Forum Overhaul Mess Up

Hello, Thoradin of Poetic Justice here - David - So I’ve got a slight problem with the new forum switch over, my guild recruitment thread hasn’t carried over properly, and other ones dated further back and less active then ours have worked just fine.

We had over 70 posts which in the grand scheme of things doesn’t sound like a whole lot especially when it comes to guild recruitment post, but myself and alot of my guild have put their time into writing messages on the post as a way of showing potential members what we’re about, instead of the generic and frankly dull way of recruiting most other guilds use just posting ‘bump’ or copied update posts dozens of times.

So i implore that you please help me with this, it would be devastating for all involved to it to become null and void, i know you can still get to the old post but its not the same as when a potential recruit is looking through the current realm forums and sees none of the work myself or my guild members have put into something a little different to the ordinary.

Also as I’m sure the whole point in the overhaul to the new forum update it to bring the forums to a more modern and up to date set with the inevitable aim of phasing out the old forums entirely and as more time goes on they will be more and more irrelevant.

I was expecting more frankly, the uncertainty of this is gutting considering that so many others that have had such little thought put into them carried over even posts that go back years and that have gone silent for years at a time only to be bumped pointlessly for the sake of it carried over fine and ours that serves an actual purpose and has been thought about to not be carried over. (I should point out that necro posting was against the forum rules last time i checked and yet those posts worked fine)

WoW as a whole is built on the community its an MMO after all and this just feels like a huge hit to us as a guild our community that’s practically a family and our work has been for nought and gone to waste and feels hugely detrimental to our community and frankly sloppy work on behalf of the forums community teams!

I have linked both the old and new post and the crappy necro post below so that you can see which posts I’ve been ranting on about, I’m sorry if I come across a little strong this is just something I’m very passionate about and the messages from our guildie’s have been touching and really quite lovely, it would be such a shame to loose it this way.

Old Forum Post:

(Oh joy! It doesnt let me link the old thread properly - [A] <Poetic Justice> are recruiting!- on the old forums)
New Forum Post:

Crappy Necro Post:

As a final plea, id ask if you have a moment to have a read through the comments and see what i mean and why this is so important to me <3

Thank you for your time.

PS, I’ve come here after several tickets to Blizzard about this issue to no avail and its beginning to take the proverbial constantly being told its handed off to the ‘‘Community Team’’ but never hearing anything back from it other then to wait 2 weeks to see if there is a fix for the problem which i have done.

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As someone who has recently come back to WoW I wouldn’t have stayed as long as I have had it not been for Poetic Justice. Their sense of humour and camaraderie has given me a reason to stay despite the shortfall that has been BFA’s content. I find it difficult to believe that Blizzard of all companies, with their infrastructure spanning the entire world that they could not handle switching forum post from one backend to another. It makes no sense.

I have loved Blizzard for years but if they can’t even handle a simple backend change like this then I don’t have very high hopes for the future of WoW, if I’m honest.

From a long time fan since Orcs and Humans.

While I understand the load of massive data translation & overhaul, it would be appreciated if Blizzard could provide a satisfactory response.

In the meantime…

You tell them Daddy David

I’d just like to ‘thank’ which ever mod or community support personnel who it was that moved this post from the ‘customer support’ forum board to this one with out feeling the need to say anything about why the move or anything that might actualy help with this issue, so yes again ‘thank you’ for the brilliant and amazing customer support that we have come to expect from blizzard.

Posted from the wrong char there, but I’d like to add that the reason I originally posted on the customer support board was after being pointed in that direction by a sodding game master through tickets so yeah ‘thanks’ again…

You can repost it and add their comments. Also you can stop being a drama queen.


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