Forum levels? Dumbest idea EVER!

You forgot about the Cow Level: The Cow Level

We have altered the forum algorithms. Pray we do not alter them further!


Are they gonna prune our posts next forum expansion?


I can just see it happening already. Next time Blizzard overhauls the forums they decide the trust levels were not a good idea or there needs to be less of them, and then everybody starts complaining about the great forum ability prune.

1 Like

Is the market. Now every forum is with lvls. Blizz just modified somethin that is really popular.

Maybe they will add a weekly cap on posts or level gains to :joy:

pathfinder achie on the forums…it’s odd but it’s ok…think it’s a little strange that one of the requisites is likes though…even trolls get likes…:smiley:

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