Free Character Moves Coming Soon

People need to stop thinking about just themselves…

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Blizzard! <3

My two main characters are on Firemaw so I’m sure they will be eligible for transfer. I just hope that the new realm I started on is among those select realms.

Even if not, however, this is still big news. Thank you!

Late but good news at last. Let’s hope you don’t mess this up :slight_smile:

Somebody post the server demographics please.
I found out Gehennas was swedish the hard way…

Wont happend. Blizz will never give numbers of realm pop / demographics etc.

Oh I know that, im asking the players.
For example, Golemagg is what? UK, Spanish?

Golemagg & Shazz are Nordic
Firemaw is Spanish
Gehennas is Swedish

I don’t get it. Blizz aims for queues sorting the problem out by itself, people start spreading through the multiple realms to avoid queues, things start to stabilise. And you feel it’s best to f*ck with a self-solving problem who is now starting to resolve itself by doing this… Whomever is calling the shots on these decisions is questionable in the least.

I was happy having gone to a lower population server with my friends, let all the elitist guilds and aoe grinders who plan to screw up the server economy, the devilsaur mafias and all those other toxic people jerk themselves in their own biome of stupidity. And now I can hope to see these same people I was happy to have avoided soil the remaining decent servers.

Well done Blizzard, as usual.

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Mate. Blizzard will open new realms and make free char transfer between specific realms. Will basicly mean that a high pop realm will be split into two. Dont you worry

Can I transfer from Normal to PVP server?

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Yay! Thanks - although there’s a trend of non specifics. An Estimated date would be helpful :slight_smile:

Come ooon… we are fine with our “High” pop realm, we don’t need invaders and then QQ for the queues… Please manage it correct if you are going to do it. I like most of the ppl have limited time to play and will not be happy to wait 2-3+ hours in queues.

Absolutely fantastic news. Really glad to hear it.

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Dont think so.
The source and target realms will be predertimed and i guess only of the same type

Mate, only realm transfer you need is outside for some fresh air :slight_smile:

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Please make it so that the full servers get to choose from a pool of low-population servers to transfer to. My network of friends has been split between (now full) servers due to the queues. We would greatly appreciate the ability to end up at the same server without having to re-level.

Interesting move. Maybe too early.

There were no guild banks in vanilla.


Wow. I was not really expecting this.

I thought that opening up character transfers would cause imbalance on the target realms. Perhaps the character levels are evening out faster than expected.

The devil’s in the detail but this sounds like good news for those stuck in queues.

Hope they do not open up transfer to the 2 newest servers. going to ruin for them thats already there with all this elitist guilds and aoe grinders who plan to screw up the server economy, the devilsaur mafias