I find more enjoyable mythic +.
You’re free to do what pleases you, when it pleases you, with who pleases you. You don’t have to wipe and wipe and wipe on bosses… tanking raids is quite a static job, even Zul, while mythic you can change course, being more free. I think mythic + rewards lower gear than it should and raid higher gear than it should, besides… 25 people is easier than 3 and sanguine and grievous and infested and tyrannical… raids don’t have that… yet.
They throw free loot at you because it’s the only way to get people to do the content.
Problem is that after doing a dozen war fronts, invasions or IE’s the free shiny loot just doesn’t seem so shiny anymore.
a lot of things, unfortunately.
Blizzard project meeting:
“Let’s butcher the things people love, and introduce things people will hate.”
Ion, “Oh yeah, let’s do it.”
Tldr: im a casual who enjoys this system as a way for character progression, but isnt a fan per se of the whole titanforging system.
This expansion is the first expansion i hardly step into dungeons, and lfr i did like once because a friend asked me to join. I usually cant do anything which requires me to focus for an extended period because i just got a baby. While i do have a S.O. which also can take care of her, i have to be able to leave at a moments notice.
Worldbosses, warfronts and emissary caches/weekly quests are a way for me to progress my gear and through that my characters. But there is a ceiling for this way of gearing. Its currently about i370ish. With weapons being really difficult to obtain. Not to mention the right stats/azerite gear for what your char needs.
So for me, im glad the game offers me that. If that weren’t the case i prolly would have quit since there wouldnt be much to do that bfa offers.
However i do see why it could take away for raiders who raid solely for gear, and lets be frank, there are alot of you out there.
Titanforging should have a cap of maximum 10 ilevels above the content its dropping for. Better yet i much prefer the system of upgrading. Like it used to be (pandaria time?) . So the player can make that choice rather than a roll of the dice.
Also, i wish professions were more meaningful. 2 slots that could be filled with good gear that one could craft by doing something outside of raids/dungeons. Not that it needs the power like some of the tailoring items in BC (craft and then replace them after 2/3 major content patches). But that way someone would have a meaningful choice to make, instead of which profession makes the most money or ignoring it all together.
Sorry if the post feels disconnected from each other. Made it on my phone and whilst scrolling back and forth it might skipped over things xD
Yeah, mostly crap loot with serious RNG on it and a tiny chance to get something awesome. Being showered with garbage doesn’t mean much tbh.
I’ll take some free weapons please and thank you!
I think these are some valid points you made just there. I do have a GF who also plays much more casually and she too wants to have some good gear. Question we would also need to ask ourselves is, why would you require to have 370 gear if you do not have time to do any content that would require you to have it?
Lets assume pvp is your fun piece and that means you need ilvl in order to be able to compete. If however all the other peeps would not get free high ilvl gear, there would be much more people with lower ilvl who you would be able to compete with too. I understand that everyone wants the same power level, but its just needs to be adequate to the effort spent.
It is always hard to fit into everyones playstale, I personally think (but its debatable) that introduction of mythic+ weekly chest, weekly bonus events, lfr raid, weekly dungeon/raid resets should be enough to allow people with less time to catch up with other moderately (diminishing returns on time you do spend in game). Warfront rewards are what bites me the most as rewards are over the top there.
Blizz is trying to appeal and make everyone happy with WOW, that can be done, but free loot that high ilvl is not the way to go. I think the game appeals to “big” casuals a lot nowadays, I think it also appeals to hardore Mythic raiders as not everyone is able to get the best looking Mythic/Arena transmog rewards and ilvl. However they forgot about the playerbase in the middle (majority?), all people like me who like to spend a lot of time in wow but are not hardcore enough to want to reach high end. We are left behind with all the casual players.
In essence
How it is:
LFR/NORMAL/HEROIC players = tier 1 players
MYTHIC = tier 2 players
How it should be
LFR/NORMAL - tier 1 players
HEROIC - tier 2 players
MYTHIC - tier 3 players
Mythic+ dungeons as well as arena divided by ratings could apply the same logic.
It’s something I experience aswell like I meantioned here: BFA is actually a solid expansion - #221 by Destruct-runetotem. When I ain’t progressing in mythic raiding I’m wondering why I’m even online. 2 post below that I gave more ideas how to fill that gap, stuff I used to outside raiding but which all have been ruined or removed.
I like you, VP from dungeons, weekly cap and choose which item to upgrade. Only thing I wanna see is socket RNG removed and make them standard again.
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