Free Character Moves for this Region - Updated 28 Oct

More than half my guild transferred from Gehennas to Earthshaker. I was about to do the same, but I had to sell off a few items on AH, only to realize the migration to Earthshaker ended.

I spoke to support about it, but they couldn’t make an exception. RIP.


Bad support.

<>see that free character transfers are up (playing on Noggenfogger)
<>re-activate subscription
<>find out that you can only transfer to a Spanish realm

What an absolute Fn joke. How about you update this list in real time so people don’t get false hope and spend their money on something that isn’t available anymore.

Please reopen transfers from Gehennas to Bloodfang. Many of our guild is stuck with half the members migrating and the other waiting for auctions and stuff. Set a deadline for when you’ll be closing the xfers so we can plan around it, please blizzard.


What part of “As always, we strongly encourage you to utilize the Free Character Move service as soon as possible. Free Character Moves will be closed without warning for any destination realm that becomes full.” you didn’t understand?

We understood it clearly. It still doesn’t make sense, that’s the point. People take time to debate, people scout servers, etc. It makes sense to take time to consider things in such a thing because you prolly won’t get another shot. There’s also multiple unique items you have to sell on AH that you have to wait, so forth.

It shouldn’t be rushed, and it should be handled with greater precision, by giving out dates and such, instead of “Maybe you get in maybe not LOL HURRY”.

In our case, we did rush, but literally got ghucked by the system by minutes. After deciding on moving the servers, some of us made it, some of us didn’t. At least before we were all on the same server, and now we can’t change back.

Makes 0 sense to automate which servers are open or close. We should at least have one more 24h for original server migration options to see this through, or else we’re all just going to quit probably.

Let me transfer my Mageblade and T2/t1 geared mage to Earthshaker as was intended on Wednesday before I MADE A TICKET WHICH YOU CANNOT BE BOTHERED TO RESPOND TO ABOUT PENDING MAIL (MAIL THAT ISNT THERE) - OR QUITE SIMPLY I’LL QUIT WITH THESE GUYS.


I am sure it sucks but a dedicated guild should have announce the transfer to like 8pm before MC raid and everyone should have transfered at the exact same minute so everyone would be on the same realm.

Hey man.

They did this last week also, on wedensday though, and opened transfers again on friday. I will bet that in a day or two, they are gonna open for transfers again, as they are seeing how the queues are and stuff.

This thread is also unpinned now.

I take it back, u are screwed.

Blizzard just really, really loves screwing people. Bloodfang and Earthshaker are no where near full and Blizzard in its brilliance just stops transfers so guilds get wrecked. Good job on really messing with the customers that were and are willing to relax populations on mega servers.


Blizzard does not want 2 new full servers. They want somewhat equal distribution between realms. And 2 realms did not recieve that many transfers so now they can get it.

Yes, I know. They want to screw customers. We got that. Good job on tearing apart guilds.

Really good job blizzard

Customer service in India as they’ve laid off all their best people
Wonderful jobings blizzardings

Make a free transfer from earthshaker to noggenfogger. i was forced from firemaw to a realm i dont want to be on, i want to play with my freinds.

You were never forced to do anything my friend. You did everything by yourself.