He doesn’t need to be freed as he is not incarcerated (at the time of writing).

Before you start a thread on a topic done to death get your wording right.

Removing an NPC in a preemptive face save should he be found guilty is hardly an injustice.

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How silly you will feel about this topic if the accusations turn out to be true.


wont you feel silly if they turn out to be false? i honestly dont even know who this swifty guy is or who the npc is but pretty sure your supposed to withold judgement till its proven to be one way or the other.


Yes like how they let any convict walk around free until proven not guilty?


lets crucify swifty live
and not just him lets vote online who dies next! whats what the internet is for nowdays
hell yeah!!! lets start burning people at the stake again
bring back the holy inquisition!! it will sure help us to be more “humane” and
protect rights

Absolutely disgusting orwellian SNITCH! culture


the word convict literally means convicted, dummy. People who are accused of a crime atleast in the us are not held in jail often. most even get out on bail if they are and in the eyes of the law you are innocent until proven guilty.


Ahh i see but yeah innocent until proven guilty is the right way to deal with it.

If he has done it then it is really bad but a court of law is where you deal with this not on the internet.


100% spot on. outrage culture is cancer, people deem you guilty based on no facts but feelings and personal bias.
With all the false accusations going on people should wait till actual evidence comes out.


So you think all those victims who posted their story are lying?

That they are or not is Irrelevant as the Internet IS NOT THE RIGHT PLACE.
The police is the right place.

But i can give you a case right now where the internet believed the story.
Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard. Look it up She got believed yet there are video and audio evidence that she abused him. It is still in the court systems she still has the job on aquaman 2 he instantly lost the job on pirates of the caribbean when it came out in media from her story.

See how the innocent until proven guilty is a good way to do things instead of just blindly believing, even that case i think is up to the law to deal with but the internet seems to have made a very bad choice in just believing her story.

We on the internet are not part of the legal system the system is there for reasons let it work.


I choose my words very carefully because of people like you, i said specifically you shouldn’t make a judgement without evidence proving if he did it or not.

Also there is a new trend lately with supposed victims posting on twitter and giving no evidence at all other than “im a woman you should just believe me” Many of those turn out to be lies looking for clout, money or both.
You should not believe someone just because of their gender, that’s very bad. You should listen and take it seriously then investigate and THEN make a judgement. Doing so before is just you showing your bias plain and simple.


What sort of evidence are they ment to give? Unless you go to the police straight away there is no way to prove rape

When it was over 10 years ago? Nah, he’s irrelevant now.

He’s a whiny cretin now, so why should they even care slightly about him?

Those who defend Blizzard are immediately called sheep or fanboys.

Why blizz should get involved? Almost every celeb had fake cases like this. Stupidity next level.
If he wont be guilty, case against blizzard please.


the burden of proof is on the accuser not the accused. might want to brush up on some laws my friend.

You also raise a good point, if all these victims were indeed raped then why wait years then come out on twitter instead of going to the police right after it happened? This type of thing looks sketchy and you know it.

And i hate to say it but if it’s not provable then too bad, that would open up a can of worms nobody would want if we started just sending people to prison based on accusations alone.

This is why it’s VERY VERY important to report it right away otherwise your risking letting the person get away.


you should be silenced for farming karma. You dont own these forums so keep those comments to yourself

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People have chosen sides already and are too invested to ever admit fault. It’s now a matter of personal pride.

Because it’s hard to accuse a famous person? Did you not follow that case in America? Those things also happened years ago but they were scared to report him because they thought no one would believe them…

Just because its hard to prove doesnt mean we should start throwing people in prison without proving if they are innocent or not. This would lead to thousands of innocent people in prison just based on the accusation of someone who may have a grudge against them.

and if they believe the police wouldn’t have believed them then they need to get off tumblr or twitter because thats not how the justice system works. if someone reports a rape the cops dont just laugh at them… they take it very seriously (atleast in the US and UK) and investigate.