Free Character Moves for this Region - Updated 28 Oct

Thats never gonna happen im afraid.

Hey Guys
My friend and I decided to move from Gandling to Earthshaker, he did so two days ago in the evening, I attempted yesterday morning, but it was already closed.
I wrote with a GM yesterday telling me to write you guys here, as my friend and I now are split on two servers. My friend managed to move all his characters in the late evening, but I, in the morning could not move mine. Can you guys help here? Isnt fun to play alone…
Best Regards
60 Shammy hoping to find the Eye one day…

Same thing happened to me. We have one big guild of Estonian people (100+ active users). Everyone transferred on Thursday while i was stuck doing overtime at work. So i tried transferring on Friday and vóila. Support told me basically to have wishful thinking as nothing can be done. Please move my 55 warrior Eduard from Gehennas to Earthshaker.

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This whole thing where the automated system shuts down the transfers to a realm when it feels like its full and the support system team nor technical management have no power over has split many guilds and friends.

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Remember to advertise that Dragonfang is completly dead, and that it is character suicide to transfer to this realm… Me and my friend moved from Gandling because of Que times and faction inbalance… So stupid. Please for the love of wow, merge this server with another one.

You’re turning it into character suicide by posting this you goof.

That’s a more idiotic move than moving to Dragonfang.

Posting this ensures that several more people choose NOT to go to Dragonfang, killing off the server even more instead.

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you dodged a bullet my friend loool

What ever you do do not transfer to dragonfang, it is dying.

okay, great. But there were 2 other options. We didn’t do our homework yet. Only got to the point of agreeing to move.

I made a freshie on the Spanish realm to see what’s up, cause we can all move there.

Needless to say, Spanish people don’t really like foreigners in their vicinity. Lots of xenophobic responses to the simple question how populated the raiding scene is and if there are guilds where English is accepted.

Touched their sensitive Spanish bubble too much with that… No way we’re moving there. GREAT OPTION BLIZZARD.

Guess that’s what you get after being raised with fully Spanish dubbed TV.

People on Spanish servers want Spanish speaking players

what a shocking revelation


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any idea when ashbringer to earthshaker will be open again i mean it closed very abruptly i checked a few days after my friends xfer and it was already closed i mean i still see some servers xfering to earthshaker any reason why ashbringer was closed. playing alone on a server is not fun.

Does anyone know if morgaine to Skullflame will be possible?
Just found out some of my old RL friends play that server and I’d like to join them.

UPDATED 28 OCTOBER – The new German RP realm Celebras is available for the creation of new characters. Free Character Moves to Celebras also remain available.

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Can it be possible to transfer from mandokir to an english realm?
When the game suggested an realm transfer it transferred my character from an english realm to a spanish realm… I don’t even speak spanish.

Uh… You chose to transfer to a Spanish realm. The game doesn’t force you to do anything.

Take the L and learn to read in the future. It’ll help you tremendously.

Yes, I’m trying to be rude because it is mindboggling how you could transfer to a Spanish server without knowing it. I mean cmon. It’s not forbidden to use your brain man.

So Blizzard offered another realm transfer because the realm was low occupied. It stated transfer to Mandokir, it didn’t state transfer to Mandokir (SP). How was I supposed to know that this was a spanish realm since I’m playing on English realms?
I get your point but this is done poorly by Blizzard.

@Skovt: Actually not. That transfer was offered by them to enable Spanish speaking players to transfer to a realm with support in their (native) language.