Free Character Transfers Now Available For Some Realms

Why can you move from a High/Full realm, to another High/Full realm? I could move from Tarren Mill to Argent Dawn. From Tarren Mill to Ragnaros (Also a full server) - Wouldn’t this just cause new queues, for when raids open, just on different servers?

Why haven’t you prioritized medium and lower servers on the list? People only moving around High/Full servers is not going to fix any problems.

Blizzard, please just continue the work you did, with Merging/Connecting servers. the EU still has massive population imbalances, especially as you rolled out a discount on transfers just before Shadowlands.

At least thanks for the transfers. <3

Edit: I managed to test this. Moving characters from Tarren Mill (Full) To:
Argent Dawn (full), Ragnaros (Full), Karazhan (full) Before I ran out of character slots on my account.

Edit(Again lol) I made a little video as people think I’m trolling. This was after rebooting and relaunching the game. I’ve transfered about 5 character now:


Edit: (For people say you can’t. I could)

Edit: I did more testing on Tarren Mill. I could also move to “The Maelstrom” - another High Populated server. And I moved another character to “Ragnaros” which is also a Full server.

The first transfers just completed: This character has now moved from Tarren Mill (Full) to Argent Dawn (full)

Another one moved sucessfully to Ragnaros (Also a full server)

(I will ofc delete all the characters. I just really like doing QA for Blizz, whether it’s in Alpha, Beta or on Live! <3 You Blizz.