Free Character Transfers Available from Firemaw

this must be a joke


“That maximum is bounded by the limitations of hardware.”

… Blizz are u for realz?


What does that tell you?
People do not want queues and they do no want to risk dead or imbalanced servers - that is 80% of vanilla servers from where they come from.
Having to chose a random server and risk it to become dead is a choice people do not want to have to do again.

You should have scalable servers by now, with as many layers as needed for as many players as needed. Players will choose if they want to play on a mega server, or a smaller server.


Kinda funny to look back and watch the wotlk classic announcement now.


“Whats the better experience? and lets not artificially restrict something that we can provide a better version of”


Virtualization infrastructure still runs on hardware. It’s not infinite resources just because it’s virtual. But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t increase the infrastructure’s capacity.

Well thats good service, Alliance players can move to Earthshaker and Horde players can move to Golemagg.

And its free! ! !

What is there not to like?

Taking a free xfer to those realms is like taking free chocolate from a stranger. Nonetheless you will regret it.


But you, Blizzard made this problem with totaly ignoring other servers population and A:H balance numbers.
After all these years you still didn’t learn what Classic players want - medium populated 50:50 PvP realm…

You didn’t care about balance what leaded to hard moments for lower faction who left… and after because of boredom even other faction left too.

Solution for Firemaw problem is sooo simple, but you need to do little effort, is that so hard?
You need to MERGE in some way few low pop realms and to pay attention for faction balance, at the end total pop can be 1/4 of Firemaw’s pop.
Then offer free transfer from Firemaw to THAT merged realm and 25% Firemaw players will be glad to move there.

Instead, you offering to us move to few semi-dead realms or to ONLY ONE faction “PVE” boring realm.
Most of us would rather quit this game then move there… dear Blizzard you are not prepared for such “complicated” issue…


LMAO did you honestly think people would forget about things like this Blizztard???

LMAO did you no think people in EU would know about that Blizztard???

LMAO do you honestly think that alot of your customers don’t know what kind of technology exists in year 2022 Blizztard???

LMAO did you somehow think that we wouldn’t know that little fun fact Blizztard???

This is one thing I think we all are aware off. Are you aware of that Blizzard???
I certainly hope that you are aware of that given your, to put it nicely, crappy reputation these days people will be very hesitant to buy new products from you in the future. Given how we all have seen how you treat your customers and how little you care about them.

I seriously can’t believe that I once used to love this company. Sadly that is such a long time ago now Blizzard that it gets more and more faded out so that I barely even remember it any more.

These days there is only one thing I wish for when ever i open up these forums or start up the game launcher:
I cincerly wish that one day soon someone, or a group of people, open up a lawsuit against you and actually wins over you so badly that you can’t even pay the damage judged against you, so you’ll have no choise but declare bancrupt.

You are nothing other than a huge disgrace of a company built on the policy of tricking or even scamming your customers of as much $$ as you possibly can while feeding them nothing but LIES.


All the servers that you can transfer to from Firemaw are dead, razorgore has 360 players LMAO


Yes correct, but most Enterprise Solutions are scable, meaning you can add more capacity at anytime and normally without service interuption.

Obviously not, but see above.

Removed a comment after re-reading Blue post about it beinga hardware limitation.

By posting nonsense like this, surely you will solve the problem, getting half the player-base to quit will surely solve the problem :slight_smile: but I doubt that’s financially viable for you guys. Please understand that we cannot just transfer to another realm only to have it die on us again like other realms have, forcing us then to pay AGAIN.

Serious option:

  • Offer only 2 realms to transfer to, 1 pvp, 1 pve
  • Guarantee we get a FREE transfer back to firemaw if that realm dies

A lot more people will be willing to take the ‘risk’ that way.
Fix this!


this hasn’t tacked the core problem of why firemaw is so congested. its that there is quite simply no other viable alternative for the majority of people that play this game. other servers are either 1 sided not marked as english or are marked as english but the reality is it isn’t.

make another pvp server which is balanced and english speaking and people will willingly move away. right now your not going to get the numbers to move until a viable alternative is given

There’s so many things to reply on to this post, but more then all it’s just showing how far Blizzard grew away from their player base. Honestly where warcraft 2 ‘tides of darkness’ was my first own bought game (yeah i’m old school:)) and i loved all Blizzard touched…

In it’s current state the’re a horrible left over version of what ones was a great gaming company. Reading this i just can’t believe that someone would actually write this down as ‘Truth’ and respons and can take their job serious. GO feel embarassed about ALL that you’ve become.

Also “FREE” transfers for those that paid (like me) €125,- to get 5 chars here when Mograine died out for alliance. SO how is moving away now FREE?? it’s NOT free i spend money to get here to play. If you’d give a FREE option it would include a ticket to get back on this server at later time when things are cooled down OR yet annother server dies. … bah already to much time spend on this lack for us at so many levels


I see you conveniently left out where I stated exactly that. :slight_smile:

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Nobody is going to transfer off, unless it has a stable population.
You’d literally need the support of thousands of players organising it all at once to do it.

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Most of people logging at 18.00 to firemaw want to just enter raid, do it and raidlog till next week. Now most of us did set up team viewer and logging in from work 2-3 hours before raid. This situation is making problem worsen every day cuz of queve starting earlier and earlier. PLS HELP. I want to play this game and alternative is only DEAD SERVER. I hopu blizzard knows u need 24 other players to raid XD XD XD XD. My home Razorgore got like 19 online at peak hours i cant go back there lollolololol

Please stay calm, we need everyone to use the free transfer to some dead realm and then pay for transfer back to firemaw, Bobbert needs new yacht, you dont know what it is like to lose job …


thats clearly not going to happen, no one is going to be the first to jump. it needs to be something blizzard do, they need to split the server into 2 or more servers or bring other servers together to create a viable alternative

You are listing dead or 1 faction realms. Any chance of you offering free transfers to realms that are 50/50? Or maybe think of breaking up these mega servers with launch of wrath? This is NOT a player created problem, so stop blaming the consumers. Take some accountability for a change and OWN your mistake–you enabled this fiasco by keeping mega server transfers open to the servers. Go above and beyond and do something to earn some respect from your customers…looks to me that class action lawsuit from hearthstone is what needs to happen with WoW now. Shall this community do the same as that game community?