Free loot everywhere

I had no intention of writing a constructive reply, merely wanted to remark that a video titled “world of warcraft is garbage” is itself …garbage.

edit: also i’m not using the same level of seriousness in every topic, because not all threads are equal and i don’t treat all my fellow posters with the same level of respect.

I do not agree with the title or all the criticism either. You have to admit there is a lot of valid criticims there as well if you have watched it. Should you deny that, I am just going to assume you are here to bash criticism only, even if it is a healthy criticism. Recently I do not see a lot of videos claiming how Wow is a good game in its current state, and pretty much all the oposite. It is not all out of hate but love for the game which we think got sick but could, should and deserves to get better.

I don’t know why people are being so hard on Blizzard for this. They provide us with all of this amazing content and they also give us these items for free so we can learn to enjoy the game better as it is intended to be played. Maybe you should just try to look at it from another perspective; maybe there are other aspects of the game you could enjoy with your free loot. I definitely thing this is a good step in the right direction.

well. You can do mythic raiding and earn the same thing you get in a warfront where you remain AFK.

That’s so ridiculous and stupid, that at this point i don’t even know why anyone should bother.

I made it to 370 ilvl with my heroic raiding, which made me happy about it. And now i’m 382 and most of my heroic raiding items became obsolete thanks to assault rewards.

Kind of sad to be honest.

The problem is simple. Doing mythic+ raiding of high key level or mythic raiding is amongst the hardest possible things you can do in this game. Yet the reward is equal to one of the easiest activities in the game, warfronts. Kind of removes the purpose of high effort high rewards.

In legion relinquished gear was perfect. You could get decent gear but had to work for it. Chuck in the odd peice of good loot from timewalking weekly quest and mythic dungeon weekly quest and it felt good. It’s just gone ott atm.


This system is broken, 6/8 HC 382 equipped, 7/8 mythic (not everybody could be on the G’huun kill and I sacrificed myself for it) 383 equipped (382 world since i don’t wear Uldir pieces outside and 386 overall). Did nearly every invasion aswell… I feel so good right now I wanna punch a dev. Aside from doing it with a guild I essentially wasted all that time in mythic including countless runes, pots and food to have the same IL or just 1 IL equipped higher as someone who did 6/8 HC. What a great system.

Still doesn’t beat my alt! 374 only 3 normal dungeons and 2 kills in LFR for quest, both giving 0 loot rest wellfare gear from outside.

Another useless argument. Taken to its extreme you are pretending that people do world quests because they enjoy them. Some few yes but most do them only for the rewards.

Those players forget that after your 1st kill progression is over and it’s farm. If the rewards aren’t good enough or you can get the same in way easier content, you feel cheated and why bother then? Nobody has problems with warfronts being too easy it’s more that it’s too easy and yet rewarding HC raid gear!

Because rewards are the carrot on a stick in games. MMORPGs do in fact require progression, unless you only are rping. If rewards don’t matter then new lvl 1 characters should be able to fight on equal footing with lvl 120 well geared people in pvp, and lvl 1s also should be able to do any dungeon/raid/quest or whatever in the game without any problem. Seeing how this isnt the case and would decrease the fun of a game due to not achieving anything, rewards like gear, rep and other things do in fact matter

I think it’s a great idea. What Blizzard are doing is essentially allowing us casual players a piece of the pie usually reserved for people who play the game too much. It’s very fair, imo. They always know just how to please their subscribers.

Saying you play for loot is like saying the N word around here.
Expect a pitch fork up your bum any minute, OP.

I will tell you that I do the activities I do because I enjoy doing them. I will not lift a finger to do content I don’t enjoy, or do it more than I want to do for the sake of farming.

I have no intention of doing mythic raids, and I’m in a guild that doesn’t tell me what I have to do. This allows me to play the game this way, and enjoy it. This reason is actually one of the biggest as to why I’ve opted out of mythic raids(the other reason is the set requirement of 20 people). I’m not willing to waste my time grinding to be able to keep up with the min maxed pace that is often required from progression raiders(I’ve been one until WotLK, so I know how it feels - Not doing it again).

hit world boss once then afk, go into warfront and run around in a cricle.

For me the reward is the completion(which will often come as an achievement ingame), not the itemlevel of my gear. Gear quality is completely irrelevant to me.

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Let’s be honest about one more thing too. I didn’t even need to try for a curve. I actually only tried it for 2 days in total just so i could have the achievement, but people failed the solo orbing everytime. But that’s besides the point. The point is, the first 3 bosses gave me everything i needed. The next 2 gave me priority 2 gears and i didn’t even need to go for the final 3 at all. So, someone else could potentially do 3/8 heroic or even 2/8 and get everything i got.

Mythic’s just a joke unfortunately.

please tell me that’s sarcasm. It seems like sarcasm. It feels like sarcasm, but a part of me is also telling me it might not be sarcasm.

As for blizzard, they should have made mythic raiding gears unique. Mythic dungeon gears could remain what they are. But mythic raiding is way more challenging than other stuff.

No, think about it! Now Blizzard are letting you easily obtain high level loot, so you can now focus on other Blizzard products instead of spending ALL of your time on WoW. It’s bloody genius!

Thank god it was sarcasm.

But good point though. Thank you small green friend.

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play the content you enjoy, if the only reason your playing is for the reward and not the actual content then why play?

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Gear is the reward, it’s only really fun the first time. Say warfronts had no gear, you would do Darkshore MAYBE once then ignore it. Everything needs a reward to be worth repeating, for raiding it’s gear and the occassional mount drop. Make said gear almost inrelevant and mythic raiders go: “Why bother?”. The trinkets of Uldir and G’huun entire loot table was just extremely bad for nearly all classes nearly no one uses G’huun’s trinket and he was the final boss, I’m still wearing the 355 crafted trinket and use the 385 from Darkshore instead of an Uldir trinket.