In preparation for the launch of Cataclysm Classic, we will be closing several low-population realms. To prepare for this we are going to be opening Free Character Moves from these realms to other, higher population realms. We are also going to be utilizing the technology introduced recently in Season of Discovery to allow each of our destination realms to hold a far higher number of players than was previously possible.
If you are currently playing on one of the source realms, we’d encourage you to make preparations to move as soon as you are able to do so. We will be moving all remaining characters on these realms to a new destination at some point after the launch of Cataclysm Classic. Moving your character before launch will allow you to have a choice of where you end up, so we’d encourage you to do so as soon as possible.
Can you at the very least free up all the names that are taken that haven’t been played in years. This has been done on retail many times, and in this case it makes a lot of sense to do so as it’s irritating having your guild rename its entire roster in some cases.
TBC Classic, Wrath launch were full of queues, I’ve paid for more than one transfer due to that, and realms just dying out of population as well.
Gehennas>Hydraxian Waterlord>Ashbringer>Mograine and now Gehennas again?
There were delayed free character transfers, temporarily locked realms with absurd pricing on top of it all.
I second this, what’s going to happen with guilds? We’ve spent money on charters, banks, bank tabs, etc. Some of us have spent THOUSANDS on multiple guild banks. Why can’t we just have a merger?
why is nethergarde keep being forced to move when we are the same population “medium” , but we are being forced in to high alliance population servers leaving all servers alliance outnumbering horde , makes for a trash game in cata
I can’t make any sense of this, most likely I have to rename most of my characters cause the name already exist, and i really really don’t want that, why not just merge?
Will guilds be able to transfer?
Will bank alts be able to transfer or do they need to level to 10?
And in advanced, can I have a link to fix the ‘mailed to a wrong character’ cause of the forced name change?
I’m not against changes in general, but not forced transfers, while the option to just merge servers is an alternateve.
Razorfen gets free transfer to everlook, both server 95% faction dominated.
Lakeshire doesnt get free transfer and has nearly the same amount of player ( or less!) as Razorfen and is also 95 faction dominated.
Funny thing here? Razorfen is 95% Horde and Lakeshire is 95% Alliance.
Guess what Everlook is ALLIANCE
Poor Lakeshire, and poor Razorfen to be nearly forced to factionchange here after free transfer :<
edited by moderator Blizzard Seriously? We lost Celebras before and now you want Hydraxian Waterlords that whas left deliberate open instead of Celebras to delete too?
Decided to refund… very saddened as I was really looking forward, but the combination of our servers getting screwed and the content being released way too quick - giving Cata a life of max a year - is just too much :S
Our entire guild/raidgroup farmed, made money, leveled chars all ready for Cata Sad.
Is there a limit of characters to move or we can transfer all the chars from dying servers? Can we be surprised by the situation that during transfer some of chars can move and some of them could be blocked?