Free char transfer error cuz of unexisted mails in mail box

You can level a Retail WoW1 (US) character and then post on the US thread about your WOTLK toon.

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Ohhhhhh, sorry didnt get it worked like that on a retail char.

No worries, from confusion we learn with every step so I added some more pics.

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Just to let everyone know going to american server worked

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Same problem, Hope fully someone from blizzard wakes up and sorts these issues, Iā€™m not waiting 10 hour to clear mail


Could you please clear emial box on my charakter ā€œChytrusekā€?
Iā€™m trying to use transfer from Gehennas to Ashbringer.
I have checked AH, emial and still got the same error.

Thank you in advance

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Poor Saneko, having to tank all these posts :frowning:


My back hurts from carrying senior management expectations, I think they should give me full loot choice and 15 years gametime sarcastic nodding.



/10 chars

i need help plz cant transfer

See below:


thank you bro, sweet solution <3

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Donā€™t forget to transfer before FCMā€™s close!! A step some players forget and then leave their mains, alts and spouses behind!

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Hurtin-Gehennas (EU) Horde

please wipe my mailbox

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My (currently invisible) mail needs to be purged in order for me to migrate off of Gehennas.

From other posters I have understood you need to post on the US forums to have it purged, however I cannot play retail (my PC canā€™t handle it) to make a level 10 in order to post there

My request: Can someone with a US forum account please post to request a mail purge on ā€œFah - Gehennasā€? I have made a battlenet ticket to request this on EU region for proof.

Thank you so much in advance

  • EDIT: update, somehow my 2006 PC could barely handle the retail game, ended up leveling one to 10 myself and made the request in the US thread. Please close the thread, thank you.

Great :slight_smile: anyone else that sees this and needs mailbox help head down here:

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As title says, is there any chance customer support could remove my mail and auctions for me?

Character name: Mevna (76 mage)
Server: Gehennas EU

Thanks in advance.

Hello. i have same problem
Mailbox purge request.
Server: Gehennas (EU)
Character: Loverevenge (Orc Death Knight)
