Forum Behaviour

On the contrary, if they keep breaking these rules in every thread they appear in or complain continuesly how “unfair” it is, I feel like it’s entierly accurate to point out that it isnt the case.

They should both learn to stop this behaviour & stop complaining that they get actioned for it as well. Then there wouldnt be a problem.

Right, wow you’re doing such a good job, really…
Totally dont have a friend who was crying because of this very thread, because she felt so attacked but yeah you’re doing such a good job.

This is exactly the problem with regulation on these forums. You blues dont allow any word of criticism against you lot, because threads get locked right away, but the amount of stuff here that warrants action from you blues and doesnt get it is simply laughable and i would call it amateuristic.

There are multiple people on these forums who cannot even be here for 2 days without getting a new ban. WHY are they still allowed to even come back after so many bans? What the hell is going on there.

I know so many people who have resorted to only making funny posts because they are afraid anything else than that will land them a ban because someone will disagree, and byebye TL3.

These forums have become a cesspool of toxicity exactly because of this bad regulation and its high time you guys a managing team take it in your hands and fix it.


What do you expect from a forum which is running on trolls and ignorant people who think that their opinion is substantial and relevant simply becasue they are capable of writing something :smiling_imp:

OP: From personal experience, I think you are one of those people yourself. So yeah, GL with this

He isn’t though.

I do feel I should point out being flagged and having a post buried is not the same as having a mod take action against you. A flagged post doesn’t mean you will be given a time out. I’m not saying mistakes never happen either. The appeal system is there for a reason.

I agree we see way too much flagging of posts where it’s hard to see what they were reported for. I do also miss the box from the old forums where we could explain why we were reporting a post.


Are we talking about the Darkspear Trolls, the Zandalari Trolls or another tribe of trolls completely?

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De Darkspear be da superior tribe womon.

Worth noting as well is that a post is only visibly “hidden” if its multiple people who’s flagged it. However on that, they should definatly change the forums to register if multiple characters are on the same account or not, because one person can just spam flag multiple times as it is now.

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They do, They ban people for using alts to mass flag something afaik.

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Roughly five or so flags to hide a post at a guess.

I still think a lot of the problems we have on the wow forums would have been avoided if we’d posted on out bnet tags (without the numbers) like you do on every other Blizz forum.


It’s good that they do, but it would be better if they changed the system to not make it possible in the first place.


There are rumours that they are changing it to make everything accountwide so flags, likes and trust levels etc to stop all the flag abuse.


if they have a real person reviewing them rather than a machine then it’s vital surely, i flagged something recently (no i don’t do it often) i thought was wholly unnacceptable that still stands, kinda hate to think that any reviewer felt the flag was just ‘disagreeing’.


With all do respect to you and your friend. Just because someone started crying, doesn’t mean that something was severe, by default. She may just be a lot more sensitive than the general public.

I assume that the post(s) that hurt her feelings were flagged and that the post(s) or poster in question was evaluated by the moderation-team, according to the CoC.
If it was outside the CoC, then clearly the appropriate actions must have been taken and the posts were removed and a temporary ban must have been placed on the poster.

If the post(s) were not removed, then they must have been within the CoC and cannot have been -that- bad. :confused:

I’m not trying to judge you or your friend. It’s just really difficult to take the argument: “I have this friend who started crying” serious, without any context.


But then how would we completely invalidate the argument of our opponent by pointing out that their forum avatar is from this or that faction / is of this or that race / has X ilvl / hasn’t done X content?

We’d have to judge their argument solely based on what they say. That’s preposterous!


As you post from a void elf your argument is not valid!




You can assume all you want my friend, but you dont know the real situation here and i do. And i wont elaborate on that any further to protect that person.

But if you were so hellbent on replying to this, why didnt you reply to the part where i talked the part where a lot of people i know dont enter serious threads anymore because they want to avoid saying anything that someone might somehow perceive as up setting and then getting flagged or even banned.
Or the part where so multiple people are in total usually banned more than they are able to post, and i mean this literally. How the hell can they come back.

So yeah maybe the part about my friend crying is a personal issue but maybe you shouldnt just pick that part out because my post is a very valid complaint about the current state of these forums.

Judging by your response we are talking about your kind.

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