Free loot everywhere

It’s not about e-peen, it’s about incentives. WoW has always been a gear driven game. People paid their subs before as well, even though the high-end gear came from raiding. It gives people something to reach for, to work for. What’s the point of working for something when you can get it easily?

Crafted gear often also required a whole heap of various materials to make, along with getting the recipe to begin with. Emblem gear still meant you had to raid to get the required emblems to buy the gear. BoEs were extremely rare and extremely difficult to farm for. MgT was at the end of TBC and a bit of a mess up from Blizzard because they didn’t have the next expansion even close to finished, so they needed to give people more content to play with.

WoW - as said - has always been about loot and gear, that’s been the drive of the game since Vanilla, and it’s one of the core values of an RPG, to progressively become stronger. It also works as a good incentive, I remember when I first saw someone decked in epic items, I so wanted to get that gear, but that required a whole lot of raiding. I never got that far in Vanilla, but it sure as heck gave me something to reach for.

So why should I bother trying to get any better gear? Eventually I’ll luck out anyway and get decked out in good gear. Why should I bother pushing myself and try on higher difficulty, when I can just as easily get that gear elsewhere, like spamming LFR and being semi AFK in the process?

For me at least, gear is the incentive to move forward, to push boundaries and try. But when I see someone who spent their time AFK in LFR to get the same gear as I got on let say heroic raiding, it sort of demotivates you.


Heroic dungeons dropped them on mass as well.

If youre fine with being bottom then thats your lot.

Only does so if youre a lootw***e. Also implying HC is hard and not basically afking as well outside ghuun

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Emblems in TBC you got from dungeons aswell as raids.

You shouldnt try to get better gear its not about gear its about the kill of the hardest bosses .

You wount get the best in slot gear from spamming LFR you know this but you are being obtuse .

You push the limit with your friends and guildies GEAR IS A TOOL THAT IS ALL when will people understand this .

I dont raid at a CE lvl i havent since Legion as iam not well enough but if you guys wanted to join a guild i was in and all you thought about was loot you wouldnt last 5mins .

Wow…you must by an epic rogue, because I just can’t imagine the others in your premade taking you along because of your personality.

Come to think of it, it’s exactly your kind attitude that caused blizz to implement the “free loot” system.

Spellfire gear for firemages the recipe came from the vendor …

MGT came with SWP patch hardly at the end of the Expac .

(sorry should have been in my other post)

Just give all of your loot to me. gg

He is right it’s also the player but when outside your guild nobody looks at that, that score system for M+ is thanks to all the free. 370 should mean able to raid HC, it now means “Lol I just tagged world bosses and did a WQ here and there”. You can’t trust not even IL anymore which blizzard has been praising since Legion. I’m gettign declined from WQ groups at 364 chars, just imagine that gear inflation if that happens. But the alts with 370-374? Instant…

You know me iam dim :stuck_out_tongue:

But IT IS NOT THE BEST GEAR its rubbish end of story .

Only the last boss dropped on heroic mode and you required between 35 and 75 badges for just one piece of gear. And you also required to have honoured with a faction to get the key to that heroic dungeon. So the best way to get badges, were still raiding.

Well, yes, that’s why I play RPGs to begin with, to progress my hero and become stronger. Meaning gearing up, getting better pieces of gear. And heroic is difficult in its own terms, not as difficult as raiding used to be, but at least a whole heap more difficult than normal and LFR. Can’t speak much about BfA raiding because I’ve already given up on this expansion and only level some alts now and then.

Killing the boss is only part of the journey, getting progressively better gear through weeks of farming, and finally manage to get that boss down, that’s thrilling and fun. What’s fun about entering a boss and take him down when you’re already out-gearing him? For me at least, the fun part of WoW was to go from heroic gear to a raid, and wipe for hours on end, taking down one boss at a time and finally get enough gear and progress to see you become stronger.

There is no best in slot any more, due to the upgrade system. BiS gear took a nose dive for the worse when that infernal system was introduced.

Yes, we did push our limits. I remember being part of the progression team on Ulduar (best raid IMO). Granted we had some Naxx gear going in on the raid, but we were far from prepared for the difficulties in there. We struggled onwards from boss to boss, taking time now and then to farm a set amount of bosses to gear up. That feeling when Yogg-Sarron was down, after weeks on weeks of blood and toil, most epic feeling ever.

Magister’s Terrace came in patch 2.4.0, Fury of the Sunwell, and was the last content patch in TBC.

25 March 2008 when it came out

wotlk came out 13 November 2008

8 months of gameplay hardly right at the end .

I know i raided then i was there but its not the gear that takes down a boss its the players there skill gear is just a tool .This is why even with some many high item lvl people Ghuun mythic is not over geared hmmmm i wonder why .

of course theres an end goal, its to complete mythic raiding without any addons … and not one person on the entire planet has achieved that yet.
that’s the maximum level of success and not one person has ever done it.
There is an end goal in all things and having a high ilvl will not let you get it. It may, however, result in more people trying and THAT is wows end goal

It piss annoys me really does when you lot whine about gear yet none of you push yourself and think just about loot .
You say some guy in 370 gear wrecks your pug well use raider io and use logs do checks before you take somebody in .

Gear will never ever help a bad player/guild with high item lvl take down bosses .

WoW, as a subscription-based MMO, by its very design doesn’t have an end goal. If it did, that would be an own-goal.

Just give every char 370s and 385 while Uldir is still current content, actually many of those pieces are BiS for mine, stat wise they outperform Uldir. So now what? Point is character progression is ruined, catch up gear 370 would have been fine if released with the next raid, right now? No it wasn’t at all. Warfront should also have given 355, hey still a 355 (normal raid) gear for an AFK win scenario.

The ideal scenario would have been the invasions giving 355 max, then 370 when the next raid came. If they don’t upgarde the IL of invasions now those people now will ahve 0 ways to improve their chars for a few months.

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Yes at the end, last content patch means no more content, i.e end of expansion.

You can have all the skill in the world, if you don’t have the throughput the boss won’t die. If you don’t kill things quick enough on Yogg-Sarron, you’ll wipe per example. That’s why WoW back before was a very gear depended game, didn’t matter if you had skills, if the gear wasn’t up to scratch.

You are not reading what i am saying you never do all that matters is your opinion i refuse to respond to you because your view is clouded and i refuse to belive you get turned down for WQ’s sorry if i could place you on ignore i would .

BS Naxx in wotlk was cleared by people in SwP tier 6 gear .

So you forge the 6 week long pre patch to wotlk with all that content seems legit .

oh thats simple, because WoW content is no fun on its own. It literally only has the rewards to it