Free loot everywhere

And your point is? The SwP T6 gear was equal in strength to heroic items, which were what you’d go into Naxx with to begin with. If you hadn’t raided in SwP, you had to get heroic gear. So my point still stands.

The pre-patch is Wrath content, patch 3.0.2 in version number I believe it was. So no, it’s not TBC content at all, Fury of the Sunwell was the last content patch of TBC.

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Are you seriosuly trolling me now ? you said gear needed to kill bosses and now its ok to have lower gear iam done talking to you ,you are just trolling .

You do realize that the RNG and levels of progression are meant to make you play longer and make sure your character is incomplete right?

Casuals are the reasons the Dungeon/Raid sellers are making a lot of money so what does that tell you…

Say it with me…


Now if you want to do mythic+ 49 no one is stopping you.

Good luck completing your character.

P.S. You never will.

You’re putting words in my mouth, then pull the “omg troll card” because you’ve run out of arguments then throw a tantrum and storm out and “refuse” to argue any more.

I’ve not said it’s OK to have lower gear, SwP gear was rather well itemised (mostly because of the lack of expertise and hit rating on Wrath heroic items) and was equal in strength to heroic gear. This was done deliberately by Blizzard because people complained pre-Wrath that they had to swap out all their gear as soon as a new expansion was released, so they gave a treat to those who had raided on high ends in TBC (25 man), which weren’t that many to begin with. Most people would anyway have to progress through heroics to raid in Naxx. And all the same, everyone had to swap out gear through Naxx to gear for Ulduar.


No it wasnt the gear from heroics compared to SwP gear slaughtered for pure stats ,
Did you even raid SwP at all ? or where you one of the people who went in there with the 30% nerf ? because i refuse to believe you know what your on about .
I so wish ignore was an option as i wouldnt have to put up with people like you .

Heroic gear in Wrath was a nightmare to get the itemisation correctly, especially for melee, but casters struggled too to get on hit and expertise cap. Luckily for me I was a healer, so only thing I struggled with was finding a libram for my paladin and a wand for my priest.

Now in any regards of what I’m saying in terms of raiding, you’ll just pull the standard “lol you’re wrong” card to proclaim I didn’t raid in TBC. So you’re free to believe what ever you want to believe, doesn’t mean anything towards my original arguments in terms of WoW being a gear driven game and was so up until WoD.

Caster never used expertise until MoP in TBC they had spell hit cap at 15%

So lets miss out cata /wotlk/mop and all the free gear there shall we all the BiS you could get from vendors for example the mastery trinket from Tol Barad for paladin tanks .

I could go on and on debunking your rubbish saying that it only takes gear for throughput .

Why do you think so many top guilds and top players take down bosses in gear far below the item lvl bosses drop this has beena thing since year dot .

Free loot is not everythere. Pvp has no free loot, and many pvp activities have no loot at all - this is a main problem.

All bosses did. The last dropped two.

implying rep was hard to farm

Raiding was easier in the past. Yes, this includes the infamous vanilla.

debatable for most bosses

…and it came with a huge daily quest hub which the server had to work together to build in stages!


Good times and i must send you my battletag i miss you !

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Here we see a casual NOOB, ACTUAL legit new WOW player complaining that wow is trash ! There. How much do you need to see blizzard before you start rollin the big boy changes in? !!!


Yeah just poke me! I’m still where I was last summer.

i rather give you a hug then a poke :smiley:

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Am I allowed to laugh at my own reply…? Because when reading it after posting I just heard the title of a famous 90’s movie in my head. Gawd.

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promise i wount bring a fish hook lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Bah. Another “give me epic purplez or I am not moving my a**e”. If you like something, you will do it regardless. If you are looking for excuses to not do an activity or something. Then you pretty much simply don’t like it and instead of admiting it, you hide behind the “I cant get better purplez therez!” excuse.

Heck. If anything, the loot pinjata helped me. Always wanted to have fun in m+s with a rogue. Thanks to the welfare loot, could easily and quickly manage to get the right ilevel number for people to take my signup seriously for a +10 for example. Now. I just run some +11s and above for fun, regardless if only 1 out of 25 runs is going to give me an worthwhile upgrade(a good item+wf/tf).


Lynlia i havent lvled my rogue this expac so far is Assa still doing ok for lvling and dungeons (sorry offtopic)

OP just curious, as you joined wow at BFA launch - when you we’re leveling, did the story confuse the hell out of you due to it not making any real sense as you levelled through the various past expansions?

Once the new raid comes out, the current loot levels will be obsolete as the new raid will have mythic gear well into the 400’s. It may suck now but, in about a week or so you will be higher geared than everyone else.

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