logged in and out, still the same
Notifications have been weird weird for me starting yesterday evening.
They just don’t show up at all.
Sometimes it logs out and the forum-page keeps refreshing. Then i have to time the “esc”-key so the login button + submitevent in the dropdown menu at the top right is loaded. I press it, and it logs in.
Kul Tiran forum avatars are bugged since they were released. Zoomed out and not centered. I think Zandalari have the same issue.
But you look so pretty in your avatar!
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Thanks But I hate that it’s not centered
The reply, share, bookmark and flag buttons are randomly put in a weird area under the thread and it’s driving me crazy.
It seems removing my guild tag broke the forums…
For me the notification number shows up. But the notfications are not marked as new.
My current workaround is to check the notifications on the profile page. They seem to work alright.
Problems started yesterday, I had problems logging in and then the session kept resetting. Also seen a couple of weird error messages while posting answers.
Guess they might be working on it to set up for Beta feedback?
Yeah it’s been having some issues.
Beta is around the corner. Forum is flooded with tourists trying to make nice posts and expect an invite. It’s they who broke the forum.
That’s the weakest theory I saw someone post in a while. Kudos.
Thanks Twiluna,
It’s being investigated
Guilds that we are not in anymore still shows after months.