Free character transfer

Hello, I recently applied for a free character transfer on my account since I’ve been playing on Kazzak but I’ve been experiencing some issues, which you might have noticed aswell :slight_smile:

Although it seems to take a long time to complete the transfer and my charatcers are now unplayable. Would be much appreciated if you could cancel my pending transfers and let my characters stay on Kazzak.

Best to put it in a ticket - if you go into your transaction history there should be a “help” or support button and you can make a ticket that way

I did but it would take a few days probably to get response and I’m afraid that the transfer will be like this for days since I’ve read on forums that it takes a long time

  • You cannot cancel a migration in progress.
  • Blizzard Customer Support cannot cancel a migration or speed up the migration process.
  • Character migrations are irreversible.

Seems you’re out of luck.

What a great game :))))))))))) Would be nice to get some kind of customer support

Next time read the fine print.

I have one thanks.