Free Character Moves Available for Firemaw

2200 queue on Gehennas and still no transfers available. What are you doing Blizzard?

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But it seems that Firemaw and Gehennas just got ā€œlockedā€, so probably no more transfers to them, not sure if you still can create characters there.

@Nunu: Unfortunately it is the other way around, ā€œlockedā€ does not say anything about transfer status, just means currently creation of new characters is disabled (temporarily).

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I tried it but I couldnā€™t transfer to Firemaw anymore (error message).

@Nunu: It is theoretically possible that they might have also disabled transfers in and have not just posted it, because it is in the middle of the nightā€¦ :smiley:

What was the thinking behind these choices, seriously?

You offer one medium pop server with 2 low pop servers and you might as well only have offered the medium pop, since nobody from Firemaw is gonna choose a low pop destination over a medium pop.

The transfers have ruined Bloodfang which was previously a perfect server. Alliance has become more dominant and Black Lotus prices have doubled. Now itā€™s a high pop server, when we were happy being medium pop.

Either offer all Low pop destinations, or all medium pop destinations. Donā€™t offer a false choice.

And turn off transfers to Bloodfang FFS.

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@Gudwey: Three smallest realms were pickedā€¦ and Bloodfang remains the smallest of the highs as far as the information is correct.

If I am going to move all of my characters (which are alliance) from Firemaw to another server. Will I then be able to create a new horde character?

The way I see it, I will move all of my characters, then i will have 0, which means thatā€¦ I canā€™t create a new horde char, right?

thank you!

Why donā€™t we on Gehennas get the same offer?

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@Movea: For the duration of the lockdown the answer is indeed likely no.

@Nallie: I am not sure, but I assume the population structures are somewhat different. This is just off-the-cuff guess, but perhaps there is some fear of Flamelash 2.0-style case. I have not looked into things deeply, but Blizzard may need to do some faction specific work and that is slightly more complexā€¦ Especially since the most probable FCM targets are already horde biased as far as I am aware.

How long will the server be closed for paid transfers? I misread a guild message and moved my only (and first) lvl 60ā€¦ havent played for four days as I did it the MOMENT the closed the server:( Sent a ticket but still waiting for a replyā€¦

Great, people from Firemaw with 30K population can migrate for free to servers with 2K population. I wonder how many succes that will haveā€¦

dont ask for logic, they dont care about their game anyways

Why noggenfoggerā€¦

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