To be fair. Yeah. Thats our history, our myths, our legends and our religions.

It sucks. Its just a shame to see the Internet becoming another damning influence on our lives and giving us stupid terms like “Woke” and “SJW” without making any damned sense whatsoever.

But yeah, you’re not wrong, sadly.


I wish i were honestly, but on the brightside there are still actually some people trying to do their best in a world that’s on fire.

They always told us that history should teach us, but we never pay attention or willingly forget it seems.


The English/American phrase is “History always repeats itself, Why? Because no one paid attention the first time around!”


I don’t agree with removing his NPC, but come on. You can’t say its a baseless accusation, you don’t know anything about the situation. I too am skeptical of the girl making the accusations, but what if its true? You should realise this is extremely serious. It’s exactly people like you, not willing to see the whole picture and being an ignorant fanboy, that is so dangerous in times like these. Seriously man, show some respect to the victims

But accusations in 2020 = Guilty.

Thats whats wrong.

Only people who geniuenly believe that it works like that are angry ranting youtuber boys who blame everything on femnism and SJW’s.

It’s such a warped statement that only serves to belittle allegetions and victims who come out.

No one is talking about guilty right away, but the allegetions are serious and should be considered such until we know more, not just thrown aside because you’re a fan.

Slight generalization, to be fair and a little sexist.

And I don’t believe in 4th wave feminism because it has lost the plot and it does have extremely sexist misandrists, who spearhead the movement.
Clementine Ford is one who said “Covid 19 isn’t killing men fast enough.” That is psychotic and she should have had her social media accounts suspended and even banned, permanently.


Anyone who makes such a statement is a disgusting travesty of a human being, and should never have the temerity to raise their voice again in the presence of decent human beings. They are almost certainly deranged if they genuinely wish harm upon just under 50% of the human species.

We have names for those sorts of people. Sometimes we even try them for War Crimes.

Have you got any specific info on that, because someone who believes that a dispassionate disease is somehow not working at killing more people off quicker is an utter sociopath and their career needs blighting and hounding until they lose any social traction. I mean even Moustache Guy wasn’t complaining about how slowly a certain process was working.

(Edit, Having just googled this disgusting human being, they don’t actually have a career to end, they were binned for making statements on twitter that were pretty grotesque, and therefore have no platform on which to speak any more, and their reputation, such as remains of it, is tarnished utterly with their hateful vitriol, and rightly so)


She deleted the comments on her Twitter, but many people (mainly women who disagree with her) made content that showcase all the comments she’s made.

The fact she said at the end of this; “Oh I was only joking.” I’m sorry, but that says that she has got some demented sense of humor, because funnily enough - I wasn’t laughing.
I laugh at the Lee Evans jokes about men, women and day-to-day life. I don’t find her funny at all.

EDIT: Thank heavens she’s been de-platformed. Unfortunately, that won’t stop her because she is the sort of wretched thug who will blame everyone else (mainly men, but also women who don’t agree with her) for those comments and that she’s now silenced and has no voice.
“Poor me. Woah is me.” That’s probably her tirade on Twitter.


These people are just not worth engaging with, however, the movement they support and causes they support shouldn’t necessarily be discarded because their method is utterly crap. In the same way men’s social rights shouldn’t be discarded because there’s a heap of idiotic worms who claim to be arguing for them but blame absolutely everything that’s wrong with their life on “female privilege”.

The issue is many cannot divorce method from cause and so use these idiots as a reason to dismiss the very nature of what’s being argued for. There’s nothing wrong with demanding women have the right not to feel sexually vulnerable simply because they like to share social spaces with men, or that men deserve more recognition for the way embedded patriarchy negatively affects their mental health. The issue only arises when you start saying stuff like “…and to accomplish these things we need to crap all over the civil liberties of the other group because they are the evil cause of them!”.

Unfortunately social media allows even the most uncharismatic and devoid of gravitas black-holes of individuals an opportunity to attract a following and because social media largely operates on the principle of “the more times it is seen, the more important it is” irrespective of whether the views were admiration, horror or ridicule, such people become associated as key representatives of such movements, distorting how they are perceived.


The causes they might support, might seek to do well, but said causes need to bin idiots like her because everything they touch, turns to cr*p.

Get reasonable people who are willing to have a conversation. Not people who just scream and shout and spout sexism. In this case, a woman spouting sexism and misandry, hate speech.


Yeah, I’ll admit that it’s a bit of a generalization. But that kind of the other end of the extreme that you see about topics like this with those kind of remakrs such as “Oh, but in 2020 its all guilty” is usually followed with a bunch of comments of such a fashion.

And alot of it can be traced back to a certain demographic of youtubers/streamers, though certainly not everyone.

This is disgusting, plain and simple. But it’s also not what I’d call feminism at all. Just because a person claims to be/belong to something doesn’t really make it right, especially when they aren’t even following the same ideals, such as in this case.


Social media is a problem.
That wretched thug (who I’m not even calling a “woman”) has such a strong following on Social Media.
They will continue to spout their rubbish because they’ve got followers…which is shocking in itself.


Social media is problematic because it allows just about anyone to gain a following, but also it is a simplistic medium, it works in the form of catchy soundbytes, easily repeated rhetoric, stuff you can retweet and be done with.

This doesn’t lend itself to analysis. When discussing complex social issues, often the causes are complex, and it doesn’t pay to behave like they’re simple and therefore have simple solutions. Stuff like “ban men” and “female privilege” simplify these issues.

It’s bizarre. With even a little bit of historical analysis, most proponents of men’s rights would be able to identify that a lot of the problems men face (lack of support services, longer jail sentences, lack of parental rights) are actually byproducts of a patriarchal mentality - the very thing feminists oppose. It isn’t by and large women (except those whom support traditional partiarchal values) who maintain stuff like longer sentences for men “because they’re more lethal and violent”, rather this stems from the classical patriarchal idea that when a woman sins or falls short, she is not as culpable as a man because of her nativity, innocence and lack of willpower. Conversely it follows that men were stereotyped as having greater mental faculties, which means if they’re found guilty of a crime, you considered they probably chose to do it knowing and were not influenced, whereas women were.

However you try and point this out to these people and they accuse you of blaming men for their own problems, because they falsely correlate patriarchy with being male, when they’re not the same. If you did you want to generalise it in this manner, the closest thing you could do is accuse the long long long dead men of history as being somewhat responsible for the ills current men face, as it was them who forwarded ideas like men are not emotional creatures, and therefore don’t need emotional support, because emotions are weak and feminine. It was men who created these ideas, and yet where modern societies still operate in the shadow of such, modern women are blamed, which is bizarre.

Beyond a point blaming individuals or demographics is unhelpful, but the point is these issues are multi faceted and typically nowhere near as simple as people who bemoan them make out. This leads to stuff like “you can’t be a male feminist” (from both men and women) when in actual fact, if you’re a man interested in protecting yourself against uniquely male problems today, you would do well to be a feminist as it’s this group that is seeking to remove the social stereotypes that are responsible for the treatment of women as lesser. Thus by proxy it will dismantle that which places men as higher, which shoulders them with burdens such as an unacceptance of failure, more assumed capacity and lethality and lack of interest or potential for emotional or nurturing talents, like fatherhood.


But, speaking personally - my fiancé is a Plumber and we need him to be working and getting paid.
When we finally settle down in New Zealand and have children, yes we will both want to spend time with our son/daughter, but we’ve got make sure that they are well cared for. A roof remains over their head, they remain safe, they have food in their bellies.
We both need to be working - now I did take up a managerial position which paid extremely well (I was earning more than him), but my mental wellbeing and all that responsibility, was a serious concern. Yes, the money was good - we’ve been able to upgrade on where we want to live in Auckland, but because I’m not willing to go back into managerial position, again money is nice, but my health comes first - at least not for the next twenty years (no joke), we both need to be working. We are working class people and will remain as such.

I also want to spend time with my son/daughter as well so a managerial position is not wise for me to undertake either. I can’t wait to be a parent - I can’t wait to have that little cry, when I’m taking my child to their first day of Primary/Elementary School.

So I get what your saying about having more men take up fatherhood roles and it sounds good, but bills need paying and we both need to be in work. My wage, for my scale wouldn’t cover the costs of living.

EDIT: Jacinda Adern might be a brilliant Prime Minister, but she ain’t going to ax the bills that need paying.


US forums were to much for me to handle, came to EU forums thinking it would be better… o boy im truly scared about the levels of insanity… Twitter police seems to be our new lord and savior, who needs proof or due proccess… For ppl saying its just a npc bla blabla, blizz just send a strong message they dont care if you are inocent they will not risk it, its not that they support the victims seriously how can you dont see this? end of the day they are a company and they only care about money (any one remember china fiasco?) still quite scummy the way they handle this swifty situation but not surprised judging by previous actions… I really dont understand why ppl think you are against the visctims just because you ask reasonable proof before ruining someone life if they end up being innocent, if they can prove you are not, then its all good a jury can pass judgement and apply the appropiate measurements not the freaking internet mob. Its not a hard concept to grasp :confused:

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Only thing I’m gonna respond too, because the rest of the post is very obviously trolling & a ramble to read.

1.) Removing a single NPC from dead content isn’t “ruining someone’s life”

Nor tbh, are someone bringing up allegations to be investigated, since they will be investigated if they are true or not.

Everyone also seem to be very, on a really kinda questionable level, eager to talk about not ruining the guy’s life/do anything whatsoever against him, but not giving the alleged victim the time of day.

But it is just an NPC, love.

An NPC in a forgettable expansion, that I didn’t even know existed until after Legion came out and I was hunting the red PvP Mage set for Marks of Honor (It was the HFC one - can’t remember what it’s called.)

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My point is, the message blizz is sending, they dont care if you are innocent or not, they dont care about the victim either, I never dissmissed the alleged victims allegations they might very well be true I dont know nor ppl here do, but still they can easily condem and dont care if theres a due proccess, sorry for my ramblings but you just prove my point, if I dare to point out hey wait for some proof you think I dont care about the alleged victim…


Removing a single NPC no one barely knows or care about isn’t sending a message or taking a stance.

It’s fairly ordinary proccedure & respectful to the situation until it’s been completly investigated.

I don’t really? But I consider it legitimatly awful to bash the victim & people being cautious & treating the allegetions as well, allegetions, to be considered just hating or something like it.

Its a geniuenly serious crime he’s been accused of, so it should be treated serious. That doesn’t mean that it’s taking a stance & condemining him, its acknowledging both the situation & a general respect for the victim until we know further.

Pretending that it’s raining only benefits him alone while potentially being soul-crushing to the victim if this is geniuenly true.

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