Social media is problematic because it allows just about anyone to gain a following, but also it is a simplistic medium, it works in the form of catchy soundbytes, easily repeated rhetoric, stuff you can retweet and be done with.
This doesn’t lend itself to analysis. When discussing complex social issues, often the causes are complex, and it doesn’t pay to behave like they’re simple and therefore have simple solutions. Stuff like “ban men” and “female privilege” simplify these issues.
It’s bizarre. With even a little bit of historical analysis, most proponents of men’s rights would be able to identify that a lot of the problems men face (lack of support services, longer jail sentences, lack of parental rights) are actually byproducts of a patriarchal mentality - the very thing feminists oppose. It isn’t by and large women (except those whom support traditional partiarchal values) who maintain stuff like longer sentences for men “because they’re more lethal and violent”, rather this stems from the classical patriarchal idea that when a woman sins or falls short, she is not as culpable as a man because of her nativity, innocence and lack of willpower. Conversely it follows that men were stereotyped as having greater mental faculties, which means if they’re found guilty of a crime, you considered they probably chose to do it knowing and were not influenced, whereas women were.
However you try and point this out to these people and they accuse you of blaming men for their own problems, because they falsely correlate patriarchy with being male, when they’re not the same. If you did you want to generalise it in this manner, the closest thing you could do is accuse the long long long dead men of history as being somewhat responsible for the ills current men face, as it was them who forwarded ideas like men are not emotional creatures, and therefore don’t need emotional support, because emotions are weak and feminine. It was men who created these ideas, and yet where modern societies still operate in the shadow of such, modern women are blamed, which is bizarre.
Beyond a point blaming individuals or demographics is unhelpful, but the point is these issues are multi faceted and typically nowhere near as simple as people who bemoan them make out. This leads to stuff like “you can’t be a male feminist” (from both men and women) when in actual fact, if you’re a man interested in protecting yourself against uniquely male problems today, you would do well to be a feminist as it’s this group that is seeking to remove the social stereotypes that are responsible for the treatment of women as lesser. Thus by proxy it will dismantle that which places men as higher, which shoulders them with burdens such as an unacceptance of failure, more assumed capacity and lethality and lack of interest or potential for emotional or nurturing talents, like fatherhood.