Try to look situation like this:
Similar thing happened to Method. 2 years ago. They did not act on it. Now that everything blew up people are saying “They knew it and did nothing!”. And look how it ended up.
Now if Blizzard kept the npc around and it would turn out these allegations be true, what kind of poopfest that would stir up then?

I also would like to add, simple removal of npc is no harm for him. What harms his reputation more, is these threads where well meaning fans are defending him and with that stirring up the pot bringing more and more people to threads to repeat his accusations and write about details about them. It also doesn’t help that some defenders are also not giving very shiny image of his fanbase but make it sound like a group of people who have questionable values about women, minors and what’s accetable behaviour towards other people in general.


A Nightborne Priest to represent me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:

“Lei-liah Vanestri” is what we can call her.

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You gave half the story and the details were wrong. what do you think I should just respect your opinion just because you have one? you’re embarrassingly misinformed on the subject and have no business discussing it.

And you still haven’t answered the question on what you think he’s been accused of.

Yes, I gave bits I remembered from few days ago, then re-read and agreed with the gnome that it’s serious allegations, which you clearly didn’t bother reading or you’re just being hostile because you have a toxic mentality of thinking there’s just 2 sides, that if you don’t condemn someone, you support them fully.

Newsflash, just because you don’t condemn someone, doesn’t mean you like them.

oh good you’ve refreshed yourself now you’ll be able to tell me what the accusation is? :thinking:

I didn’t like Swifty, mainly for the fact that during the days of MoP, he left all his computers and monitors on all day and all night and streamed nothing, whilst he slept.

But I’m neutral in this whole thing. Innocent - put the model back in, Guilty - keep it out and send him to prison.

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You’re free to go read it on your own, I’m not going to type out 20 lines just to satisfy your inner needs.

I never watched him tbh, only WoW streamer I watched was Asmongold few times, I like his transmog comps and the “not-nice-A-word” act that he puts on.

It seems more like and case of can’t rather then not wanting to.

Whatever makes you happy.

Ohhohhhhh look out people we got a professional badass over here!

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What is this post even, from 2005?

It’s the forum sheriff, watch out.

Get your opinion expressing permits out folks.


I know right?
Better watch your step because there’s two more hot on my trail and they’re both high moral judges!


SJW do not seek equal rights, … just saying.


More like equality through oppression and indoctrination right?

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Well for example leadership of one of the … lets call it a woke group people support with squares in social media is full time marxist (Their own given label not mine) and has admit on interviews that he seeks more than just ‘get what they have, we have to do better, we have to become more powerful.’ And they feed on conflict and never aim for equal coexistence.

1st sign of concern should have been already, when supposed ‘equality fighters’ started enforcing censorship of free debate.

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It is not entirely unsurprising that those looking for a more economically equal society want to get rid of/weaken those whom support/advocate/represent economic inequality. To allow them to exist within their society would undermine its entire purpose, you can’t have a socialist egalitarian society if you allow venture capitalists to pop up everywhere and allow them to continue to wield the tools of power. This is a “Paradox of Tolerance” issue, it is not contradictory for a “tolerant” society to be intolerant of those things that directly undermine the tolerance in that society. In this case it is not hypocritical a society that seeks economic equality to be intolerant of individuals whom support mechanisms that create economic inequality.
The idea that left-wing movements have to be extremely tolerant of everything (when espousing tolerance) is a No True Scotsman fallacy. They absolutely can (and should) be intolerant of things which undermine what they’re trying to implement and doing so doesn’t make them intolerant in general terms.

It certainly doesn’t make them any less tolerant than the movements they typically seek to replace/oppose which tend to have a natural element of intolerance within their very design. It’s a bit rich to scoff and go “So much for tolerant marxists, seeking to throw out the capitalists eh?” when in many western nations today if you even hint you have socialist leaning economics you are considered completely unviable for politics in general. The difference is rather than state intolerance of it, it’s disguised in the language of “well it’s economically non-viable, there’s no proof it works.” well, if you never allow it a chance to breathe under western conditions then you’ll nauturally have no evidence. It’s circular arguing.

I also can’t for the life of me think of a situation where a “SJW” group has actually oppressed another group? Telling people you don’t agree with their opinions, or that you’re not interested in their opinions isn’t oppressing them. Are SJWs preventing people getting jobs because of their skin colour on a widespread basis? Are they increasing jail sentence lengths based upon gender? Are they preventing people being allowed equal access to public facilities due to disability? No, they’re not.

In fact, they’re the ones typically arguing against these things in opposition to those who pay them less attention, and because their method is to be loud, uncompromising and vocal, they then get accused of “being oppressive” by these very groups that do so on a regular basis and labelled as fringe loonies. Note: if they were a group capable of engaging in widespread oppression they would be the ones doing the labelling rather than being labelled themselves.

America did exactly the same in the 60s and 70s with the Hippies. You have a group that doesn’t share mainstream values, so in order to deal with them you have to present them as being more dangerous than they are, so you attribute them with power they don’t possess, influence they don’t have and then engage in a series of snowball-syndrome arguments about “what happens next” ie “if we don’t stop it now, all of our children will be mindless drug addicts” or in this case “if we let SJWs continue unhinged we’ll have no civil liberties left! they must be stopped!” The parallels are impressive, and in both cases it is the dominant society that has the power to label, indoctrinate and oppress that is accusing the smaller group of potentially doing these very things and acting vulnerable to them itself as a way to socially demonise them. It is hilarious.

We have reached truly doublethink levels of crisis when people have been convinced that those arguing for a more socially equal society are “intolerant censors” and those who represents ideas that “inequality is normal, some people have to be at the bottom lol” are being represented as defenders of true equality. And then to accuse the group arguing for equality as doing the indoctrination? Just wow.

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I have not heard of this happening. I have heard of no Platforming, I have heard of people exercising their freedoms to ensure that people with odious and horrible views are not heard by them (Don’t confuse that with censorship, they are very different things) But I have never heard of these “Woke” groups (And just using that term makes you sound ridiculous) actually threatening or imposing anything. In fact the opposite.

However, I am just going to pick at this. “Woke” is a bad thing, in the eyes of those who believe in injustice, yes?

What is the alternative? To be Asleep?

I mean how on earth can you take a word to mean aware of one’s surroundings and suddenly use it as an insult against other people?

That makes -No- Sense!

Its like the same muppets who use SJW as an insult. They’re absolutely insane.

"So let me get this right, You believe, despite thousands of years, thousands and thousands, that human beings should not be Social animals, but instead should be solitary creatures, You don’t believe in Society, or being social, or having friends, and regard these things as something to be mocked?

You believe in unfairness, you don’t believe in equity of treatment for all, but you believe that the idea of equal and fair treatment for people is a terrible thing to lambast and deride.

But you don’t believe in it enough to champion it, you also mock those with the courage of their convictions who will stand up for what they believe in and champion it. The alternative would be to meekly sit down and not care if your values were trampled upon, even if those values were wanting human beings to be solitary creatures that live alone, and hated justice, you don’t believe in that strongly enough to try and campaign for it.

That sounds like a wretched, miserable, lonely existence, but hey, it is a free world, you have the right to pursue that goal if you want.

I’m never sure why some people are so absolutely -terrified- of the idea of a society (I could have stopped there, most of them are terrified of a society) A Society where people are treated equally and with fairness, and then when they lack that most basic human impetus, “To Be more” and Achieve more than what we are.

What -is- it about a world where people are all treated equally that some people find so utterly scary that they have to invent nonsense terms that make them sound stupid?

Why are people so afraid of a world where nobody loses and everyone wins?

What is wrong with those people?


Because humans are inherently:

Scared, jealous, greedy, needy, aggresive and any other undesirable trait you could sum up.

Most used argument i’ve heard was if people all got paid or had the same then people just would become lazy and wouldn’t bother anymore.