Yeah, someone should definitely add that to Wikipedia
Oh we know them
They are just very cunning about it
panda rage.
lol, you would be surprised xD i get so many of them removed that most people dont even get to see xD
everyone really, all those that are gone and those still here, i like to think their hearts are in the right place even when their tongues are not, i know all about that…:s
i mean, only because you disagree with someone on certain things doesnt mean you cant like them.
Its a rare trait on the interwebs though… but I fully agree.
It is rare almost as rare as getting invincible reins.
Or a second amanthuls vision.
I’ve stopped believing in Invincible’s Reins existence. I’ve tried everything, blood of a firstborn, sacrificing a black cockerel at a crossroads at midnight, ethereal promises with fickle Clurichaun spirits of spite and malice, pacts with Infernal powers, pacts with Celestial powers, Offerings to Baron Samedi, Strange peyote vision quests with Native American Shamans, Tantric Yoga, and even Doing the damned Raid every time it unlocks.
I’m pretty sure that everyone I see in game who has it, has a Mod that is basically designed to troll everyone else, and what we think is Invincible is the equivalent of someone getting a Donkey from Whitby beach and gaffa taping some cardboard wings to it, putting it on a starvation diet and calling it an Undead pegasus…
Well there is only one thing you haven’t tried before out of the whole list.
You haven’t tried appeasing or sacrificing to Odin the all father but then again it wouldnt make much sense since you are English/Saxon
But overall yeah i agree those people who have it either have some strange favor with Blizzard or they should play the lottery.
I ran 50 times but to no avail.
Well, in fairness, both the Angles and the Saxons also revered Odin, or Wotan, I mean heck, one of our days of the week is named after him!
Indeed, some people take a difference of opinion as some kind of personal judgement that you are now sworn enemies.
I have disagreed with people in some discussions and liked/agreed with their views in others.
Here’s a trick which might help for you, since it helped my husband!
You always seem to get more lucky on alts you rarely play, as if Blizz gives them a “welcome back” bonus of good luck. My husband had been farming Invincible on all of his characters every week and was getting nothing. So I joined him on a character I hadn’t played in months and -BAM- Invincible drops for me. Obviously I am an excellent wife as I traded him the mount!
So it might be worth trying with an alt you haven’t played in a while, or bringing along a friend’s unplayed alt (provided they promise to trade it to you!). Alternatively, since I’ve traded my husband both Invincible and Midnight, I can rent out myself as a good luck charm for mount hunters
the chicken mount >.>
He wants that too. Yes, he’s greedy like that.
I’ll just settle for a nice dinner, I guess
Isn’t it Wednesday Odin’s day?.
I know Thursday is Torsday.
Bizarrely, this did work for me with regards the Headless Horseman’s mount, and Ashes of A’lar. The annoyance at the latter was considerable, as he was my highest levelled Alliance character, and had the Ashes, but did not have the sufficient Riding skill to equip it, or the cash to buy said skill! I had to grind money like mad so I could get it so that I could use the item to get the Dayglo parrot to be available to me
Yep. Monday is simply ‘Moons Day’, Tuesday is ‘Tyr’s Day’, Wednesday is as you say ‘Wotan’s Day’ Thursday is the painfully obvious ‘Thor’s Day’ and Friday is ‘Freya’s Day’, Saturday is ‘Saturn’s Day’ so Roman, not a Norse deity, and Sunday basically doesn’t need explaining…
Hence in the book and subsequent TV series ‘American Gods’ Odin calls himself “Mr Wednesday”
Thank you for the in depth explanation i knew most of this just was unsure of myself and us Slavs use to believe in the Kolovrat(Sun wheel) back in pagan days so I guess Sunday is for that and the symbol represents Slavic nations(back in those days tribes,) unity.