horrified as to what Sylvannas has turned him into.

For many. Undeath is a fate far worse than death. Few actually choose it. Thomas Zelling being an outlier.
To the Alliance the Forsaken are no different to Scourge. A deal with the Scourge is not something that most will find feasable.

This is a bigger problem. Everything given enough time and popularity will be infiltrated by Activists/Tourists with attempts to subvert it.

For example. The Witcher videogames success is undeniable. Poland does not have many videogame companies. Poland is also an ethnically homogenous country. The population being 97% White Polish the remaining 3% White Europeans. The Witcher itself being about Polish folklore by Polish games studio and a Polish writer.
Yet what passes off as “games journalists” gave it a bad review for being “too white”. When the Witcher became popular enough to become a TV show from the 2nd season it was being altered and retconned for “diversity and representation”. It then led to the Witcher Blood Origins which was a proven failure. There was attempts to retcon the Witcher universe to fit the “approved” ideology.

You see the Witcher videogames is still popular. However Activists/Tourists in positions of power can and does harm the franchise as a whole.
Look at what has become of Marvel / DC most of the Western Comics industry? Comic book stores closed down because what Activists/Tourists produced just does not sell. Paying customers - content consumers - fanbase can not be forced to purchase and consume the content.

Franchise after franchise has had the same thing happen to them. With proven negative results.
No doubt Dragonflight has been the worst case of this. Whether Blizzard stays on course or changes path time will tell.

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It’s alliance bias. Others are finally waking up.

We leave Durotar for Feralas and kill Thrall just to make sure he can’t stop us.


PS FFS Blizz give me TL3 already.

This is an uncomfortable truth for some Horde.
The Horde are entirely responsible for the destruction of Draenor. Horde chose to embrace the Fel after they damaged their relationship with the Elements. As the Elements of Draenor disagreed with the genocide of the Draenai.

The Horde unstable spells and use of the Sceptre of Sargeras blew up Draenor as they fled to Azeroth.
It seems that the Alliance are the only forces that are keeping the Horde from doing to Azeroth what they done to Draenor.

Whilst it is true that the Alliance exists because of the Horde. It would be good for the Alliance to pursue it’s own interests outside of the Horde.

The Light the Void are fundemantal forces of creation. More specifically the reaction between both when they clash or mixed. So for the Light to have such large retcon is a very big thing for the WoW setting not just the Lore.

With dissolving of the Warchief position. The Forsaken could still very much be in position of rulership over the Horde.
The Horde may fair better under Orcish rule but the Greenskins seem to be too scattered.

The shame of being Green Skin has to do with the Fel. It does not refute the point. Thrall done more for the Horde than anyone else. Will always have a place among the Horde.

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Wrong time. The survivors of the campaign in Northrend where only discovered when both Alliance and Horde made their conquest to Northrend. So the Alliance could only know about them once the Forsaken where already part of the Horde.

Thrall created a bad situation and then left without further involvement. It was his fault plain and simple. The moment he made peace with the humans everything went down.

Was it that or was it just that they were destroying the planet with the fel and thus were no longer in tune with the elements?

Also I remember in RotH that it was said that most shamans traded the lements for fel because it was easier to use and mote destructive.