FoS normal HC

That’s just so you. “It’s not my hand!”, while holding a stolen purse.

Good lord, y’all seriously think “make your own group” was a pro RDF argument.

In a way I’m amazed but mostly I’m scared.

Well you know, if you play something up too much it might eventually turn around to bite you.

Tell me how that works out?

Hell, just look:

Just whining. As it never happens in real life and if it does it is so rare it is totally pointless.

No it was not an argument for RDF, it was an argument used against us that did not want RDF because we knew what would happen. What we told you guys would happened have happened. But you still refuse to acknowledge it while simultaneously complain about the things we warned about.

It looks like it was used in a “possible HR vs. forced no-HR” argument. Not quite the same.

its really weird how I have 3 mildly geared toons thanks to RDF, using RDF HC through 2kGS - and then at 3.8/4k+ gamma spam and no one kicked me. Not once.

But for some reason, everyone that I seen get kicked was or a 2.2k GS tank obviously xploiting the ilvl req, or literally obnoxious people.

And BTW the “Just make your own group” was THE argument for the Anti-RDF ppl.

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What are you talking about? Peopel can FINALLY run levelling dungeons. I levelled 2 alts to 80 since its release and have 3rd at 76. Most people queue gamma heroics, with some problems that entails due to weird titan rune interactions, while a sizable minority forms groups manually via guild chat and trade, either for a fast daily with similarly overgeared people or to farm series of instances on an alt group for catch-up currency without fear of complaining and kicks. I see them advertising in trade all thw time at least in peak hours.
More or less precisely what we said happened. People can and do form their own groups if they prefer it to random queue at max level. Hell, even I as a RDF devotee still formed a couple manual groups for world tours when I needed to farm scourgelords.

No I get it, we told them they can still make their own groups once RDF is out. Which I still stand behind. They absolutely can, I did so myself, for currency farm and for achieves in icc dungeons. I feel 100% vindicated in all my statements about RDF after 3 months of using it daily (except that 2 week long bug where the old world dungeon level ranges were broken, but hey, smol indy multi-dollar company, amirite)

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To be fair, THEY STILL ARE, despite having a correct representation of the old level range from back in the day they just did +/- 10 levels of the last boss which brings in all sorts of problems, especially with classic native stuff like the anti boosting mechanics.

Literally all they had to do was google the level ranges and hardcode 'em in.

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