Free Character Transfers Coming to Burning Crusade Classic

Agreed but a message to all those Alliance players, transfering to any realm different than Firemaw will cause you sever long-term troubles. Don’t do it, I warn you!

So my advice for Alliance is to hold on with transfers until Blizzard’s action and then adapt your transfer accordingly. They might do huge server merge to create another megaserver, more layers on firemaw or just allow free transfers to specific realms. In any case, don’t use paid transfer service, a complete waste of money in actual population/queue situation.

so the solution to all this is the 30% off character transfers? according to wowhead they have lowered the prize by 30% for now, does that mean the planned free transfers for dead realms wont happen? this wouldnt even be surprising at this point

maybe they are half decent and are just trying to milk the last few dollars before giving transfers tho

Sorry can’t find the link to answer from Blizz for you, but they 100% confirmed next wave of free transfers. However they did not specify the date, eligible servers list or destination realms list.

Its from the us forums

There is still no information about when the transfers will happen, from to server list or even that Europe will get FCT.

and firemaw situation, probably, delaying it even more

…mm… …not a good sign, IMHO… :frowning:

they just playing for publicity

NA transfers just got announced, where is EU? Blizzard, hello?

Seems to be free transfers enabled on Zandalar Tribe

The complete list of source and destination realms in the first post of this thread has been updated, as several new free character transfers are now available.


Scream of Golemagg alliance in 3…2…1… xD

Where is “from” option for Earthshaker horde? and what a point to transfer not to Firemaw( if you alliance or horde) or to Gehennas (if you horde)

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This is so stupid. I have 4 unusable characters that I want to be able to play that are stuck on Mograine. But I am not paying to transfer them to Firemaw with my other chars when I already paid for x2. Just make it free so I can actually use these characters.

Added the number of people who may return to play wow if it was free xfer.

Sort it out @kaivax


It is hilarious you are whining about classic game situation.

You all could have SHadowlands style servers and sizes lol.

Literally suffering from Classic how it was.

Cant take the facts ?? xD

Literally you are complaining how Classic game works looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

You could have cross realm, sharding, multiple firemaws, war mode on and of etc and more qol but you know you are playing Classic for EXACTLY what you are complaining about so ENJOY!

@Kaivax and the rest of the crew.

This is useless customer service. So now everyone that has paid to transfer one or more characters to Firemaw or Gehennas will not be able to transfer their alts without paying for those as well, essentially dividing their character roster in half. Firemaw has 35k active raidloggers now because Blizzard refuses to solve the issue on their own and wants to let players choose realms freely instead, causing Firemaw to be crazy overpopulated.

Blizzard should have allowed transfers from all these servers from the beginning and they should have made it so that you couldn’t transfer to Firemaw. Then all of these guilds could have “built” a new server together, essentially merging low-pop servers (like Blizzard refuses to do). Acting now and not allowing free transfers to servers that everone has already transferred to is way too little way too late. Come again, Blizzard - just do something useful for once, please.

This is something yes, but yet again poorly planned.

This is whats going to happen:

All the english speaking servers where there is only alliance left but still low population like Zandalar Tribe are going to move to Earthshaker, so it will be a Gehennas alliance version, instead of moving to servers like Golemagg where there is still a chance to have a balanced server like Firemaw.

And on the other side, with the horde will be the same, they will most likely move to Mograine or maybe Golemagg and completly kill the balance like what happened with Gehennas.

Also they should open free transfers from servers like Gehennas only alliance, Mograine only alliance.

Instead of limiting the source and destination depending on the current balance of the destination realm they just open blindly the transfers.



Agreed… I’m on Gehennas Ally and would love to transfer all of my toons away from Gehennas, it’s completely dead on the alliance side :frowning:


Sorry I tried my best to avoid that topic until now, thinking Blizzard would learn from the mess of the last free character transfer and would learn to include the ratio of Alliance:Horde population in their considerations when opening transfers but this is a slam in the face of people on actually dead servers.

I am sitting on Alliance patchwerk with 489 reported players this week and 378 and 365 the 2 weeks prior. THIS SIDE IS DEAD. I wanted to buy knothide leather - freaking knothide leather in the AH for the Netherwing quest. This is what our auction house offers: https-//i-imgur-com/fnbEX9C.jpg

Everything is either non existent or costs 2-3 times more than on any other server.
This week another guild moved away because you offered discounts on transfers. You are literally killing our server. How can it be that Lucifron with 2200 Horde players (only) are eligible for transfers and our community is held hostage by the other faction?

How can you come up with those decisions? Just because we don’t complain 24/7 on the forums?

Very much disappointed, how this round again is handled. YOU created a population imbalance mess and now you are strongarming us into buying transfers - Sorry to say that but that is not a community driven approach, it is just about the dollars.

And just to give you the data:
Patchwerk Alliance: 489 Alliance - Horde: 2465 → No Transfer
Gehennas Alliance : 590 Alliance - Horde :17732 → No Transfer

Lucifron Alliance: 1 - Horde: 2274 → Transfer
Heartstriker Alliance 0 - Horder 0 ??? → Transfer (who will take that? It’s a dead realm)
Dragon’s Call Alliance: 612 - Horde; 1870 → Transfer
Finkle: Alliance: 834 - Horde: 1374 → Transfer
Zandalar Tribe: 1580 Alliance - Horde: 240 → Transfer

Make these character transfers DEPENDENT ON THE MINORITY FACTION and enable them only for that faction. It’s them who solely suffer on most servers. Faction balance is already destroyed anyways. It should be that if either faction drops below 1250 player something should be done. Otherwise you will just create more and more server that need to be considered in the next round of free transfers. And with your decision to allow players to move to servers like Everlook or Venoxis that are already more than healthy you will only create the next mega servers. And at this point no one will take a gamble and move to an unhealthy server anyways cause you have proven to not actually adressing those problems. Who the f* is in charge for those decisions?


Fix Gehennas

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