Free Character Moves for this Region - Updated 28 Oct

Is there not a possibility to get it reversed?

@Skovt: I am sorry to say, but most likely not. You can ask, but do not be surprised, if you receive a negative reply.

I will try again. I appreciate your replies, I do hope this gets some attention of a CM…

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You were supposed to know because it was stated as a Spanish transfer option. You should also have checked the server list incase you weren’t absolutely 100% sure (but really you should always check it), and only when you were positively sure you should go there, initiate the transfer.

I feel your pain, but in this case they probably should say no simply because it’ll teach you to not just blindly follow instructions that you yourself prompt in the future.

Hope people move to Judgement.

Realm is pretty dead.

Please can you allow us to go from low pop to high pop, really struggling to find groups here :confused: .

LOL at the transfer policy. I hope someone gets fired for this in Blizzard and the new guy steps up to solve this clusterF.

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The exact same thing happend to me, and the same answer from support :frowning: all my friends was able to change servers, and I had no time :frowning:

Hope so too :slight_smile:
Leveling an alt at another server until it gets better and if not, my alt becomes my main :smiley:

Come on m8
Its not dead. Is okay, its surviving.
We Got 10 raiding guilds raiding.

really? on horde or ally side? =) didn’t know that, it just seems so quiet on horde side and hard to find groups. Never see any guild recruiting for an example. I’m not even in a guild haha.

If you check warcraftlogs classic
U Can see there are 5 guilds atm logging.

And i know that Phoenix (A) aint logging unity aint logging. (A) ((oh they just started logging))
We start sunday
And another guild just merged into another so they start now. (A)
Horde no clue

There are 2 atleast horde site raiding!
Ppl should come judgement
We still have Room for exceptional raiders :sweat_smile:

I would also like this. There is nothing RP about this realm and Blizz don’t seem to care about their naming rules. My only concern is it won’t be much better there but then I doubt it can by much worse…

Edit: forgot to quote post I was replying to. This was in reply to the request for transfers from Zandalar Tribe to Hydraxian Waterlords

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Why are there free transfers off Stonespine still ???

I did a census check and Hordeside Stonespine had 2600 players online and Hordeside Earthshaker had 2100 players online yet we have transfers open from Stonespine to Earthshaker. Why ?

We should trust you because your mad census checking skills are objectively more effective than the data blizzard has.

Please allow transfers to Bloodfang again. Friends are STILL stuck on Gehennas. We just want to play together.


Dragonfang needs help, spread the word.

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Dragonfang is full. Lock the transfer please.

Transfer to judgement!
We still lack horde to kill!!!

And ADD some locks, mages & druids to ally! We are Many guilds who lack this class

Our guild are searching
1h priest - 1resto/feral druid - 2 locks.
For our raids!