Forum Community Discord (For The Chats)((New Updated Discord)) šŸ„³

ā€œazeroth is roundā€

there are quite a lot of them all around us

Thatā€™s a conspiracy theory, so itā€™s most certainly wrongā€¦

There are no flat-Azeroth conspiracy theories because Azeroth is a female titan and saying ā€œAzeroth is flatā€ would be sexist.


Did you just assume Azerothā€™s gender? :smiley:

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Apparently canonical female :smiley:


Discord is not for me, I hate it. This place is a lot better !

I donā€™t know. Unless titans can procreate, male or female is more or less meaningless.

Well some have male bodies and other have females.

This is a question for Brigante. Trying to summon him!

@Brigante. We have a tough lore question.

Hmm, tricky, We know of Titans, and Titan constructs, but we donā€™t know -how- those constructs were created, so they were obviously aware of the concept, so unless the original Titans were just using their creations as a sort of Petri dish, then probably, there is the problem that Azeroth is a child, as far as Titans go, or at least not fully formed, which implies children, which implies that they probably can, but thats just my opinion.

Would you say that titan constructs are equal to Titanā€™s children?
Also, are Titans mechanical?

So whoā€™s first - mechagnomes ot titans?

If anyone is interested, we are probably going to make another last-minute curve run before the pre-patch sometimes in the upcoming weeks, but since I donā€™t want it to be a huge group again I wonā€™t make an extra ā€œforum runā€ thread for it.


is this gonna be on horde or Alliance? either way if you need help count me in

it depends on how many people of either faction still need curve, Iā€™ve asked people to tell me in #announcements on the Discord

OK just saw it, Ill keep an eye on it and see if it goes places, iā€™ll be glad to lend a hand

thatā€™s nice of you :slight_smile:

really hoping we can get those few last curves in :slight_smile:

So, forum runs, WE GOT EM!!!

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I will probably require a reminder to remember to attend :laughing:

Kyrel was very good last time and poked me a lot :rofl: