Free Character Transfers Available from Firemaw

Trying to blame this problem on your customers is a horrible response. If your car gets stolen, do you accept the ‘criticism’ that you chose to move to a city instead of a village? Of course not! That reasoning is dense and self-defeating.

Offering transfers to servers with languages you don’t speak is beyond insulting. Why don’t you just learn a new language? Why not? Likewise for tranferring to a PvE realm. For some reason you neglect to mention that you’ll never be able to transfer back to a PvP server but sure: this way it looks like there are loads of options. Though most are useless as they are either dead, dying or completely dominated by one faction.

Finally the argument that layers have no bearing on the total number of players allowed on a realm at one time seems faulty. Why else implement layers? It’s not for the players, it’s purely for server stability. I’m not a programmer but this seems very odd to me.


Great point—this blizz response is willfully OMMITING the fact that moving to pve realm prevents you from going back to a pvp realm. Makes that list of a available servers look nice and fluffy, once again misleading consumers.

They showed in the past they don’t care about community and they show it now once again.
Once again we will see a purge of players from Blizzard like last time, most will wait, some will transfer, some will quit paying, but in the end they won’t fix the issue they created, in the end most of us we will quit again, maybe that will wake them up losing 25%+ of players.

ffs we live in 2022 and you can’t find a fix to a problem you created or make a merge of low pop servers so players from Firemaw have a good choice where to go… not to some dumb low pop svr or French or Russian server.

Or maybe Elon Musk should just buy the game from Blizzard…


avarage firemaw player: “hey lets move to the megaserver everyone seems to move”
also firemaw player: “why is there queues, blizzard help, what are u doing”

lmfao… of course u sit in queue whene everyone moves to a completely overpopulated server like firemaw… earthshaker is 5.5k alliance pop server feels alive, u see people everywhere, there is raids every day and u dont have to sit in queue for 3-4 hours a day. u guys just completely lost reality. reality is 5.5k is a very high populated server compared to what it used to be back in the day when the game had more players then it has now. deal with the queues u all transfered to a server that was full already… imagine blaming blizzard for queues when u all bomb 1 and the same server lmfao… get a grip. for the normal people with some braincells, earthshaker is super alive, if u are alliance feel free to come over to the best alliance server in europe :slight_smile:

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US has more times zones then EU.
So maybe the time spread is better because of that!
Where in EU all raid within 2 hour period.

earthshaker is popping. a server doesnt need 35k population to be good. earthshaker feels alive and theres plenty of raids every day. u are just brainwashed and think server needs 20k+ people to feel alive. back in vanilla classic no server had 35k population, the big servers had 7-8k pop in classic, so earthshaker is fairly big compared to classic vanilla. if 2-3k alliance would move to earthshaker we would be 8-9k alliance it would be a big server and firemaw might get out of queues, win-win.

Why should players that are on firemaw since start should think about transfer? Why players who play since day 1 on this server should have que time 200+ mins because others come from low pop servers? Why did Blizzard let it happen? Why they took money from players that transfered to Firemaw instead of blocking access at a certain point to the server knowing the servers have a limit pop and it got way past that? ???

Then stf and keep walkin, we didn’t created this, they did by letting it happen
Is like firefighters saying is not their fault the whole city burned to ashes because they didn’t stop that small fire, c’mon the whole world went insane for good? WTF !?


You cant even move to a PVE realm as part of the FCT. Only pvp > pvp

move to a dead server good one blizzard, from not playing the game to not playing the game wow truly the most brain damaged game company i ever seen in my life you guys on a streak since 2016 keep at it clowns


Allowing free tickets off Firemaw doesn’t fix the whole list of dead realms. You need to actually take some bigger action to ensure all the players end up playing together or instead of moving they will either just suck it up and keep waiting or they will quit.

The suckers who do take a transfer to a dead realm will quit when they realise nobody else took the bait. Blizzard has to do something to make sure players who do leave Firemaw are going somewhere they can play, which means Blizzard needs to organise a mass-opt in to go to a specific server, and/or merge some servers now.


can you simple explain what the “hardware limitations” are and how they don’t affect the chinese realms. chinese realms are the best realms in the world right now. can you just borrow some of their servers or something? at 2022 i don’t believe anyone is stupid enough that increasing server capacity by %20-30 is not doable. its not like we 50000 queue in firemaw. increasing capacity by this margin would probably just solve the issue.

no man, you are delusional i am sorry

Factionchange when?

Dear mr Braincells,

The average playerbase isn’t a hive mind able to make decisions collectively. Nor does it have obligations, or the ability, to make balanced decisions about future server health.
This all boils down to simple group psychology.

Here’s an exaggerated example:
If you had a legal money press, would you use it? What if your neighbour had one as well, and your entire block? Everyone in your city? Your country?

Surely you printing some new bills wouldn’t affect the economy, and if it does, why would that be your fault when a million others are doing the same thing? Your money press is legal!

Now replace that money press with PCT, which was handed to you by Blizzard.

avarage firemaw player: “hey lets move to the megaserver everyone seems to move”
also firemaw player: “why is there queues, blizzard help, what are u doing”

In essence, you are correct because this is how human group psychology works. You are obviously an exception to the rule since you’re mocking it and the rest of humanity. You truly have a great mind.

I’m also willing to bet you never experienced any real server issues as you probably had free transfer to ES from whatever dead realm you started on. Personally i’ve been stuck on Razorgore basically unable to do any group content the past 5 months.


In all seriousness why don’t they just merge a the servers so that where you play does not matter ? Haven’t they already done it on retail ?

Like the fact that you want people to transfer and go play in a dead server is not what people are looking for, how hard is that for such a big and old gaming company to understand this point. Stop going back to old solutions to fix this issue.

All I’m seeing is a bunch of players unsubbing meaning loss in revenue, at this point honestly I don’t think they care.

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This whole post is full of COPIUM.

  1. Noone cares how it was “back in days”. Back in days people were using wooden sticks to survive in the world, so what? Apparently, it is year 2022 and solutions from 2007 are not working. Who would have thought.

  2. “there are plenty of raids…” and blah-blah-blah. You are completely delusional. 10 raids killed KJ on ES, 65 raids killed KJ on Firemaw, 6.5 times more, including multiple pug runs. So, if you are not in on of the 10 “good” guilds of ES, you wont kill KJ in TBC. Sounds really good.

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If you only raidlog with your guild, what is the problem of moving your whole guild to a “dead server” to do so, and let those who want to play get in?

EDIT: NO, I donøt think this solution is fine, not even good. I’m just curious, is all.

Try to ask yourself why big companies have headquarters in cities like Paris, Berlin etc. and not in towns like Bergamo. This is the answer to your question.

If you are on a dead server you would have to farm consumes for raids yourself for every member cause the ah wouldnt function nor would there be a gold income but raw.

Ahh, yo don’t JUST raid :wink: And what’s wrioong with farming your own consumes at off hours?