Forumers Still Have Trust Level 3 (Beta Version) 😒

And for me as well!!

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Come on baby!! Gimme that salt!!

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And why is it something to be irked about? Why should we care?

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you dont need to care, i care :3


Very petty topic. Anyone on forums should be able to post links. At least one link per day. (freely better)… It’s your fault you don’t have tllevel 3 because you keep posting spam threads then necroing them a few month later.

surprisingly enough thats not why i dont have it xD

im just calling for all the beta players to have their acc wide tl3 revoked :3

It’s not like they change character, they grind through it and still missbehave with TL3 :man_shrugging:

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Just ask of them to get banned, just like you did.

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Spamming trash threads should be reason to perma-ban people from TL1, let alone TL3


Mmmm if only you all knew why there havent been any ‘trash’ threads lately xD


Got proof of that? eh…

I have the lowest trust level and I always will, I’m sure.

You know what kind of person the top tier of blizzards trust level is.

If it means they can add junk animated garbage to their posts then shows how utterly shallow they are. Just turning the forums into kiddy twaddle. But then they probably don’t have anything meaningful to say so I wouldn’t let it trouble you.

Just as an aside I was the very first person to post on the new style forums when this crap was introduced. I still have no idea what any of it means. Like it matters.

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Those with TL3 is unfortunately the forum elite, and the peons are those who are unqualified to reach that TL. The worst is that it only takes to report someone you disagree with as offensive a couple times, and they wont be able to get to TL3 ever. This segregation is very unfortunate and should not happen.

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Wrong you just need to go 100 days without a ban/warning .