Free Raid Community Normal HC Clear & Some mythic bosses

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been feeling a bit bored since the guild has been on break, so I’ve been enjoying carrying new and existing players, both with and without guilds, to get clears in normal and heroic content, as well as the first few mythic bosses. My hope is to generate interest in the upcoming expansion.

We started this initiative yesterday and received a lot of great feedback and appreciation. Based on the positive responses from the WoW community on how to use the forum effectively, I’m regenerating my post.

After discussing with my guild master, I’ve decided to recruit mythic raiders for Cutting Edge (CE) for The Wailing Woods (TWW). If you’re a solo player looking for a guild for social raiding and aiming to improve your gameplay, we’ll be starting up a team for that as well. You’ll have more support than just the community, although we understand guilds aren’t for everyone.

To reiterate, this is a raid community with mythic capabilities. If you want to run dungeons together and help each other grow, this is the place for you.

I will be creating a Discord server soon, where we will provide a lot of information about TWW.

Let’s make this happen and let the great WoW community support each other.

I do not tolerate toxic players. Constructive criticism is welcome, as we’re here to help people be the best they can be.

Click the link below to become part of what I envision as the best raiding, learning, and developing raid community in WoW.

I don’t know everything, which is why we’re here to help each other. We aim to stop players from needing to pay for services like boosts or spending their hard-earned gold on others. Instead, you can learn and receive support from experienced players to help you get through bosses and master the game.

We move, we build, we grow.

Source: Raid Clear Community


Best of luck with your community. :four_leaf_clover:


thank you thought last month been doing it for the lower lvls and skilled people to get the clears and see people charge and why pay when it can be free and you can learn from it

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I support your initiative!

Squeezing that post heart!

Btw, if the title was shorter and more to the point you would get more attention I think.


Make Mythics Great Again \o/

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OP I hope this works out, its always nice to see players willing to help each other in game.

Just be careful if you advertise this in game, you may get some boost seller types try and stop you via mass reporting.

MMGA is how a sick Murlock would sound.


Thank you for the support sign up to group and let it grow :slight_smile:

How many threads have you started already about this? 4?

Why are you annoyed about it? Are you a booster?

It made me wish the forums had a limit of 25 letters or something…


Thank you I think he is as i explained in my previous post this was my first time using forums and didnt understand how to do it and have to learn somewhere on how to do the posts and structure and have them coming from main character the community on the first day grew well and people were extremely grateful who had returned the game and not had to pug or get abuse for not performing and actually learning yet one shotting most bosses with the instructions full clears were done and this will continue and will continue to grow

Well, I wish you luck with your community and the raiding it will undertake.
It’s not for me but hope you attract enough interest to make this a success.

Thank you very much just spoke to my GM and he has given me alot of advice had alot of interest on the first day which is good and how to remodel and things to watch out for like boosters reporting as you can get banned got permission to build a community and also have it as a way to recruit for TWW for our CE team for mythic raiders who are few and far between without a guild so it is going in the right direction with the support of the wow community and the advice we have to start somewhere and the more help the better

Best of luck to you with the community, but speaking of structuring posts, it might be a good idea to start with structuring your sentences and putting in a little bit of grammar. Blocks of text with no punctuation or separation of sentences are difficult to read and might give people a bad first impression or turn them away.

Maybe have someone else write your posts or at least have someone proof read and edit them.

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yeah this was a first rushed post will all be restructured and posted again in a better format. Thank you again for the advice

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this has to be the longest thread title

i thought i changed it my bad learning :slight_smile: thank you

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I saw you spamming your community advertisement in the Vault group I was in yesterday and it wasn’t exactly appreciated to say the least, when you said it wasn’t supposed to be an advertisement.

But I am happy to hear that you found the forums after I suggested that you post here instead, so that you can reach out to more people. Best of luck!


yeah thank you for the suggestion of forums learning now how to reach out and grow a good community the community is going well mixture now of mythic raiders, hc raiders and normal raiders are strong and can see this growing will more so next week have been doing multiple clears on both characters to help people and found it amazing how many new people have joined the game and appreciating the help in learning the game and also learning to raid

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Love the initiative!

I don’t really do “planned” stuff, as the game then quickly feels like a chore to me, rather than playing when I want to.

That being said, I have raided a bit this expansion again and did some M+ keys 10-12’s mainly this season.
I mainly play different healers, so if you are in need of those, from time to time to fill the groups feel free to hit me up :slight_smile: I do not mind helping where I can