Free Character Transfers Available from Firemaw



You created this issue with your god-damned paid transfers.

Benediction (US) with what you admitted has less people HAVE FudgING 13 LAYERS!

Jesus fudging Christ. Who taught you propaganda.

Your service is beyond criticism. Your treatment of EU customers appalling. Your money hungry BS is beyond repair.


So… they are waiting for people to move ? Where ? Anyone that has ever played even a little bit should understand that servers slowly wither and die. It can happen over a few months or many years. But it does happen.

It is clear as day that at the end Firemaw will easily be the last gr8 server remaining. So… moving away now for free just so you can do a paid transfer in the near future ?

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Ah yes the classic free transfer to Venoxis that already has 15k pop server.

There is so much information excluded from this post.

“players in a region could have collectively decided to create characters on a single realm and then all attempted to play on that realm.” - YOU (BLIZZARD/ACTIVISION) allowed THOUSANDS of people to PAY to transfer to Firemaw. Firemaw didn’t get this popular because of a surge of new players making characters in the past few months did it?..

“All realms have a cap on concurrent players” - But why? See comment above. YOU (BLIZZARD/ACTIVISION) have artificially inflated the population.

“To give that some context, the 24th largest realm in the world (Benediction-US) has about 67% as many daily players as Firemaw does.” - I’ve seen rumours online that Benediction has 12 layers. If it is 1 third smaller, why does it have 3 times as many layers?

"The reason we’ve never seen such a large population on a realm for more than a few days is something we call “queue pressure”. - I can absolutely guarantee you that there has never been large amounts of emigration from Firemaw. Why would anyone leave the most populous server. That doesn’t make logical sense. Player numbers fluctuate based on content release. Population went up when SWP was announced.

“Adding more layers would not increase the total number of players allowed on a realm at the same time. That maximum is bounded by the limitations of hardware.” - But is this actually true?.. Surely more layers = more capacity. Hardware is simply not an issue, we’re paying customers, so you provide the hardware required to satisfy them. Don’t make it seem like we’re the ones who created this problem. Just use the hardware from the dead servers

Nice to see you’re finally addressing this. But my god you need to do so so so much more. If your only plan is just to wait for people to transfer, I suggest you start considering refunding the players who paid to transfer to Firemaw. I won’t bother touching on compensating the long term Firemaw players, as that clearly won’t ever happen…



Layers say how many people are in the same zone. If all people go to Shattrath, it will create 12 layers. If 90% are in BT/SWP, four layers might be just fine.

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Imagin its Blizzards own fault and they try to blame the players. I was on a dead realm and blizzard did not care at all that we were 36 alliance player online on prime time. You and your server/transfer policy is the reason for this bad situation.


Oh what will happen is people will quit rather than transfer to a dead realm. Then Firemaw can become a bit more playable but you just lost your customers Blizzard.


They choose to give such an arrogance response to us, the community. They should instead be more grateful that they actually have a playerbase that are willing to pay for a 17 year old game. Give it time and they will lose even more subs, only by then they will realise that maybe they should’ve listened.


Never transfer, never log off, hold the queue fellas.


pretty sure u devs playing this game log in 15 mins a week to level ur female tauren warrior in stonetalon mountains while the rest of use remote desktop to queue at work. theres no way otherwise you are so out of touch with your game and specifically end game with guild/raid management/recruiting/doing dungeons/pvp which you know require actual people to play with.

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Should organise everyone to goto factions capital at a set time to see if the layers increase from 4…

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Im 100% sure that I will not keep paying suib. to wait almost everyday with 2h+ queu. Asking to transfer to a dead realm is not a option. People paid to get away from there and now you want support people to go back with free migration. Not gonna happen. Only option is to merge the dead realms and have 5-6 healthy ones. And then people will spread out evenly. This is just bull…


I’m not a Firemaw-er but if I was I’d be scared of transferring to a small server… honestly, what the game needs is fewer servers. Server merges. If that means there will be two players named “Bill” but they appear with the last name of the server they used to be on after their name (So like this: Bill-Venoxis)… then so be it. People will adapt. But the reason everyone goes on the same few servers, is because there is no guarantee that other, small servers won’t just die at some point. It’s a lot safer to just go where the herd goes.


wow. so basically this is your way of saying that nothing will get done and things will stay as they are and you basically hope that this issue will fix itself? I am sorry but you are as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike in this instance.


I love this server :slight_smile:
I love this game :slight_smile:
I love this company :slight_smile:
I love this subscription :slight_smile:

I just got home and the queue is 1.5 hours already.


is honestly the best to do even tho it sounds stupid. dont do that mistake ever.


Even getting kicked out of the queue when i go brb. What the f is wrong with you m-loids working at your disaster of a company?

Do i have to stare at the queue and visit my computer every 10 minutes for 170 minutes? And pay for it aswell? Give us free subs for atleast 2 years ahead, fix the things that we want to be fixed, and you might be able to repair somewhat of the shthole reputation you will forever have.


We are paying you a very generous revenue each month, no one will want to transfer of to any of the barren servers to play single player World of Warcraft. They’ll rather unsubscribe, how do you not understand this? Man the fudge up and upgrade the hardware for the love of god.
Proper scumbag move to “address” the situation like this, if this was your final stance on the outcome you might aswell just been quiet about it.
We are aware of the situation, but we’re not going to do anything about it. :rofl:

(and in case you aren’t actually aware of the reality, firemaw queues starts at 15:00, at 18:00 its 7000-10000 queues 2-3hours, imagine the working class hero comes how from work to find himself with this, and your option being transfer of to a dead server to play singleplayer wow, he’d rather just quit, enjoy ur revenue loss)


If this was NA community complaining it would have been fixed already. How do I know that? Cause arugal OCE begged for layers for 2 weeks and got them back in clssic vanilla and it helped with ques.

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If the server was locked in time by Blizzard, instead of Blizzard just cashing in on the transfers to Firemaw this would have been avoided. The server should have been locked or regulated from MH/BT launch. Since SWP launch brought over even more players to the server. Better solution would just be to implement the Retail WoW solution, make it crossrealm…