Dear Blizzard

Add Swifty’s NPC back into Ashran. He helped your game grow so much in the early days and you are willing to throw him to the wolves as soon as a baseless accusation against him appears. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You know that the chance of the accusations being true are EXTREMELY low if you know anything about him at all and you have basically sent out a message that will make people assume guilt by your actions. You CANNOT just delete this man from the history of the game because you perceived a slight risk from keeping him around. FIX THIS.


Hey mate.

Shut up.

Yours Sincerely,


I only know that he’s a youtuber, but, sorry if I seem ignorant, but what are the accusations? (google did not help unfortunately)

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Hey you dont have to read them , imagine how crazy that is ?


I have to read the titles while browsing for non-Swifty related content. Imagine how better my life would be if they were all merged into one thread. But that’s just crazy. It totally makes more sense to pollute the forum with the same topic.


This is worse than Azmonbald fans spam.

I need a pint.


I recommend the Darkmoon Special Reserve.

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Defamation is not something to take lightly. Someone who has played an important role in our community’s history should be defended and our voices will be heard. I don’t accept Blizzard’s response and I don’t think anyone should. They pulled the trigger too fast on this one and they need to undo their mistake immediately. They dropped Swifty 100000x faster than they even attempted to do something about bots in classic, before he even had the slightest chance to respond. It’s beyond unacceptable. Blizzard is a company that seriously needs to grow some balls and stand up for it’s community members. If they don’t why should we defend them and not assume the absolute worst whenever they make a mistake?


The game is belong to blizzard, they ADD anything, and REMOVE anything they want, without asking yours or anyone else’s opinion.

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Female name for male NE? I thought only BEs are not straight here.


Obviously. Does that strip me of my right to HAVE an opinion? Why are you even here if not to voice your own? I believe that Blizzard’s actions are an absolute betrayal of one of their community members and as a member of said community it has left a sour taste in my mouth.


I am not usually folowing internet sheeple, so who is this Swifty?

Were you a close personal friend? :joy:


Just looked it up. Some streamer, youtuber who got publicly ousted for sexual harassment.
I don’t understand why you’d post that on twitter etc though.
Going to the police and finding a lawyer to make a good case is better than creating chaos on the internet imo.


In all fairness, I don’t think Swifty’s primary concern right now is the removal of his in-game NPC in Ashran.
This is a non-issue, and it doesn’t befit the actual situation to present this as a big controversy. It is not.
If anyone’s concerned about Swifty, the attention should probably be directed elsewhere than his in-game NPC. I mean, seriously.


Really? Couldn’t imagine a greater tragedy…

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I think everyone should keep their opinion to themselfs, you know nothing of what happened more than swifty and the girl had two versions of the situation.

All you are really is players that read twitters and swallow everything that is out there.


Whilst I am not saying that what you are saying is wrong there is plenty of evidence out there of people who have gone to the police in the past and not been believed or there has been insufficient evidence, basically he said/she said, for any action to be taken. Plus all those who are just plain humiliated or too terrified of their abuser or have a whole multitude of other reasons why they cannot speak out about it other than on a quasi-anonymous social media channel at a time when others are coming out about it and they feel a little bit safer to do so themselves.

Sadly it sometimes isn’t as easy as just going to the police and finding a lawyer.


And that’s the exact reason we should built towards a society where we are supporting victims to go to the police, and not support throwing it on the internet. Atleast not in this kind of way.

Saying you have gone to the police because of “insert reason” is fine. But posting details only muddies the waters and can backfire in the actual trial where certain things you said can be used against you.

Then again I’m no expert on law, so there’s probably inconsistencies in my posts. I’m just trying to be as objective as I can in these situations :sweat_smile:


This title sounds like an escort quest.