I’m not on Firemaw, i’m on Razorgore. I never transferred anywhere.
And you can’t expect people to behave responsibly with overpowered tools. As long as the tools suits them, despite screwing over the big picture, there’s no incentive to care about the drawbacks.
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The incompetence from the WoW team is distressing. You have failed the classic community. We (especially Alliance EU) are forced to play on a dead realm or a massively overpopulated one (only option to actually play).
" The game is much more fun if you’re actually playing it, even on a smaller realm, so in the past, players have always eventually chosen to move to other realms."
The fact that you even make a statement like this really shows that you don’t understand the situation for people that actually play. There are no “smaller” realms for Alliance. There are only DEAD realms. I play on Ashbringer, it takes hours to get a dungeon group and most of the time people give up before you even get to start.
The only option is to pay 25 euros to transfer to Firemaw and sit in a 2hour+ queue. Both of these options are completely UNACCEPTABLE…
Stop making these posts pretending you are offering a solution. These free transfers haven’t worked for the entirety of WoW classic and they won’t start working now. The only possible transfer I could even see happening is Horde going from Firemaw to Gehennas and that’s not even on your pitiful list.
Start thinking of REAL solutions. Merge dead realms into a proper new realm. At this point nobody cares if we lose our names… first come first serve…
Do … SOMETHING! This is your job! (How do you still have this job?)
I do think that connecting, not merging is the way forward. It’s the same but you get to keep your name.
You sure implied it in your post. Why do you give players crap for not accepting a deal you yourself don’t even think is good or acceptable?
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It’s been around since February and no one takes it, that means it’s not good, why? Players don’t want to be on a low population realm, I’ve been there myself and it’s not fun. If there was an incentive then people may move, but I doubt it.
As I said connecting low population realms is the way to go I believe.
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omg thank you so much kaivax cant wait to get home and take the free xfer back to my old dead realm(S!)
you made my clan xfer twice with your incompetence and pushing to flood noggen and gehennas with zugzugs thanks to char boosts and paid char xfer.
im sure we pay once more for your incompetence
Why did you do continuously accommodate paid character transfers to a FULL server for YEARS?
Why do people on Firemaw from day 1 have to endure hours of queues every day because you let servers die, then offered paid transfers to a full server?
Why should they have to leave their communities behind, formed over years?
Why should those who paid good money to escape their dead servers now have to endure unplayable queues or risk going back to an unsupported dead server or have to pay you again?
The people who paid 13 euro for a name reservation do care. Dont speak for everyone. Connecting realms like in classic era is the way to go, not merging.
Meanwhile there is around 10k players scattered across dead servers being completely ignored and blizzard waiting for them to pay for a transfer… What a complete joke this situation has become 
So the response to Firemaw queues being too high is that we have free transfers available to dead realms? I have a bunch of characters on retail sitting on a dead realm after experiencing high queue times during WoD launch and was refused any sort of “bulk” transfer deal to get them off, which is partly why I stopped playing retail in the first place.
There were queues in Phase 3 with people starting to leave Gehennas, Stonespine, etc. Why is this just being acknowledged as a problem now? Why is the solution for people who have been here since classic to just transfer to a dead server? Why do you not merge low pop servers but force people to buy server transfer when everyone leaves?
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Disgusting company with disgusting actions and changes. We WONT pay for your MISTAKES Blizzard!
Also well done - releasing “Free character transfers” notice after these transfers are already live for like 2 months. So fast!

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BUT, you can still do (some) content on retail, even on a dead server. you know why?
LFD/LFR Tool and X-Realm possibilities.
You’ve put pressure on individual players in the past to alleviate realm-wide population issues (by paying you), now you’re once again putting pressure on individual players to fix an issue that, as you were perfectly aware, was brewing for MONTHS.
The current situation would never have happened if one of the following was done at any point last year:
-closed off paid transfers to Firemaw, announced 2-3 weeks ahead
-allowed free transfers from dying servers to other dying servers (NOT Firemaw) effectively making the collective playerbase funnel themselves onto another realm
-merged servers that still had 3k+ players in a way that would make them balanced
These solutions were being put forward by the community ever since phase 1. The problem with implementing them though - I imagine - was that they didn’t give Blizzard any short-term profit. You were saying “we don’t want to disturb the server communities” - the ones that, by now, are completely dead?
Do I really need to remind you Blizzard, this is your game and you’re supposed to be managing problems like these? Forcing players to take major individual risk to fix a large-scale population problem is simply not the way to go.
Kaivax - your post absolutely REEKS of disdain towards the Classic community. Can’t say I blame you too much, you’re basically the only blue poster on EU forums so all of the abuse from the community is falling on your shoulders.
It’s a sick situation - as if we, the players, are the cattle and the slaughterhouse that we’re at is understaffed, so the workers get numb eventually and start liberally using their electric prods to solve the problems.
Fix the mega server please, 8k Q isnt what we want, it will be 20k in wrath… we cant go live like this.
Blizzard really know how to disappoint. I never expected anyone to even think of actual solutions to Firemaw’s inflated queue times and I’m just disappointed with this response. I wonder if they realise they’re the legitimate reason they lose customers and support daily.
you’ll have more chances of getting heard if you post on NA forums but still slim chances thou.
Im not gonna transfer all my 9 chars to a dead server, especially if they aren’t going to add crossrealm guild/dungeon/raid.
Oh yeah, i’m veryyyyy looking forward to get this free transfer off Firemaw to for the prepatch pay again another transfer to get back to Firemaw.
Really looking forward to pay an extra 25€
Guys, this won’t work. You need to specify one single realm to migrate to (e.g. Mograine) so people have some level of certainty that they will have there other players to play with.
Not that they will lock themselves for 90 days in the dead realm and be forced to spend EUR to get amongst the living.
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