Free realm transfer

bro, we should NOT have to pay for character transfers because of a company’s incompetence.


if they would just allow free transfers from the start i would immediately move as realms fill up. just let me move back if my new server becomes a ghost town

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With realm transfer they should add faction transfer also in this effort to even things out.

Having a healthy A/H ratio is paramount.

I Know that 80% of people are hard set on their factions, but the minority that feel either way can help balance things out.

We’re now likely to cause drop-off by trying to compensate for drop-off. The question is: have we got counter measures in place for the expected drop-off because of the measures in place to counter drop-off? TELL ME THAT JAINA!??!? :rofl:

Free transfers will not solve anything, because then everyone will get the same idea and the new realm will get a massive queue anyway.

But if we can control how many people are going there then that helps, right? There could be a sign-up sheet that Blizzard have control and visibility over so they can manage the population better?

You went 18 lvl already?
Did they have a prize for that or you do it for another reason?

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restart instead of transfer on a new server will leave a bitter taste
so better allow free transfer TIMEBASED and SERVERBASED for the next 24 or 48 hours
thats enough time for organised people to make a mass move

here’s the problem, classic is not about rushing to max level, even some of the stuff you get on the way there will still be useful at 60 even.

Classic is supposed to be about the journey and RPG experience so complaining about time in a game that is not designed for optimised time will get you nowhere

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Two new EU pvp realms…
I also like a way to get my lvl 16 warlock over there please.

It would literally be faster to just make a new warlock than it would to wait in a 100k queue of transfers…

I guese, and might also be what i end up doing.

Damn it sucks.

I got to level 10 last night but now I’m in a 20k queue, I really don’t want to do all that starting zone again.

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18 levels doesnt make any difference also if u did that in less than 1 u are making panic like it is already weeks and weeks of gameplay

I mean…realm transfers take 24-48 hours (though probably a week considering the enormous load of people demanding it) you could just level a character again in the same time.

Dude, you dont understand the point. People want character transfers in order to create a character on a low pop server now and move it to a high pop server later when they are level 60. It is not about transfering a lvl 12 toon from high pop to low pop server.

Guys you do realise by the time they would add realm transfers you would be able to get back to the level you were on a new character on a lower pop realm compared to what you got on a higher pop.

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You’re absolutely right, i didn’t understand this dude was asking for a double realm transfer for a game that’s been open 24 hours.

Please Blizzard I am crying. Give us free character transfer from Full realms to new ones.

How have you managed to get to level 18? My Experience so far is spending 2 hours getting to around level 3 due to the amount of players and 5 second delay, sitting in a queue, followed by Word Server down, followed by 15k+ queues today you’re so lucky!