Free loot everywhere

Just wanted to mention that free loot completely invalidates my willingness to do anything in endgame area. I’ve been playing since BFA started, rolling rather casually, lets just say that Mythic+9 and Normal / couple early Heroic raid bosses is max I had strength to experience (below I will say why).

Every week I have been receiving a roll at high ilvl items either from world bosses / warfront / mythic chest etc. and that alone allows me to gear up my character. I can go and endlessly farm mythic+ and still not get a better reward than what I have already received for free.

This free loot makes all my Mythic+ effort for naught. I have no desire to play above mythic +/9 difficulty, but at the same time I dont even need to do that content, because the game will eventually give all those rewards to me for free. This of course also feeds very bad players the same ilvl gear and eventually I am stuck with all of them (people that do not know for example what interupt is) in so called “elo hell”. I dont have strength to try to do anything more difficult with bad players, that received tons of good gear for free and are at my ilvl. Its an endless loop.

Please stop giving free loot, you are destroying experience of casual players!


Maybe do content because u like it?
I never understand why people only do content for rewards. Unless u are into progression raiding Gear does not matter at all.


Well I agree. There’s a big section of the player base that aren’t going to be doing mythic progression or pushing high keys but want to feel like we’ve acheived more than an average player running our 9 and 10 keys, completing normal and heroic raids. Item level is the only number the game gives you at endgame and it feels like a scoring system and when you work hard at clearing your raids and keys it’s demoralising when Johnny is spamming his warfronts and dying on world bosses playing his “frost tank” and picking up better gear. Hopefully the problem solves itself in season 2 and warfronts and incursions gear doesn’t jump up anymore and relinquished gear comes back instead as a catch up mechanic.


The game is bad man! :frowning:
I know what you are talking about. We will never have the same weakling or noob pruning as we had in TBC. But it was a good time for those who got to experience it, with all the hard work that was laid upon you on every step of the way.

And you could not meet someone who didn’t work as hard as you to get to the same level. But now, there are too many freebies! :frowning:

Game is really bad! I’m glad I just got this game as a holiday present and I’m glad I will be telling all my friends that wanted to at least try it, and tell them that they shouldn’t. BECAUSE THE GAME IS RLY BAD!!! :slight_smile:


Mind throwing some of this fabled “free loot” my way? As far as I’m aware you have to do SOMETHING in order to get a reward.


well what is the end goal for this game?
is it to get the highest loot ilvl and then just complete lfr raids?
or is it to beat the highest level of challenge in the game? which gear will help you do.
“free loot” as you call it, is to tempt people to do higher and higher levels of challenge

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There is no end goal, it is, and always will be, a carrot on a stick approach, otherwise you might arrive at your destination and exit the station.


It’s Blizzard’s new idea that they have to throw loot at people every 5 minute to keep them playing. Personally I find that play-style extremely boring, simply because I enjoy having to work 2-3 hours for a shot at the piece of loot I want.

They should never have introduced that upgrade system on gear to begin with, and they should never have given epic items from heroic dungeons. Green from normal, blue from heroic and epic from raids. In mythic+ they could have blue+ gear that at its highest difficulty was as strong as heroic raid gear.

Gear progression is all but gone in WoW, because you have so many sources - all of which can upgrade - that it hurts the game. The only chance of getting raid worthy gear, should be either doing the highest difficulty on mythic+, or raid. That’s how gear progression should always have been.


For you. However you are in the minority who actually raid beyond LFR. Most players were looking for alternate paths to progressing their gear outside of raiding.

I still raid regularly, probably the only reason I still play wow, however you need a thick neck for it, especially if you are pugging where it still is quite toxic and elitest.

A lot of people don’t want to have to do that when they get home from a stressful day at work and face into more stress with strangers over how good their DPS is.

These are now by far the vast majority of players.


Offensively ignorant as this sounds, I am intrigued because according to you,

So how can you possibly know what it was like back in TBC ?
Are you a clairvoyant?


People asked for alternate paths to progressing gear, not gear thrown their way by simply being there. The question of alternate gearing progression already came in vanilla, which gave us heroic dungeons per example. There is a difference between working for your gear, and getting it freely as you do now, with extremely little effort to it.

Gearing paths would be as in my example, where you can get good gear, but you have to do harder content for it. It’s not right in any RPG that you can do something that you basically AFK, and end up with high-end gear. That just devalues the whole gearing process. Why should you bother doing raids when you can get as good gear from content that’s a whole heap easier?

There is a reason why WoW is struggling so much as it does now. A whole lot of people are leaving the game, and one of the reasons they bring up is lack of progression. And it’s also why I think a lot of people look forward to classic being released, to get that sense of progression again.


I was wondering the same to be honest.

Now then, for mythic+ I’ve little to say, not really drawing me in currently. Raiding, rankings and logs are a motivation, that’s things that ‘free loot’ can’t detract from, when you get the guy you play the rankings game with you /w you with gz and see you got, even if it’ll be replaced within hours, a 100% ranking for your bracket, knowing you can do that and pushing to continue that is all the motivation I need to raid, gear is neither here nor there, as you have both overall and ilvl brackets.

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The raids are there for the people who enjoy the challenge of doing them. I know I was happy getting my curve and even getting down a boss on mythic.

I don’t think people who pay their sub should be treated as scrubs just to give a raider some epeen about their gear.

Raiding is for the challenge if you like it and enjoy it. If you’re only raiding for the gear then perhaps you don’t actually enjoy it?

Hasnt been the case since tier 5 in TBC we had

crafted gear yes crafted that couldnt even be replaced byt tier 6
emblem gear
MgT dungeon dropping epics on nomarl and heroic onpar with t5
PvP arena and honor gear some of the weapons and set pieces where BIS deep into SwP

You people and your fixation on gear it shouldnt be a thing .

Its about working with your friends/guild mates and having a comment goal iam sick to death of people whiening over a colour its all about item lvl and the name with it .
If you raid mythic you get the best gear with bis stats not this BS stuff you get once every 3 weeks .
Just because its purple doesnt make it the BEST POSS GEAR .

The azerite gear we get from WQ caches you have to be really lucky to get the BIS ones and its not the best gear .

When will you people stop moaning for moaning sake .

Gear is a tool not a status symbol nothing more and lets face it none of us are world top 100 so what does it matter …nothing .

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I’d love to say it tempts people to do higher level of challenge but people who get this ‘free’ loot have no understanding of their class at all and end up butchering the progression for other people as they literally have just gone in with their welfare epics and this “memememememememememe attitude.”

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Absolutely, you don’t need to be raiding at cutting edge to derive enjoyment from the challenge it presents. Different people put different levels into the game, for some normal mode presents a big challenge, and you know what, that’s fine, if they find their challenge there and feel good beating it, good for them, they pushed themselves through that, we all start somewhere.

The only issue I see raidwise is, at least for the earlier bosses on mythic, the main hurdle is not the bosses themselves, but simply pulling together 20 people who turn up consistently.


Or you check your raider .io and don’t assume that gear = skill, which it never did despite what some people would like you to believe. Limit had an average ilev of 371 downing mythic G’Huun, I assume Methods’ was similar. Anything above that is in theory welfare gear for those who can’t do it at that ilev, myself included.


Fortunatly I have my own pre-made then isn’t it then hrm? :stuck_out_tongue: . Keep in mind not everybody has the time and patience to wait/continually google some score cause mr freebie boi got his heroic epics for free by doing LFR equivalent content.

and even then Raider .io isn’t always reliable given anybody can get a semi-decent score with enough play time, clown or not.

2 Likes i think a tiny bit higher as they recleared before kill :smiley:

Lets just ignore that we can look at your main jormungir.

Looking at your characters i sincerely doubt that

Good. It spares people that do high difficulties to deal with the lootw****s.

First reach it.

If you value a players capability by their gear then jesus christ. There were imbeciles at high gear even back in the days.

How ironic.

No dont. It spares us to deal with those people that only care about loot just like yourself.

Free gear started with TBC



373.5 (its recorded you know)