Free char transfer error cuz of unexisted mails in mail box

And now I have to queue another 10hours to check if I have already received the stupid mails XD

The US starter WoW license is entirely free.

If you want faster help this is the way to go. Otherwise you can raise a ticket and wait in queue.

How is this solution to this problem? I canā€™t log in due to ENORMOUS queues of wating people. Iā€™m serious. I have work. I canā€™t just skip school and wait for half of a day to log in to the game. I pay for service and Iā€™m 100% sure there is not a single word in EULA that this service is available only during certain time. I urge you to solve the problem for players who agree and demand purging of mailbox content so they can continue to use the service you should provide for money you recieved. Thank you.

@Gintonix You can help yourself faster if you follow my post above:

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for the love of god blizzard, purge my mailboxā€¦!!
i want to pay for a transfer, i dont want to QUEUE for 9-10 HOURS

i cleared my mailbox last night and wanted to pay for the transfer today when i came home from work.

Purge Mattz - Gehennas mailbox now plz.

@Mattz Same advice as the post above, if you want to get it purged faster atleast.

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Please wipe my mail

Robingood - Gehennas

yeah i know but really cba leveling a char on US server just to postā€¦

@Robingood: Same advice too as above.

@Mattz: Between playing the game for a hour and posting on the US forum getting mailbox clearing help and sitting in queue for 10 hours, I think this is going to save you a lot more time down the line.

I even made a screenshot album after popular request :frowning:



I am stuck on Gehennas and tend to help towards the server problem by using the free character transfer and move to Ashbringer PvP.

Could you guys ā€˜clearā€™ my mail as it says I have any? Would like to be able to log in since the first time of launch. Thanks.

Char name: Vorck-Gehennas


Your options are to create a ticket to get it cleared, come back later when thereā€™s no queue or level a toon to 10 for free and head to the US thread:

If you donā€™t see any mail, it could be quest mail that arrives later (according a Blizzardian, up to 24 hours) or ignored player mail.

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In case any blizzard guys see this. I have the same issue and have mail on Rayto-Gehennas that i would like to send back/remove so that i can use the free transfer

Best regards

Same advice as above unfortunately.

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Unable to reply on a US thread. Tried alreadyā€¦
But thanks

You need to create and level a toon to 10 on a free US WoW license.

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How do I create a character on a US server? The client doesnt allow me to change regions. Even when I change to ā€œAmericasā€ before logging in, it only shows EU realmsā€¦

The below album has screenshots on how to create a free US WoW license, you can have up to 8 WoW licenses in your account. After use you can delete it with an self-help ticket (no waiting time).


Cheers buddy. Sucks it has to be this way, but I got it working. Ty for info.

edit: Actually it requires me to activate a new sub lmao

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Really? It should be 100% free as itā€™s a starter edition and since youā€™re going to post on the US CS forums it requires no sub either (same mirrored as EU CS)

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Idkā€¦ I changed from WoW (2) EU to WoW (1) US. Quite certain thatā€™s the one I just made since that dropdown menu wasnt there before and in the second screenshot you can see what I bump in too.

https :// dOHz2 qz

edit: had to put in some spaces, not allowing me to post a link